Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/898

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 378-380. 1889. 853 thereof, made_upon actual survey for the definite location of such Surveys, ew. railroad, and including the points for station-buildings, depots, machine-shops, side-tracks, turn—outs, and water-stations shall be filed with and approved by the Secretary of the Interior, and until the Sscreww of ¤1¤¤1¤— eompensatiou aforesaid has been fixed and aid; and the surveys, meg? ppm v°1°°°" construction, and operation of such railroad shall be conducted with due regard for the rights of the Indians, and in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may make to carry out this provision. · Sec. -1. That said company shall not assign or transfer or mort age Not assigns1e. this right of way for any purpose whatever until said road shall be completed: Provided, at the com any may mortgage said fran- Prvviwschise, together with the rolling-stoclz, for money to construct and M°"g”"°°‘ complete said road; And provided further, That the right granted ¤°¤¤Pl¤**¤¤· herem shall be lost and forfeited by said company unless the road is constructed and in running order within two years from the passage of this act. SEO. 5. That Congress shall have at all times powerto alter, amend, Amwdmwa Bwor repeal this act and revoke all rights hereunder. E Approved, March 2, 1889. CHAP. 379.-.-311 act to increase the appropriation for the public building at De- Merch 2. 1869. troit, Michigan. "—‘°_—"‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatt/ves of the _ United States of America in Congress assemblecir That the amount Detroit, men. heretofore fixed as the limit of cost for the erection of a public {_Q? },’}”'§‘§ i,,, building by the United States Government at Detroit, Michigan, be, ¢¤g¤g¤<; W and the same is hereby, increased to one million five hundred thou- Vg1:¤4;£:468; sand dollars, and that sum is hereby fixed as the limit of cost for the prection of said building, including cost of last site purchased thereor. Sec. 2. That the officers of the United States Government having Contractscharge of the erection of public buildings are authorized and require to be governed by the limitation hereby prescribed in making contracts for the erection of said building. Sec. 3. That the sum of five hundred thousand dollars be, and the Appropriation. same is hereby, appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be used and expended for the purposes provided in this act. Approved, March 2, 1889. CHAP. 380.-An act to increase the appropriation for the erection of n public N¤¤'°h 2· *889- building at Winona, Minnesota. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatires of the United States of America i n Congress assembler, That the amount iljuiggna; heretofore Exe as the limit of cost for the purchase of a site and the umnc Oiueed in~ erection of a buildin for the accommodation of the United States crg P ,83* courts, post-office, and internal revenue and other Government offices' ' at the city of Winona, Minnesota, be, and the same is hereby, increased to one hundred and fift thousand dollars; and that sum is hereby iixed as the limit ofrostr for the erection of said building. Approved, March 2, 1889.