Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1161

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1108 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sss. II. OH. 565. 1891. rummm ser use. hundred and ninety; and except in the case of persons purchasing for use and not for sale, who import subject to the duty thereon, not more than two copies of such book at any one time , except in ¤s“p.,m,m_ the case of newspapers and magazines, not containing 111 who e or in part matter co yrighted under the provisions of this act, unauthorized by the autlhor, which are hereby exempted from prohibition of importation: Provided, nevertheless, That in the case of books in rmwmm. _ foreign languages, of which only translations in English are copy- righted the prohibition of importation shall apply only to the translation of the same, and the importation of the ooks in the original language shall be permitted." Sec. 4. That section forty-nine hundred and fifty-eight of the Itevised Statutes be, and the same is hereby, amended so that it will read as follows: rm. “Sec. 4958. The Librarian of Congress shall receive from the peru§;§·g‘{°-‘“”“·P·°““· sons to whom the services designated are rendered the following fees: ' “First. For recordin the title or description of any copyright _ book or other article, fifty cents. " Second. For every copy under seal of such record actually given to the person claimin the co yright, or his a signs, nfty cents. - " Third. For recording and) certifying any instrument of writing for the assignment of a copyright, one ollar. " Fourth. For every copy o an assignment, one dollar. "All fees so received shall be paid into the Treasury of the United Prww-I States: Provided, That the charge for recording- the title or descripmm,dg“Z tion of any article entered for co yright, the production of a erson

    • 8****- not a citizen or resident of the Ihnited States, shall be one dollar, to

‘ be paid as above into the Treasigy of the United States, to defray itihe expenses of lists of copyrigh articles as hereinafter provided or. mm; mpydghwd "And it is hereby made the duty of the Librarian of Congress to

°*°T*<>=*°°**°*¤**¤*¤**· furnish to the Secretary of the reasury co ies of the entries of I

' titles of all books and other articles wherein tlhe copiright has been completed by the deposit of two copies of such boo printed from tppe set within the limits of the United States, in accordance with t e provisions of this act and by the de osit of two copies of such other article made or produced in the lgiited States; and the Secretary of the Treasuryl is hereby directed to prepare and print, at interwesuy catalogues vals of not more t an a week, catalogues of such title-entries for f,'j,,,°‘$l?°'“““°‘*’°"“ distribution to the collectors of customs of the United States and to the ostmasters of all post-oflices receiving forei n mails, and such _ sun weelgly lists, as they are issued, shall be furnishegl to all parties desiring them, at a sum not exceeding five dollars er annum; and the Secretary and the Postmaste1·—Geueral are herdhy empowered and mneswpmveuzpm. required to make and enforce such rules and regulations as shall "“'“°‘*“‘¤’°'““°“· prevent the importation into the United States, except upon the conitions above specified, of all articles rohibited by this act." ` Sec. 5. That section forty-nine hundred and nfty-nine of the Regippd Statutes be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as o ows: Copy tx mmm: "Sec. 4959. The proprietor of every co yright book or other arti- °°{*§"f·m,4,$ cle shall deliver at the office of the Librarlian of Congress, or deposit .1>-958. . . . . . ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤1. m_ the mail, addressed to the Libranan of Congress, at Washington, District of Columbia, a copy of every subs uent edition wherein netsw. _ any substantial changes sh lbemade: Provided, however, That the ,,*{§$Q°“”’ '°"°'8“ alterations, revisions, and additions made to books by foreign authors, heretofore published, of which new additions shall appear subsequently to the taking effect of this act, shall be held and deemed capable of being cripyrighted as above provided for in this act, unless they form a upart o the series in course of publication at the time thxs act sha take elfect.”