Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1093

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[040 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 543. 1891. the part of the United States, and Carl Lieder and others 0n behalf of the Crow Indians, on the eighth day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety, with the Crow tribe of Indians, in Montana, which said agreement is hereby accepted, ratified, and connrmed, and is now on file in the Department of the Interior and is in the words and figures as follows, to wit: “mm,,,_ We, the undersigned, adult male Indians of the Crow tribe now residing on the Crow Indian Reservation, in the State of Montana, do, this eighth day of December A. D. eighteen hundred and ninety, umswm. hereby agree to dispose of and sell to the Government of the United States, for certain considerations hereinafter mentioned, all that rtion of the Crow Indian Reservation, in the State of Montana, lying west and south of the following lines, to wit: Mmmm Be `nning in the mid-channel of the Yellowstone River, at a point whichlis the northwest corner of section Number thirty-six, township Number two north, of range twenty-seven east, of the principal meridian of Montana, thence runningin asouthwesterly direction, follow; ing the top of the natural divide between the waters flowing into the . Yellowstone and Clarke’s Fork Rivers upon the west and those iiowin into Pryor Creek and West Pryor Creek on the east, to the base ofgVVest Pryor Mountain. Thence due south and up the north slo e of said Prior Mountain on a true meridian line to a point fifteen milbs due north from the established line between Montana and Wyoming; thence in a due easterly course on a parallel of latitude to a lpoint where it intersects the mid-channel 0 the Big Horn River, thence following up the mid-channel of said river to a point where it crosses the Montana and Wyoming State line. ‘ camunssm. That in consideration of the cession of territory herein made by us as individual Indians and heads of families of the Crow tribe to the Government of the United States, the said Government of the United States, in addition to the annuities and sums for provisions and clothing stipulated and provided for in existing treaties and laws, hereby agrees to pay the sum of nine hundred and forty-six thousand dollars lawful money of the United States, in the manner hereinafter described: Amount to ne msu First. That of the above-named sum there is hereby appropriated ¤¤**¤‘¤•°*°¤· and set apart two hundred thousand dollars to be ex nded under the direc ion of the Secretary of the Interior in the buillding of dams, canals, ditches, and laterals for the %urposes of irrigation in the valle s of the Big Horn and the Little ig Horn Rivers and on Pryor - Creek' and such other streams as the Secretary of the Interior may mm. deem proper: Provided, That not to exceed fifty thousand dollars mwupmzm. shall be expended annually in performing this work: And provided further, That the superintendent in charge of said works shall, in nmpmymm ol in- the emploiyment of laborers, be required to give preference to such °“'“” Indians o the Crow tribe as are competent and willing to work at the average wages paid to common laborers for the same kind of work, an the labor so employed shall be paid in cash. n-npusgnmu. That the sum of seventy~[ive thousand dollars is hereby appropriated and set apart as an irri ating fund, to be expended undbr the direction of the Secretary og the Interior for the maintenance and maniagexnentof the system of irrigation provided for in this agreemen . ennmmr. Third. That the sum of twenty-tive thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby agipropriated and set apart, to be expended under the direction of the ‘ec1'etary of the Interior; for the construction of three grist mills, to be located, one on Pryor Creek, one on the Big Horn, and one on the Little Big Horn River at such points as_the Indian agent may deem convenient and practicable and at such times as the needs of the Indians ma re uire. ¤¤•<|¤¤¤¤¤- Fourth. That the sum of twenty thousand, dollars is hereby appropriated and set apart to be expended in the construction and