Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/288

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234 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 667. 1890. U°¤¤¤8°¤*°*P°¤$°°- For contingent expenses, namely: For stationery,dpostage, advertising, trave ing expenses, horses, and wagons, an m1scellaneous items, three thousand dollars. ‘ Lfbnryoevonzresa LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. um-¤·nm,¤mnm¤, For compensation of Librarian, four thousand dollars; and for °°°· twenty-six assistant librarians, two at two thousand five hundred dollars each; two at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; two ` at one thousand six hundred dollars each; two at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars each; eight at one thousand four hundred dollars each, one of whom shall be in charge of international exchanges; seven at one thousand two hundred dollars each- one at seven hundred and twenty dollars, and two at six hundred dollars each; in all, forty thousand two hundred dollars. Pmchase or books, For purchase of books for the Library, four thousand dollars; for °°°‘ urchase of law-books for the Library, one thousand five hundred dollars; for the purchase by the Librarian of Congress, of new books of reference for the Su reme Court, to be a part of the Library of Congress and urchased) under the direction of the Chief—Justice, one thousand Eve hundred dollars; for expenses of exchanging public documents for the publications of oreign Governments, one thousand five hundred dollars; for purchase of files of periodicals, sprials, gid newispapers, two thousand five hundred dollars; in all, e even thousand dollars. Gvntinzeutcxpews- For contingent exipenses of said Library, one thousand dollars. oopyrignzexpemsea For expenses of the copyright business, five hundred dollars. cmwgua To ena le the Librarian o Congress to continue the work upon the Catalogue of the Congressional Library, two thousand five hun- . dred dollars.

      • •¤*¢G¤¤i¤¤· BOTANIC GARDEN.

supmmsuuenmm. For superintendent, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for assistants and laborers, under the direction of the Joint Library Committee of Congress, twelve thousand and ninety-three dollars and seventy-five cents; in all, thirteen thousand eight hundred and ninety-three dollars and seventy-Eve cents. nepm-S and im- For procuring manure, tools, fuel, purchasing trees and shrubs, "°"'”°“°“‘ and for labor and material in connection with re airs and improvements to Botanic Garden, under direction of the goint Library Committee of Congress, five thousand dollars. nmcuzm. EXECUTIVE. Ccpnpepsation of the Fprlcpfnpensation of the President of the United States, fifty thou- I" """san dollars. v‘°°·P*¤*d°¤° thFor colmépeipsation of the Vice President of the United States, eight ousan dollars. Presidents omce. For compensation to the following in the office of the President of _mP¤v¤w Secrewry. the United States: Private Secretary, five thousand dollars; assistant ’ secretary, two thousand five hundred dollars; three executive clerks, at two thousand dollars each; two clerks of class four; one clerk of class three; one clerk of class two; steward, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; doorkeeper to the President, at one thousand six hundred dollars; four messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; chief doorkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; four doorkeepers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one watchman, nine hundred dollars; and one fireman, eight hundred and sixty-four dollars; in all, thirty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-four dollars.