Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/972

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 410. 1889. 927 SENATE. swim. For salaries of officers, clerks, and employees, Senate, for the fiscal same;. year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, eleven thousand six hundred and fifty-six dollars. d Eor maintaining horses and wagons, one thousand five hundred H<>¤¤¤¤¤dw¤s¤¤s- o ars. For cleaning and varnishing furniture, eighty=four dollars and *?“ml°¤¤’° wd ¤‘¢- sixty-six cents. p°"“‘ For purchase of furniture, one thousand dollars. For materials for repairs of furniture, five hundred dollars. For pay of upholsterer for upholstering sofas in committee room on Naval Affairs, forty-four dollars. For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, five thousand dollars. mssceusnamsirems. For expenses of inquiries and investigations ordered by the Sen- Investigations. _ ate, twenty thousand dollars. For maintaining horses and wagons, for the nscal year eighteen HOMS ¤~¤d W¤s¤¤¤· hundred and eightyeight, ten dollars and fifty cents. For fuel, oil, an cotton-waste for heating apparatus, ninety-two Fuel. ew. _dollars and twelve cents. For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor,' one hundred and Mi¤°*=“¤¤¢¤¤S~ eighteen dollars and seventy-Eve cents 'l‘o pay Benjamin Durfee (in addition to his annual salary, as 1§_§¤j¤mm num. Clerk to the Committee on Finance) for additional services to the y'" °°°‘ Subcommittee on the Tariif and for preparing tariff testimony and indexes thereto, two thousand dollars. To pay Henry Talbott, Clerk to the Committee on Ways and ggpw rama. Means, ouse of Representatives, for extra services rendered during °m°°tt°° the Fiftieth Congress, one thousand dollars. '1`0(pay for clerical work performed and incidental expenses in- Commitwe my curre in the investigation ordered by the Senate under resolution §°arpg°`i°$$I§$_ °f MM' of October tenth, eighteen hundred an eighty-eight, and authorized C ¤¤"*°¤» by the Committee on the Improvement of the Mississippi River and its tributaries, such investigation having been made during the last recess of the Senate by direction of said committee, two hundred and eighty-three dollars and eighty-five cents. Tvsr or rim LATE Cmzmr-Jusricm Wxirn: To procure and place g:i§f·Justice\\‘uire. in the room of the Supreme Court of the United States_a bust of the °f‘ late Chief-Justice Morrison Remick Waite, one thousand five hundred dollars. ` HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. m}lgQf**°*R··1*¤·¤¤f- To pay the widow of the late James N. Burnes, the amount of games x. n¤¤;.—¤. salary for the unexpired term of his service as a member of the ""'"""" ‘° “"""“`· Fiftieth Congress, five hundred and forty-five dollars and fifty one cents. To pay to John B Clark, Clerk of the House of Representatives. .1mrn B. cum;. for services in compiling and arranging for the printer and indexing P“’“‘°"‘ °°· testimony used in contested election cases, as authorized by the act entitled "An act relating to contested elections," approved March Vo1.24,p_ second, eighteen hundred and eigl1ty-seven, the sum of one thousand dollars, and the additional sum of one thousand dollars to such employees in the office of the Clerk of the House o‘f Representatives as the Clerk may designate, and in such proportion as he may deem just, for assistance rendered in this wor . _ For miscellaneous items and expenses of special and select com- nmceuimeeus. mittees, ten thousand dollars. _ For allowance to members of the House of Representatives for stationery. stationery, two hundred and fifty dollars. _ _ _ For materials for folding, seven hundred dollars. roimng mamma