Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1650

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INQEX. 1603 _ _ _ _ Page. _ Page. Commiamoners, United_ Statea·C0nt1nued. Confedcrated Tribes and Bands of Imlzans, deficiency appropriation for fees .. 529, Middle Oregon, _ _ 541,540, 548, 882,898, 895 appropriation for support, etc., of . 351, 1004 aliidavits, etc., m land entries may be Congaree River, S. O., made before; fees . . . . 121 appro riation for improvement of; drawmay ism;:; warrants to seize coun- 748 C guridge ._ ..,... 441 te Gl , e ... ongc, Commfgn, Cqrrp};1-g' 8·p i9i0u for commercial agent, ~ punishment gf, for viglgtiug rule; to Pm. mp. . . .· . .. 274, 1005 vent spread of contagious diseases. 32 C°”9"“hd“t*°'*$· _ _ Cmnmutatfm of Qlzmm, Army, extendlgd to Brazil on becoming a. Repub- 669 U ¤PP1'0¥1‘;¤¢i0¤ Jfoga <;Hicers .,,,.,_ _ _ 45;, 773 Congress 6 --·.. . ..,... . ., ommu a ion o ions, Arm , .• . appropriation for ... 1, .. 151, 774 °PP°'°{_§';Q'ja‘jl’;f1°(g‘f5DI;$1g'°“°“*“*"°“ “”‘*°' .,35 or prisoners of war, etc .408,985 a . . fo · ‘‘'‘ in 988 deicxency appropriation for prisoners of es of OH IgE1b ’ war, etc ..,. . e . 44 ctcafwlq umm consent of -1 1 Ebmmté 82 Cmnpafiia Prcgveedora de Aguas dc Cwdad g0,,.,g,·c_,,;q,,q; Dgmdmw,- ?°’1i"° Dmzv _ appropriation for compiling, etc 231, 911 may nénnnept water-works across1T R10 gmgmsnmar E»m ’ mn 8 between Eeziv Ihssv °X·• to be 'd December salaries December and Poriirio Diaz Mexico . 502 §;l lggg _____ _ _________ __________ 667 " Component Lfaterial of ,C'hief Va!-ue." May salaries, May 29, 1890 .. 673 meamng of, of 1890 ... _ 6 13 Decemlyer salaries, Decemlier 20, 1890. . . 1112 Compomtwm, Muucd or Dramalw, Congresswnal Lzbrary (see L1bmry of Con- Cpmvisionjséfor copyrighting . 1107 O d amgum, mea »ong·resswna or , de ciency appropriation for contested appropriation forprinting and binding. .411. 988 election, House of Representatives. 582 de ciency appropziiation for . 48, 1 9, 709, 887 Compton, Wdlwm, Conley: MG1](m0i ), pension .. . . 1460 , pe xB10D_ . Z .. 1161 Compton g M J, nt { 437 Commily, Sarah (undow), 1202 appropna or xmproveme 0 ... pension Comptroller of the Currency, Connoaut, Ohio, appropriation {or, deputy, clerks, etc. . .241,921 appropriation for survey of harbor .. 462 . or examinations, etc Z 241, 921 Connecticut, _ · for supermtendent, etc., redemption of apportionment of Representatives ... 785 d nation.:! tcplnncngcy 51£41,921 Connecticut hgh 378 956 utieso , as 0 ,e .,c0mp•mies,npiiroprhortin .. C d of Columbia ... . 626 for improveiafmnt of, bcqow Hartford. . . ’ 26 mar , . ., or survey . 7 Cpaynliery Ito . . .. 1447 C fobsngveyipf, below Hartford. 457 onar,on T, orme,owp, payment to adniinistratrix of 1447 payment ofiludgment of Court of Claims to S90 Condemnation of Land, D. C., Connery, Art ur, petition to supreme court, District of C0· pension ... . . . . 181'I lumbia ... 413 Connolly, John, contents . 413 pension ..., , ... 124'T appearance of parties ... 413 Conservatory of Music, National, appointment of commissioners to ap· 4 3 C incorporated ... . .. 1093; raise 1 onsignee reportpof commissioners 413 deemed 0wner of imported merchandise. . 13I continuation by court 413 Conspzraczgs m Restraznt tg Trade, etc.. ayment of awards . 413 declared illegal, among the States, etc. . . 209 Bands to vest on payment ... 413 punishment ... : .. 209 proceedings to be used m all future cases. 413 Constable, Margaret (wulow), Condemnation of Streets, eic., D. C. pension_ . ... 1375 apprgpriatnon for expenses .. 1068 Constantzyzople, Oonec Rwer, Fla: and Ala., appropriation for conspl-general at 276,1056 appropriation for improvement of ... 442 Comrular (mol Commercial Reports,

    • Conevaaugh, _ _ wuppropnutnon for preparation, etc . 281,1061

American register graénted to forengné consular Cierksk b ilt steamer " · acrobosco " an appropria ion or .. . . . 280, 1060, _ name changed to . . .. 145 Consular Oficers (see also 1;)iplomatic and Confectionery, Coneular appropriations), _ élut} an , .h._ . . . 584 approplxgation for mstructnon and tran?;,? 1053 ‘· Jon cr 1- ,"a 2 . .. .. , payment of Frencii spoliatiou claim on ac- 903 C deticiiencg appropnatizn for salaries .,.,, 863 count 0 ... . . mum ar mcers no Ci `zena, Confederate Postal Records. appropriation for . . .,. 280, 1060 appropriation for purchase of .., 1079 de c1eucy appropriation for salaries ... 505, Coufederoted Peoria Indians. 506, 540, 863 to be citizens on accepting lands in sever- Consulates. alty .. 99 appropriation for clerks at . .. 280, 1060.