FIFTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 714, 717. 1890. 291 Sec. 2. That before said railroad shall be constructed through any land, claim, or improvement held by individual occupants, according to any treaties or laws of the United States, compensation shall Compensation for be made to such occupant or claimant for all property to be taken °“"“““°“’ °°°‘ or damage done by reason of the construction of said railroad. In case of failure to make satisfactoréy settlement with any such claimant the just compensation shall be etermined as rovided for by the Litieetlcnlaws of Minnesota enacted for the settlement ol like controversies _ in such cases. The amount of damage resulting to the Mille Lacs Tn?g¤¤¤¤ to 1¤dl¤¤ Indians in their tribal capacity, by reason of the construction of said ` railroad through such lands of the reservation as are not occupied ‘ in severalty, shall be ascertained in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior may direct and be subgect to his final approval; but no right of any kind shall vest in said railway company in or to any part of the right of way hereingirovided for until plats thereof, made upon actual survey for the de nite location of such railroad, and including grounds for station buildings, delpots, machine-shops, sidetracks, turn-outs, and water-stations, shal have been approved by Secretaryot Interior the Secretary of the Interior, and until the compensation aforesaid §°{c_‘*’*"°“’ '°°"“°"· shall have been fixed and paid and the consent o the Indians on said ¤<>¤¤¤¤= or ruuluus. reservation to said right of way and as to the amount of said comnsation shall have en first obtained in a manner as the Presidgnt may premribe. Said company is hereby authorized to enter upon such reservation for the purpose of surveying and locating its sm-voy, can line of railroad: Provided, That said railroad sha be located, con- mmm. structed, and operated with due regard to the rights of the Indians, and under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Inte- Regulations rior shall prescribe: Provided, That no part of the lands herein au- Imww wands thorized to be taken shall be leased or sold by the comlpany, and prohibited. ° they shall not be used except in such manner and for suc purposes umuoanoo. only as shall be necessary or the construction and convenient operation of said railway, telegraph, and telephone lines, and when any portion thereof shall cease to be used, such portion shall revert to Rcvmlcuot hud!. the nation or tribe of Indians from which the same shall have been ta en. Sec. 3. Congress reserves the right to alter, amend or repeal this A¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤l·· vwact. Approved, July 22, 1890. CHAP. 'I1'l.—An act to authorize the Leavenworth and Platte Coun Bridge July 20, 1800. Company to substitute a pivot draw bridge over the Missouri River in pltlwe of a ·····—;——-—-—— pontoon bridge. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa,ti·ves of the United States of America. in Congress assembled, That the Leaven- Blirwzvovprlilpspmm worth and Platte County Bridge Comgny be authorized to substi- woldfgfut '°“' tute for the pontoon bridge across the issouri River, provided for ming [gvé: in an act approved February twenty-five, eighteen hundred and toon. eighty-nine, entitled "An act to authorize the construction of a V°*·“°·*’·“’· bridge across the Missouri River, between the city of Leavenworth, in the State of Kansas and Platte county, in the tate of Missouri," a pivot draw bridge and in case of the substitution of such pivot draw bridige the same shall not be built or commenced until the plan and speci cation for its construction have been submitted to the Sammy of wu Secreta of War for his approval, nor until he shall approve the tooppmopnno, ono. plan anldylocation of said bridge ; and 1f any chang; be made in the _C¤¤¤8¤0f¤¤¤¤¤‘¤¤- plan of construction of said bridge at any time suc change shall be °‘°"‘ subject to the approval of the Secretary of War; and any change in the construction, or any alteration of said bridge that may be directed at any time by Congress or the Secretary of War, shall be
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