Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1787

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1 7 { O INDEX. Page Page- Sticks-Continued. Stratford, Canada, on free list, wood in lengths for umbrella., 611 Stappropnation for consul at 278, 1058 etc . .. raw, Sthlger, Mary B. (widow), duty on . . . 586 pension . ... 1153 on manufactures of ... 602 Stielaquamish River, Wash,, on free 11st, bra1ds, etc., for hats, etc., of. . 604 appr`?/priation for improvement of ... 452 Strawhrulge, Henry, Still, tlliam R, pension increased ... 1177 payment to administrator of ,... 1454 Street Railways, D. C'.,_ _ "Stillwater," Washmgton and Arlington Company in- 789 American register granted to foreign corporate 2. . » steamer “Stroma," and name 414 may increase stock on changing motive 310 changed to ... power St 'lls, horses to be dispensed within two years. . 310- denciency appropriation for drawback on lines between Georgetown and Capitol exported 540, 547 gapfing plomchange in two years to 310 Stilts, o eit c r . . . .. ... » on free list, used in making earthenware. 610 change of route, etc., authorized, of : Stimple, Isabella B. (widow), 1149 pension m n - Stir/a, D. C'., , Rock Creek ... 121 S removed 1126 Tennallytown. . . . ... . ... 29- loo , » - ·· , , Streets Avenues, and Alleys, D. C., _ ·i•==¤¢¤¤¤¤y .¤m>¤>l>¤¤¤o¤ for o<>¤¢e¤*or¤¤o¤¢ol¤v¤o- 522 f pax;, Georgetown singing . 297,1g65· 1 D tai SO . . . . . . . . appropriation for consul at 279, 1059 fg Jumxg Sgcctig: schgdulg ________ S¢Ioo€];S;·g;1Brodd¤¢k F- 1228 gm wattgea muon scggdiuulz . gg! - ••¤••••·•·••..•••••••»·••••• •·•‘····- St°°k’·"08· work to be done . . . . 1066 duty 0¤ cotton -··--···---·-··-··-··--··- precedenge of work ordered before . . 1066 9* --·--··-··-·--·-··-·····---·· new wor . . 1066 Stock"'"- CFL- . , . 0ne·half cost of new sidewalks and construction of public building at, author- 711 curbing to be ai mt med, -. -··-··---·-·-·-·······-··--- abutting propert . 1066 ¤PP!'0P¤¤·*l°¤ f°1’ ·--~---··-····---·-·· 952 limit for concrete? etc., pavements; Slgcelgrggll; Dowd- - 1299 f exeqpnoné . 297, 1066 Stokes, ··•·‘'·······'·‘‘‘········ 0I` , 0 . 297,1066 payment of French :p0Iiai7i0l1 claim to 90 fg; pavements. - - - - • t l I _· gg9g, elmioiolliotor o - ---··- · ------·-·- 8 rm expenses-ot `ééndéiriniiiéiif [ [ Z I I :299,1068 StgTtg'0D: ... 573 *°*S¤¤··k“¤¤’¤w¤¤¤l¤g»2¤d ·=l¤¤·¤·=¤· $3,23 stm ·-···-·---··-··-········ 610 deficieplcy appglopriation for improvement 868 maybeqppoiulod oolonol U- S-Amy. forJohnDugan;.;;;;;:;:;;::::::2;::I 868 St0mwa;':“'°d ·-···-···-···--·-·-···-·--· 689 ·for Brandywine Granite Company . 868 duty .3.3 .. . . . . 571 ~*'*~¤’¤ls·~l· JM H- Stomngtmb 0mm_,‘ pension . appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 428 ., mmtm`X,r°°°rd °°"°°°°d ········-··-···~ 1*246 Stony Creek River, Conn., %;""f'· . _ appropriation for survey of .. . .. 457 °n°°‘m r°g°°t°r g“m°°d lo f°r°’€u` ,g;,P,_ Art Edumm,,ml,_ steamer, and name changed to _ mm {me HS; _____________________ _ _______ 603 St ti Stillwater .. . .. 414 ora::, nm za, mon ,,,,__________ _ _________ 610 on free lfilst, oxide of . . .. 610 orey, n . ., miner car nate ... 610 pension increased . .. . ... 1474 Strontian S¢0l‘fl}8, North S., [ on free protoxide . . . . . . . 610 Strggntzrg zecord corrected . ... 1367 Q Strontzhnite: I` 3,23.2333. . 1390 S3?-EJ.‘£$.§’3"Z$.; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·· °‘° ·$'*¢¤’¤”,· Mlmellwr A-. duty on, .. . .. 6 T0 Pémlou -. . .``````" ` Slow Pl--3 *3*** S‘€3°§’-i..';;';' tf‘f’€?’%· ., . . 1333 dutyoncastiron . . ..._,,,, 578 Stumpf Henry l ’ • Stover, Clement, pension . 1194 P¤5’m*?¤t of F1'¤¤¤h Spoliatiou claim to Sturgeon, Alexander · · ·N l · N · . ° l administrator of .. . ... 906 pension increased , 1335 Stover. Samuel, Sturgeon., Willis, I I · It t i . ’ - I l . · . '·'``` ` payment of _ French spoliation claim to pension increased . .. 1360 Hdpllmstrator of . . ,... 906 St Ba Canal W' st W zr °"'”“°" i' · "·* over, z mm, appropriation for improvement of harbor pension . .. . 1289 · of refuge ..,. 4342