Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/923

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878 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Srzss. II. CHS. 395, 396. 1889. P*‘Q;"?**S; entry under the provisions of the homestead laws only: Provided La d° exmptm That lthis right of entry shall not extend to any lands within the limits of eighty arfents in depth from the Mississippi River, nor to any cgngrmedl anT1granpp1witgiinlt·he limits? of slaid townships; And provide urt er at a an s ispose o un er t ie provisions of Drainage this act shall be subject to all existing servitudes for drainage recognized by_the laws of the State of Louisiana: And provided further, That neither the claimants under this act as homesteaders nor the soinaematy. State of Louisiana shall be entitled to indemnity from the United '"'States by reason of the passage hereof or of any action under it. That the provisions of this act shall be and are hereby extended to embrace all settlers upon public lands and for the disposition of all public lands embrace in the grant to Daniel Clark so far as decreed invalid by the Su reme Court of the United States and the uncontigsfrjict ··~1¤d¤d in iirmed Conwgg claim: Provided, That the provisions of this act M" shall be limit to the lands claimed by actual settlers for purposes {elf c]1;ltivT§ion· whpséa title?) are pow incomplete, within the imétshof e ona son an cott anie Clark, an Conway grants a11 t at after setting apart to each of said settlers, not to exceed ond hundred and sixty acres, the residue `of the public lands within said grants ' shall continue to be, as they are now, a part of the public domain: U§uY_;;’{-js lends *° And provided further, That nothing in this act sha I (preclude the State of Louisiana from enforcing its claim to said resi ue of public _ lands under the acts of Congress granting swamp` lands to the several States of the Union. Approved, March 2, 1889. . Merch 2. 1899. CHAI'. 396.-TA1: act to regulate the course at the Naval Academy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives olf the gyéé$¢:;*;¤;¤{}th United States 1oTf America in Congress assembled, That the Aca emic qu, Board of the aval Academy shall on or before the thirtieth day of September in each year separate the iirstclass of naval cadets then commencing their fourth year into two divisions, as they may have shown special aptitude for the duties of the respective corps, in the proportion which the aggregate number of vacancies occurring in the preceding fiscal year en ing on the thirtieth day of June in the owest grades of commissioned officers of the line of the Navy and Marine Corps of the Navy shall bear to the number of vacancies to be supplied from the Academy occurring during the same period in come of mm I the lowest grade of commxssioned officers of the eil}/g1n_eer corps of the mandxmmbgg Navy; and the cadets so assiglned to the line and arine Corps divis- 1on of the first class shall thereafter pursue a course of study arranged to nt them for service in the line of the Navy. and the cadets so ass1gned to the Engineer Corps division of the first class shall thereafter pursue a separate course course of study arranged to fit Engineer corps. them for service in the Engineer Cggps of the Navy, and the cadets shall thereafter, and until final gr uation, at the end of their six years’ course, take rank by merit with those in the same division, Fzrmgmenw from accordipgi to theCmeritdmarks; and lfromdthe final graduates of the ' me an arme orps ivision, at the en of t ieir six years’ course appointments shall be made hereafter as it shall be necessary to fill vacancies in the lowest grades of commissioned officers of the line of the Navy and Marine Corps; and the vacancies in the lowest grades of the commissioned officers of the _Engineer Corps of the Navy shall be filled in like manner by appointments from the final gradu- _ ates of the Engineer division at the end of their six years’ course: £’;*;;*g>t}ne¤mn°tt0 {)7`Ol‘l(l€(Z, That no greater number of appointments into the said exceed vacancies Oc. owest grades of commissioned officers sha 1 be made each year than °““'“‘*· shall equal the number of vacancies which shall have occurred in