Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/444

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I 390 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CII. 837. 1890. eleven dollars for township, and seven dollars for section lines, or if, in cases of exceptional di culties in the surveys, the work can not be contracted for at these rates, compensation for surveys and resurgeys may be; niadp by the said Commissionerzhwith thi apprgvpl of the ecretaryo the nterior, at rates not excee 'ng eig teen 0 lars er linear mile for standard and meander lines, fifteen dollars for tovgnmomgoumuwasn- ship, and twelve dollars for section lines: Provided fwrther, That “’¢‘°'” the Commissioner of the General Land Oihce may allow for the surveyi of land?] heavfilly témberedé rgountainoiésvpr cipvgted with dense un ergro in e a es o regon an as in on, rates ot exceeding eighteen dollars per linear mile for standard and meander lines, fifteen dollars for township, and twelve dollars for section lines. mum-vm, em. And of the sum hereby appropriated, not exceeding forty thousand dollars, may expended or the examination of pub ic survey? in the several surveying districts in order to test the accuracy of wor in the Ifiglldiqapii lt); piéevent plgyém-sn; fordfiéaudulent imgerfect suziyeys u y s v o an or examine. ions 0 surve s eretofore made and reported to be defective or fraudulent; and inspecting mineral deposits, coal fields, and timber districts, and for ma ing such other surveys or examinations as may be required for identitication of lands for pitgposes of evidence in any suit or proceeding m behalf of the Um States. www life ¤¤‘•¢w· For survey and apipraisement, with a view to sale under section ié.S.,•sc.¤1,p,436. twengy-three hundre and eighty-one of the Revised Statutes of P¤r¤A¤z¤\¤•.W•¤¤- lang iprutlown site sit Port Angelesi1Washirigton, fig? thoumem. san 0 rs: , a anypersonwoactua sett , rior A¤¤¤1 wm M- to January first eighteen hundred and ninety, upon dny regnlgtion 1n¢.r>.m•. lot fifty bygone and forty feet and any additional lot u n which su tantial improvements have been made shall be entiiloed tp pregeé up falpd satrxietplt the appraise? value per lot at any , me ore e yo e y e overnmen. ¤¤y’¤G¤1f. Ale For surveying a tract of land in township eight south, range nine east, Huntsville meridian, Alabama, designated on the official lat of survely as a perpendicular bluif from three to five hundred lest higlh an about eight hundred yards wide, situate and running along eit er side of Litt e River through the township, and further desigated and known as May’s Gulf, t ree hundred ollars. www privsw Md For expenses attending the survey and examination of private ' land plguns in (épilpona, mcludugg the compensation gg cler s and rans a ors an e expense o investigating c aim title a d boundaries, five thousand dollars. S H

 P¤"'**° For survey of confirmed private land claims in California at the

rates prescriped byd lgwii including office expenses incidental to service, two t ousau dollars. h}1*;,°;’,j‘,‘g°° P""•°° For surveyxpdf goiismeg prplgate larédd clpims in New Mexico, at rates prescri y aw, t ree thousand dollars. M>•¤d{>¤¤¤¤¤*¤¤v For necessary expenses of survey appraisal, and sale, and f custodians of abandoned military’reservations transferred tdylzlie control of the Secretary of the Interior under the rovisions of an v¤1.2s,v.1ca act of Congress approved July fifth, eighteen hundred and eighty- four, eight thousand dollars. °°°*°¢*“'“°"'°Y· Uivrrmn sums emonoexoar. sunvnr. Pv of ¤¢i¤¤¤i¤¤ ¤~ Fon SALARIES or rum sormrnmc ASSISTANTS or THE GEOLOGICAL shunts, eu: ` SUFVEE': For five geologigts, at] four thoéisgnd dollgrs each; or wo geo ogists, at t ree thousand dollars eac ; For one geologist, two thousand seven hundred dollars; For two geologists, at two thousand four hundred dollars each; For two geologists, at two thousand dollars each; For one paleontologist, four thousand dollars; For one paleontologist, two thousand dollars;