Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/209

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 423. 1890. 155 altering and fitting clothing, and washing and cleaning when necessary ;_ for equilpage, inclu ing band instruments, and -or expenses of packing and andling, and similar necessaries, one million one hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That out of the money Promo. hereby appropriated for clothing and eguipage of the Army there __ _ shal1_not be expgendedl at ghedM1l€aéry prisodn at fort Leagepworth a MUWY P¤S<>¤· sum in excess o one un re an wenty- ve thousand o la . For all contingent expenses of the Army not rovided lidr b Gvurinzontoxpemes . . P , . _ Y other estimates, and embracing all branches of the military service, to be expended under the immediate orders of the Secretary of Wa1·, seventeen thousand six hundred dollars. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. memmmpanmmz. Medical and Hospital Department: For the purchase of medical S¤m>1i¤¤.¤w. and hospital suptplies, including disinfectants for general sanitation, expenses of me ical purveying depots,dpay of employees, medical care and treatment of officers and en iste men of the Army on duty at posts and stations for which no other provision is made, for the proper care aréd treaglment of cageishin the Amy iujflering frolm contagious or e i emic `seases, an e supp y 0 the rmy an Navy hospital at got Sfgpgilicérkanlgas, aglvertisingqanél otger hngeellad HotSprl¤gs,Ark. neous expenses o e 103 epar men · in a , wo un r an Am me. fifteen thousand dollars; and not over forty-tive thousand dollars of Civlllanemployees. the momeyfappropriatedlby this gipiagiiaph spi?] bet applied to the amenoci nempoeeso e eica ea men. P Medical Museum and library: For Army glledical Museum, preservation of specimens and the preparation or purchase of new specimens, five thousand dollars; or the library of the Surgeon- ` General’s Office, ten thousand dollars; in all fifteen thousand do lars. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Engineer Department. Engineer depot at Willets Point, New York: Incidental expenses mcmeumupemes of the depot, including fuel, chemicals, stationery, extra-duty pay to soldiers employed for periods of not less than ten days as artificers on work in addition to and not strictly in line of, their military duties, such as carpenters, blacksmit _ s, draughtsmen, printers, lithographers, photographers, engine-drivers, teamsters, repairs of and for materials to repair public buildings, machmerly and unforeseen expenses, five thousand) dollars: Provided, That the appropria- h·o»·uo, tion of eight thousand dollars for an engineer museum_at W1 lets Engmeer- museum. Point, in act of March second, eighteen undred and eighty-nine, V0l.25,p.8lN. be, and the same is herebyi ccintipped intforcie for ene year. t F h f materia s or e ins ruc ion o en 'neer roops at Vl)Tlill)dt1scPhii‘lt0in their special duties of sappers ancll miners, for land and submarine mipesueriédl popltoneers, torpedo drill and signal- ' , th d fi dollars. _ mI'o(rlp’urcllg.sS:1and igpaliils of instruments to be issued to officers of the Corps of Engineers, for use on public works and surveys, two t d fi h d ed dollars. _ _ _ lllqtihigry oftlhdlllnlgineer School of Application: Purehase and binding of professional works of recent date treating of military and civil ', fi h d d dollars. Bnglinzlllflfii Enrgingdi lfepartment, nine thousand nve hundred dollars- ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. mp-renew nepm Ordnance service: For current expenses of the ordnance serviee_re· cummupwsu quired to defray the current expenses at the arsenals; of reeeivmg

 and issuin arms and other ordnance su plies; of police an

8 onice duties; of rents, tools, fuel, and lights; o stationery and 0500