Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/472

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418 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Suss. I. Ch. 841. 1890. A for the sum of hfteen thousand dollars for the year ending June thir- {§{ "‘“‘°°°· tieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and an annual increase of the memsaqg annual amount of such appropriation thereafter for ten years by an addi-

§{,"gP“““°” ‘°" °°" tional sum of one t ousaud dollars over the preceding year, and the-

_Amxua.I appr-cpm. annual amount to be paid thereafter to each State and Territory shall

 be twenty-ive thousand dollars to be applied only to instruction in

agriculture, the mechanic arts, the Englis language and the various ‘ branches of mathematical, physical, natural and economic science, with special reference to their applications in the industries of life, Po-mn'.•0•. and to the facilities for such instruction: Provided, That no money shall be paid out under this act to any State or Territory for the- No or support and maintenance of a college where a distinction of race or ` $°°uég*f*·""‘“’ °"° co or is made in the admission of students, but the establishment sqpummuegsru and maintenance of such colleges separately for white and colored §£‘““°°'°'°‘ “"“‘ students shall be held to be a compliance with the provisions of this act if the funds received in such State or Territory be e uitably 1>M¤i<>¤<>f f¤¤d¤¤ divided as hereinafter set forth: Provided, That in any (State in °Ev"0°`”;_;§`:§?5m.¤¤_ which there has been one college established in pursuance of the act of July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and also in which an educational institution of like character has been established, or may be hereafter established, and is now aided by such State from its own revenue, for the education of colored students in a `culture and the mechanic arts, however named or styled, or whethh; or not it has received money heretofore under the act to which this act is an . lczihtive umm;. amendment, the legislature of such State may propose and report to ,;“,;’,H*,,;*,,’;,;f the Secretary of the Interior a just and equita le division of the fund

  • >¤— to be received under this act between one college for white students

_ and one institution for colored students esta lished as aforesaid, _ which shall be divided into two parts and paid accordingly, and thereupon such institution for colored students shall be entitled to the benefits of this act and subject to its provisions, as much as it would have been if it had been included under the act of eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and the fulillment of the foregoing provis- Compliance with ions shall be taken as a compliance with the (provision in reference 1"‘ to separate colleges for white and colored stu ents. “'¤¤¤» mmm,;!:; Sec. 2. That the sums hereby appropriated to the States and sms m-Digi;-swam Territories for the further endowment and support of colleges shall "°"""°"·°°°· be annually paid on or before the thirty-first day of July of each gear, by the Secretary of the Treasury, upon the warrant of the ecretary of the Interior, out of the Treasury of the United States, to the State or Territorial treasurer, or to such officer as shall be designated by the laws of such State or Territory to receive the same, who shall, upon the order of the trustees of the collage, or the

“°§}r institution for colored students, immediately pay over said sums to

mnersmsmmus. the treasurers of the respective colleges or other institutions entitled p,,T§°,‘#§°'},,{,'§°,t|*;,'($} to receive the same, and such treasurers shall be required to report. {‘€&g§¤*¤ ¤¤** me to the Secretary of Agriculture and to the Secretary of the Interior, ' on or before the first day of Se tember of each year, a detailed statement of the amount so received and of its disbursement. The rants · .,Z{°',¥,"i§'"°€i,§",l§, of mone s authorized by this act are made subject to the legigative 1 sm { . . . ¤°¤’· assent o the several States and Territories to the purpose of said "‘”`“°· grants: Provided, That payments of such installments of the approd,,°,f',Q’*g’e*“,;‘Y,‘§(§’§}{",{‘,Q_“ tion herein made as shal become due to any State before the adjournsm or eev¤mm·,sm. ment of the regular session of legislature meeting next after the passage of this act shall be made upon the assent of the governor thereof, duly certified to the Secretary of the Treasuréy. wD*b'g*¤;*j§ °jp*“{;; Sec. 3. That if any portion of the moneys receive by the desigsume, em. nated officer of the State or Territory for the further and more complete endowment, support, and maintenance of colleges, or of institutions for colored students, as provided in this act, shall, b any action or contingency, be diminis ed or lost, or be misappliedb;