Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/959

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914 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 410. 1889. Improvements and I11PRovEiIENTs AND REPAIRS! To enable the Commissioners of "pam the District of Columbia to invest the balance of the ten per centum retained to William Buckley’s contract, number seven hundred and twenty six, three hundred and forty-one dollars and forty-seven cents. To pay the National Republican Company, advertising, fourteen dollars and thirty cents. _ _ _ _ Water department. WATER DEPARTMENT: Pumping expenses and pipe distribution for fuel, ten dollars and fourteen cents. _ To supply deficiencies in the appropriation for eighteen hundred and eighty six, as follows : - Engineers emee. ENc1NEER’s OFFICE : For printing, livery, and supplies, one hundred and sixty four dollars and seventeen cents. cenmmzcntexpcw-e DISTRICT OFFICES AND MARKETS: For ice, gas, washing and supplies, three hundred and twenty-six dollars and two cents. M**°°“**¤°°'°¤ °X· MIscELLANEoUs EXPENSES : General advertising: To pay the muses' Evenin Star Newspaper Company, advertising, thirty-four dollars and eighty cents. · Wem d°P•¤'°'¤°¤°· WATER DEPARTMENT: Contingent expenses: To pay the Evening Star News a er Company, advertising, ten dollars. To suppfy deficiencies in the appropriation for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eight —four, as follows: FM d°P””¤°”*· FIRE DEPARTMENT; Contingent expenses: For ice, nine dollars and sixty eight cents. To supply deficiencies in the apprcipriation for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and eight —three, as fo ows: To a the Evening Star Newspaper Company, advertising, twenty four dbllvars and sixty seven cents. Health d€P·¤”¤¤°¤*~ HEALTH DEPARTMENT: To pay subscription to the Evening Star, three dollars and ninety six cents. To supply deficiencies in the appropriation for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty two, as follows: Fm ‘*°P°'°m°“*· FIRE DEPARTMENT: Contingent expenses; To pay John. B. Lord for sand, four dollars and eighty cents.

myth- To pay \Villiam Forsyth in full satisfaction of all demands against

` the District of Columbia for the iiscal ear eighteen hundred and eighty eight and prior years, submitted, in House Executive Document number seventy one, second session, Fiftieth Congress, three _ _ hundred and fifty dollars. mi'; ‘f,$_§f§Q'§§,B,'§ That one half of the foregoing amounts, to meet deficiencies in the Treasury. appropriations on account of the District of Columbia, shall be aid from the revenue of the District of Columbia, and one-half fiom any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise ap- {;Z;@f°_,€pmm€m_ propriate : Provided, That the amounts appropriated for the water epartment shall be paid wholly from the water fund. _ War Department. WAR DEPARTMENT.

 j'- To enable the Secretary of War to pay the claim of John McGill,

junior, numbered seventy-eight thousand and sixty-three, allowed and certified to be due by the accounting officers of the Government VOL *·*· P·664- and appropriated for by Congress in the act approved February twentieth, eighteen hun red and eighty-six, but erroneously paid to Y another person, one hundred and fifty dollars. §§§,'f’,i§,¥j,¥g{{’»£,$,;, WATER SUPPLY, D1sTR1oT or COLUMBIA: To enable the Secretary mum. of Weir to cause to be constructed and put in operation a forty-eight inch cast-iron main from the present distributing reservoir above Georgetown, easterly to Rock Creek at M street, and thence along M street to_ New Hampshire avenue; thence northeasterly along New Hampshire avenue to R street north; thence along R street, to connect with the present forty-eight inch main from the new reservoir