Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/872

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 372. 1889. 827 PAQ DEPARTJIENTI: For the pay of the officers in the Pay Depart- ray Department. ment, as now authorized and provided by law one hundred and nine thousand dollars; ’ ` ·For additional pay to such omcers for length of service, to be paid Lvvseuty- Hvgggpsheir current monthly pay, thirty-two thousand five hundred In all, one hundred and forty-one thousand five hundred dollars. JUDGD-ADVOCATE·GENERAL7S DEPARTMENT: For the pay of the Judge-Advocate- ‘ officers in the J udge-Advocate·General’s Department, as now author- ,€',°'}f§“‘1tS D”"·"‘ 1zed and (provided by law, twenty-seven thousand dollars; G' For ad itional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid Lwsevity- with their current monthly pay, seven thousand dollars; In all, thirty-four thousand dollars. RETIRED OFFICERS. · For pay of officers on the retired list, and for officers who may be F~¤*i¤¤¤liS¤· placed thereon during thqcurrent year, nine hundred and fifty thou- 0mm' sand dollars; ` For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid L¤¤s¢viry-

 their current monthly pay, two hundred and eighty thousand

o ars; · . In all, one million two hundred and thirty thousand dollars. RETIRED ENLISTED MEN. For pa of the enlisted men of the Army, on the retired list, seventy Fmiisred men. thousandy dollars. MISCELLANEOUS. For pay and traveling expenses of not exceeding fifty contract sur- Ccutmct sumeons, geons, for pay of not excee ing one hundred and sixty hos ital ma- m' trons, and not exceeding fourteen veterinary surgeons; in all; eighty- fivle thousand dollars. d f I k P or a of not excee ing orty paymaster’sc er —s, at one thousand “{""’¤‘$“f”` °*°*kS four hiindred dollars each, not exceeding thirty paymaster’s messen— and mSmgm°` gers, and traveling expenses of paymaster’s clerks; in all, eighty thousand dollars; Provided, That the maximum sum to be allowed pay- 1>,·»t···m. master’s clerks and contract surgeons when traveling on duty shall ,,lY,{§}§,§’,}}Qf""“'““‘”g be four cents per mile, and, in addition thereto, when transportation can not be furnished by the Quartermastens Department, the cost of same actually paid by them, exclusive of sleeping or parlor car fare and transfers. For compensation of witnesses attending upon courts—n1artial and €·¤¤¤S·¤»¤¤i¤1. crc. courts of inquiry, seven thousand five hundred and ninety-five dollars and seventy-three cents. For additional pay to officer in charge of public buildings. and so _Pm>}ic buildings. forth, in \Vashington, District of Columbia. five hundred dollars “”h’”gt°“‘ For the pay of a clerk attendant on the collection and classification nisiieuyinrommaon of military information from abroad, one thousand five hundred dol- “°"‘ “*"°““‘· lars; and the officers detailed to obtain the same shall be entitled to niileage and transportation and also commutation of quarters while on this duty, as provided when on other duty. For commutation of quarters to commissioned officers on duty with- €;_>tm{¤ur¤ri<>¤ of out troo is, at stations where there are no public quarters, one hun- qua U" dred and seventy thousand dollars. For allowances for travel, retained pay, clothing not drawn, and _A11»¤·s¤¤es.ezc.,e¤· for interest on deposits, payable to enlisted men on discharge; in all, 1***** "““· eighthundred and fifty thousand dollars. _ * For mileage to officers when traveling on duty without troops, when Mileage to omcm. authorized bv law, not to exceed one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; Provided, That in disbursing this amount the maximum sum 1·»-mso.