Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/968

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 410. 1889. 923 The foregoing sums for the postal service shall be payable from the postal revenues of the respective years to which they are properly chargeable. To irnburse of estate of D. O. Adkison, late postmaster at Vir- D.0·A<1kiso¤. ginia C1ty, Nevada, for moneys paid by him on money-orders in P°y'“°""°°S"'°°°f‘ October twenty fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and not credited in the settlement of his accounts by reason of the destruction of the vouchers for said dpayments by iire, the sum of one hundred and seventy-four dollars an ninety-ive cents, to be Lucy A Adkison, the only surviving heir of D. O. Adkison. To pay J. C. Knowlton, late postmaster at Ann Arbor, Michigan, -T· C- K¤¤W¤*<>¤· the balance due him for furniture and nxtures urchased b him for P°ym°m °°' the post office at Ann Arbor, two hundred and forty-five dollars and twenty live cents. To enable the Postmaster General to pay to Heman D. Walbridge H¤m¤¤¤-W¤1¤¤¤s¤ and Reginald Fendall, trustees, rent of the post-office at Mount °°$,$4Z?QlK€1€,F°°m" Pleasant, Iowa, at the rate of seven hundred and nfty dollars per annum, from the first day of July, eighteen hundred and eighty five, to the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, being the rent agree upon between the Postmaster General and the sa1d trustees by the lease entered into between them and him on the iirst of July, eighteen hundred and eighty four, for the term of four yetars, two lthousand tvylo hundred anéli fifty dmlarlls. gm D t f W D C o pay the rent o the cit post-o ce in as in n, istric o *f*“°§°°` '{· · · _ ooiumbm, from Juiy mst, dighteen mmdma and agiaysigm, to ..é}§.." ° ° " "°“‘ June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine five thousand doll;;;,. said sum to le in full payment for the rent for the time speci- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ,,cDu‘{§‘;,}',§f“°“‘ °f Ag` For compensation of Secretary of Agriculture, three thousand and S¤°¤¤¤’· sixty-six dollars and sixty-eight cents. _ _ _ For compensation of Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, one thou- ·“”“"“‘S°°"°‘“‘*· sand one hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents. INVESTIGATIONS IN ORNITHOLOGY AND MAMMALOGY: To reimburse mQ,;f1m‘;,{° KY '*“‘ Norman J. Colman, for amount paid Vernon Bailey for amount ex- ne-imum-amen:. nded while in the service of the epartment of Agriculture, for the hgcal year eighteen hundred and eig ty seven, six ollars. To reimburse Norman J. Colman, for amount {paid the Forest and Stream Publishing Company, for advertising an papers, for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty seven, four 0 lars and eighty cents. . SILK CULTURE: To pay amount due Z D. Gilman for paints and $*1* °“““”· oils furnished in excess o· approlpriation for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty seven, two ollars and forty cents. DEPARTMENT or JUsT1oE. ,,,?*¤***"**¤*°""S°· UNITED STATES COURT- lmtedStatescourts. FEES AND EXPENSES OF MABSEALS: For payment of special deputy §‘}¢‘§§{‘Sdepu,i€S 8, marshals at Congressional elections, one undred_ and twenty four elegpgggb thousand dollars: Provided, That of the appropriation of SIX hundred Ad,.mc;,s_ and seventy five thousand dollars, for fees and expenses of United States marshals and deputies for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty nine, not exceeding four hundred thousand dollars may be advanced to marshals, to be accounted for in the usual way, the residue to remain in the Treasury, to be used. 1f at all, only in the _ 161 payment of the accounts of marshals in the manner provide in sec- K S··S¢<=·8¤°·P- - tion eight hundred and fifty six, Revised Statutes.