Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/253

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 640. 1890. 199 BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR. timucf commo- 'CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR or VESSELS: For preservation and I?¤>¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· rvcompletion of vessels on the stocks and in ordinary; purchase of p°“”’°t°"°f v°sS°ls' materials and stores of all kinds; steam steerers, pneumatic steerers; steam capstans, steam windlasses, and other steam auxiliaries; labor in navy-yards and on foreign stations; purchase of machinery and tools for use in shops; wear, tear, and re air of vessels afloat, general care, increase, and protection of the Npavy in the line of construction and repair; incidental expenses, such as advertising, freight, foreign postage, telegrams, telephone service, photographing, books, professional magazines, plans, stationery, and mstruments for raughting-room, one mil ion dollars: Provided, That no part of P*’°°i¤°·*· this sum shall be applied to the repairs of any wooden ship when Limit or repairs to the estimated cost o such repairs, to be appraised by a competent "°°d°" °"‘P’· board of naval officers, shall exceed twenty per centum of the esti- _ mated cost, appraised in like manner of a new ship of the same size and like material: Provided further, That nothing herein contained V|°¤¤°l¤ *¤ f¤¤¤¤z¤ shall deprive the Secretary of the Navy of the authority to order repairs of ships damaged in foreign waters or on the high seas, so far as may be necessary to bring them home. For Improvement of plant at N avy-yard, Portsmouth, New Hamp- Portsmouth. shire: For additional tools other than those heretofore authorized, Add*¤*¤¤·1¤><>1¤- required to further improve the condition of the yard for repairing iron and steel ships, ty thousand dollars. For Improvement of plant at Navy-yard, Boston, Massachusetts: Boston. For additional tools, other than those heretofore authorized, required M*““°¤°·l°°°¤ to further imfprove the condition of the yard for repairing iron and steel ships, fi ty thousand dollars. I For the improvement of plant at navy-yard, League Island, Penn- Mmmmsylvania: For additional tools other t an those heretofore author- Ad¢H*¤¤¤¥ *00**- ized, required to further improve the condition of the yard for repairing iron and steel ships, fifty thousand dollars. Fon Imrnovnmnnr or PLANT AT NAVY-YARD, Nnw Yonxz For Brooklyn. additional tools, other than those heretofore authorized, required to Adamonm mom further improve the condition of the (yard for building an repairing iron and steel ships, fifty thousan dollars. FOR. IMPROVEMENT OF PLANT AT NAVY·YARD, NORFOLK, VIR- N¤¤’Y0lk- <;rNIA; For additional tools, other than those heretofore authorized, ·*"‘”“°°*‘°°°*'· r uired to further im rove the condition of the cyard for building aiid repairing iron and steel ships, and the ere ion of the Same, iift * thousan dollars. Flon IMPROVEMENT OF PLANT AT NAVY-YARD, MAKE ISLAND, Mm MMG- CALIFORNIA: For additional tools, other than those heretofore au- A¤dM¤¤¤1 wom thorized, re uired to further improve the condition of the yard for buildin and repairing iron and steel ships, and the erection of the same, iidt thousand ollars. CIVIL ESTABLISHMENT, Bonnie OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR: Civil ¤S¢¤bli¤hm¤¤f~ Navy-yard, Portsmouth, New l·Iampsh1re: For one clerk to naval P<>¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤· constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; two writers at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty five cents each ; Navy-yard, Boston, Massachusetts: For one clerk to naval con- Boston. structor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; Navy-yard, Brooklyn, New York: For one clerk to_naval con- Br00k|Y¤· struotor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; three writers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents each; Navy-yard, League Island, Pennsylvama: For one clerk to naval ¤>¤z¤•=¥¤¤¤¤¤- constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; N avy-yard, Washington, D1St1'1Ct of C0l11mb1a: For one clerk to Wnshinewumaval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars: r Navy-yard, Norfolk, Virginia: For one clerk to naval constructor, Norrouo