Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/880

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 373. 1889. 835 CHAP. 3'l3.—An act making an appropriation for the Department of Agricult- M¤1‘¤h 2.1889- ure for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and for ‘;“""" other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the follow- Azri¤¤1¤¤¤1_I>©v=¤'¤· Ing sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money mm °p°r°*°"°°°”” in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, in full compensation for the fiscal year endin June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, for the purposes and objects hereinafter expressed. namely: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. G OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. For compensation of Secretary of Agriculture, eight thousand ray of secretary. dollars; Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, four thousand five hun- A“'“°°"° °l°"‘“’ °°°‘ dred dollars; chief clerk in said Department, who shall be superintendent of the Department buildings, two thousand five hundred dollars; chief of division of accounts and disbursing officer, two thousand dollars; one assistant disbursing officer, who shall act as property clerk one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk to disursing officer, one thousand four hundred dollars; clerk to disbursing officer, one thousand dollars; one stenogra her, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one engraver, two thousand dollars; one draughtsman, two thousand dollars; two clerks of class four, three thousand six hundred dollars; two clerks of class three, three thousand two hundred dollars; four clerks of class two, Eve thousand six hundred dollars; seven clerks of class one, eight thousand four hundred dollars; eight clerks, at one thousand dollars each; six clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; one librarian, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant librarian, one thousand four hundred dollars; one engineer, one thousand four hundred dollars; one tire- ` man at seven hundred and twenty dollars; one iireman, who shall be a steam-litter, at nine hundred dollars; one assistant fireman at five hundred dollars; superintendent of folding—room, one thousand four hundred dollars: four assistants in folding-room at six hundred dollars each; one clerk in folding-room at six hundred and sixty dollars; two night watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; messengers, carpenters, laborers and charwomen, ten thousand dollars; in all, eighty-three thousand and sixty dollars. BOTANICAL DIVISION Botanical (1am0n_ One botanist, two thousand ive hundred dollars; one assistant botanist, one thousand four hundred dollars; one botanical clerk, one thousand dollars; one assistant botanist, one thousand two hundred dollars. Section of vegetable pathology: One chief of section, two thousand dollars; one assistant, one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; in all, for botanical division, t€11 thousand five hundred dollars. POMOLOGICAL DIVISION. Poxuologicaldivision. One pomologist, two thousand five hundred dollars; one cherk one thousand dollars; in all, for pomological division, three thousand five hundred dollars. MICRCSCOPICAL DIVISION. Microuopical ams. ion. One microscopist, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant microscopist, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, three thou- . sand seven hundred dollars.