Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1635

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1588 nvnnx. pa _ Pa . Brownsville, T ea:.—Continued. gc Bufalo Bayou, Tex., ge terms of court at 3 a propriation for improvement of ... 444 Bruce, Thomas HZ, slliip channel from Bolivar Channel to pension . 1355 Morgarfs Cut declared free naviga- Brueil, Francis, _ _ _ tion ... : ..,... 456 payment of Frenchfspoliation claim to ad- 903 paymcéig to Buffalo Bayou Ship Channel 456 ministrator 0 mpany . ·. Bufalo N Y., Bzzpgoitliétion for consul at ... 277 ,1057 oppmrrmooo for improvement of horbot- 429 Bw1MM6k, Gm, or survey of ship channel between Ch1- appropriation for improvement of harbor. 431 f Gag? and ···-············· for survey of harbor . .. 457 B (ir P}/IV *0 ul dwg ······-···- · ······· Brunswick, Athens and Northwestern Rail- uml °·m_cZ'£’-· G of Fort MCKHIHB IBS_ road Company, _ ma? Perm gg1P?-!"? Y 158 may brgg<;fAgamaha River at Oglethorpe 649 mineral lands éiélli ·················· 159 u a . - ········-·-·-···· ’ Building Permits, D. C'., Bixtlgs-gn 599 by comghngonom beyond building line 868 • . . youd building hue to be a proved by all appropriation for consul at . . .. 277, 1057 of Commissioners wg Secretary of °' °‘°'k hm ·-----------··-·---··-- 28*)- M0 . wor .. sos Bmk O“’¥’°’°· Bonding slope, dug; QQ ‘‘'‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘ gg duty 3111 undressed .. v¥°.°t.U ‘···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘··‘‘‘‘ on essed, etc B"¤°"· '”“"“ Av . . zmzamgo {nai amumio, D. 0. (ooo mono payment to admimstratrix .. 1447 Bmldm gs and Grmmds) B”“”· W""'"" ·L· euzzn and Bulbous Roots ` Bp€HSiO.&}:li:...-i . ... dutzon , 568 payment of jud ment of Court or Claims to 535 °nn(:€°6dl}i:?c°rud°’ ctc ‘'‘`‘‘ 233 Bmtgfdm ( . l ), I . 1159 Bama", .. .. . . pe . · S- ___________ _ _ _ _ _ Bwgénoeeoc W-» . ,,5, n3t73.°ZL$*o3L?°’ "‘T°' °°‘ Bgzmt ‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Biappropréiation for freight on , 243 pension... .Z ... 1301 "'"· “ ""· Buchanan, F. Selma (widow), purchalsgcpgid 4,500,000 ounces a month dn 289 pension increased .. . 1245 Bullard ``'`'''’' Bueheeee —’<em· . porno;. .,.. Z' 1138 payment of Judgment of Court ofC1a1mst0 889 Bullock Edward G Buchanan, James. _ _ _ ppymént or jndgnlent of Court ofClaims to 890 payme[1Irtilpi£; h$p0hation claim toad- 899 Bullock, Robert, Mee", Jehu A-· 0 ``°`'``````````````` "°”°‘°r’i2£t?p.}°"ii"?;'Z3%’£ if m°°“Et*$°.“ to dehciencyapprguiation for contested Bunu 0 ’ 0 P I °" B h e*¤<=*;¤· ;;_··¤V·>*Rev*e¤e¤*e**v¤·· 532 dn,??; 7 in uc annon _ ‘vcr. _. a., B t ,1mao M,Josq>h Walt nd B fo!' 1D'1p!.‘0VBID.8l1t Of. . . . . . . . Bggyglgnt ofjudgmgnt of to 534 Bvoymeoi of judgment of Court of Cloimsto 535 lalpgpllgpriatiou an expenses or 378,956 Mk- Donnie ;M·• _ deficiency appropriation for expenses ,.., 508 B5c8gm€Dt of of of Cl3ImSt0 Bureau of und Rgpqfr, Navy, v 1. mode • a ropriation for construction and re `

 ·  -·-•······-··----··-··· 1309 pp oil;] vessels; limit of repairs, wooldgn _

. · · s . ... 199 809 PGDSIOD . . .. . fgrgddlgigugltp0]5atu3_vy.yardg______ ,199 B“p‘;’g;gg• M'"`!! ('”°”'”)· 1400 — ger implmgnginpgpnt Pprtsmouth, N. H. 809 .. . . . or of men 199,809 B"°'m“m· J°'w· _ for clerks, oto. ... 256, ssc Payment of Judgment of Court of Clmmsto 889 noaosonoy appropriation for boats ao. B¤e’¤#¢o1f· G"°"’9€ H-· new cruisers and gunboats ’ y 39 deficiency appropriation for, Fox and Wis- for timber ___________ _ `°`°```` 521 Buckwhspmm Rivers commission . 538 Bu,-aw of Epgmpgg apwgiié jpl . graving an lim g ureau . duty on . 585 Bureau of; Equipment, Navy, Bw, 568 appropriation for equipment of vessels, u y on. . ._ .. etc ... 192, 802 0D f"9€_hS$» Cmdé. 6bC . 605 for electric light lant on Lancaster ,_,, 192 Buel, lgoch; Brien (widow), 1860 for electric welding machine, Boston pensi I1 creased ... navy-yard; ntv .. . . . 192 Buell, Freeman, for civil establis£:errlt .` .. . ... 191,802 pension . 1205 for contingent .. Z 193, 803 Buenos Ayres, for equipment of new ships, etc ... 815 appropriation for consul at 277, 1057 _ for clerks, etc 255,935