Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1682

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xnnmx. 1635 Guelph,Guthrie, Okla., appropriation for consul at 278,1058 first semion of Territorial legislature to Gupgy, Ellen, be held st 89 pension ... . . 1398 Guts, Salted, Gulf and Ship Island Railroad C'om_pan¥, on free list . 606 sales of lands inhiississippi on grant or, Outta Percha, confirmed 498 duty on manufactures ot 602 relinquishment of company’s interest 499 on free list, crude ... ,. 606 lands to company in lieu . ... 499 Guy, John C'., guy Omg_ payment o%1dgment of Court of Claims to 535 inquiry as tofacilities for furnishing steel GV-1I“”d°t?6 _ **73 W Vue gum, ew., on . me gprojgrhwtlvn f<>r lmvwvement of -·----- 440 may of Mmm, ”· m"·· 1,49 construction of authorized at Ann- P°'ym ‘°‘'‘‘‘‘'·‘·····‘‘‘‘··‘‘·· · · sas Pas, ex. ,.., . . . 106 Gramm. ol at Padre Island, Tex., author- 740 11*}* OB .. . ... . . 571 eemmlm mi I»i£1imma' `· `'``` tolselect ``` kiiéiéi H_ Guv drydpck gudé, 196 umn me mn, M 8;,-,,;, nm ,,,-,10,, °¤}’¥P"°“°“ *°' '”**¤*°°%”°° -----·-·- *’·°°° Hmm? ‘¤¤.’.{ . . .. . ..,,, mv Gulforwnmhmmeandmschnnuy . 969 ackc,,8a?ktf;,v8,,N_L_ States- . 3 . s pl-muenemnsnnsmherym oss H,,§‘§,Y,f,’,§’",’€; }’{‘f°"‘"'°’ °f M 0*1},5:) HGNMM C'·» dei·icie’ appropriation for . 869 pnymentof judgment of Court of Claims to 889 Hagnaytlglghn, Gun $¤b¢¥*WW» mentof judgment of Court of Claims to 889 mduty on 588 ag J J,,d_ 1475 FL ms, mum ... on free list, crude . . . . .. 605 Haight Ursula Lwcretia (widow), Grams and Gum Resins sion. . . . ... 1243 dutyon . . ... 568 Hd):!]l]ler,GrecnH, _ Gun and MortmiBatte•·acs, 81 707 Hmwtd mof Cltlrmlsato 535 U construchj .. 6, a Brew , r a io . or for situ, etc . . 316 Grande Railroad Company, _ Gun-Blocks granted right of way through Fort Clerk dutykcn .. . . . . 588 Reservation .. 472 Gun nt, Navy- Yard, Hah., ¤ppr”¤;|¤¤¤' ¤ <¤· °¤¤!Pb**¤8` --··--- . -···· 2* an on emma ... . 000 Gigi-ty Gd!, ontgee list, horse, Infnmanufsotured . m u on 600 ____________ Glmbvai N0- 2 (WND, gt . 606 time penalties ¤¤, r¤¤¤i¤¢d *0 ¤°¤¤¤¢'=<>¤’¤ *303 human, mw .. 000 Gunboats on Western Ilivers, Hag, gy,;;,, d€fi¤i¤¤¤Y_¤PP¥0P¤¤¤°¤ f°' ······ - ·-·- 543550 duty on crinoline cloth ...,. 600 G1m1¢._C'¤'¤¤» 1297 H on seating .. 600 pension . a;,., ,,,,,,1,,, G nd! Gevrae. - a soo tdznrge of desertion removed . 1340 ug gznuhmm of ___________________ 602 Gumwry New- ew 800 ou free list, mw soc nppmprm.txon_ or _ . . ’ Mw P~·=*··=¢ ·°’l·¤·· NM- · HSM o”'¤'"l2 qums .. .. 599 G:££ fol' consthlction ,. , ____ K)6 Hair- W 06% -··- V · . . , , . on gee list,, old or refuse 606 H3; fmhgmgmn i f°r°mb'°u°°¤°k°* °t°‘ 611 Ggnw 6"<>”·· 593 mmm , I .. . ... 1264 ¤:tH·e°Z°1i§é,'6id ZZZZ 'IIZQQLZIJI em H;f;;s{g{1°F<““9”'")· ,258 gunpmydey, em, Hale heh .. . ,., , _ _ , duty on ... . 600 Mon nina8d. 1293 mms, C t-Def , A ’ Hyg, E-, . . ... appropriation for steel ‘for; advertise payment mn - · I _ U l U l O 1450 mentigii ... 769 Hamstephm P., · · · · ············ Gunfvfv CW? · ¤-· payment of judgmentof com or Claims to sm appropriation for survey of 456 H le W_ll_ Gun crsville, Ala., _ a ’ . 1 mm’ construction of bridge across Tennessee Hppmng . W . ... 1 465 River authorized st, or Deposxt 813 *4 €!I»_ 6m'!! -· 1 "‘;.‘1."..‘“.s..f‘· f?'€‘i€‘€’?T'f.‘T'f‘?€'i‘TT’: .. me ¤£Z*}‘3LZf‘ ···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘···· · ············· ”°“ Guthrie, James B., sptpropristion for consukgenersl at 276,1056 payment to ... . 1268 or clerk hire .. . . . .280, 1060 Guthrie, James B., » Hall, Ewa): R, pension ,,.,. . .. . ... 1331 , paymentofjudgmentofCourtetG1nimsm 586