Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/485

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. 431 _ Improving harbor at Norfolk and its approaches, Virginia : Con- N0rfolk,Va. tinuing improvement, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, nfty thousand dollars of which shall be ex ended in improving the appgoach to the inner harbor and the Ilnited States navy-yard at Norgollli, by increasing anchorage between Lambert’s Point and Fort or o . Improving harbor at Cape Charles Cit and approaches by Chen- Cape cum-ies City,. ton Inlet, Virginia: Twenty-five thousand dollars, for dredgin only. V°· Improving arbor at Onancock, Virginia, six thousand dodars. omcock, va. Improvmgifharbojiil at Beiaulfcgt, North Carolina: Continuing im- Bwuor-t,N.c. provemen , een thousand dollars. Improving the inland water-way between Beaufort and New River, W¤wr··w¤y. Beau-— Nort Carolina: Continuin improvement, fifteen thousand dollars. §rE_°‘°d N"` Ri""' Improvinv harbor at Cdnarleston, including Sul1ivan’s Island, cmu-1¤¤w¤,s.o. South Carolina: Continuing im rovement, three hundred and seventy thousand dollars, of which five thousand dollars shall be eéxpeipl gd op Mount Pleasant shore of inner harbor of Charleston, ou aro ina. _ Improving harbor at Georgetown, South Carolina: Continuing com-gmw¤,s.d imlprovement, eight thousand dollars. mproving Wmgaw Bay, South Carolina: Continuing improve- W`my•w B¤y,s.c.. ment, one hundr thousand dollars. _ Improving harbor at Brunswick, Georgia: Continuing improve- m-¤¤swm,e•. ment, thirty-five thousand dollars. Improving Cumberland Sound, Georgia and Florida: Continuing Cumberland sound,. imlprovement, one hundred and twelve thousand five hundred dollars. °°‘“"° F"` mproving harbor at Savannah, Georgia: Continuing improve- s•vs¤¤m,c•. ment on extended project, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. lalmproving harbor at Darien, Georgia: twenty-five thousand dol- D¤¤·i¤¤. Gm rs. Improvingaharbor at Apalachicola Bay and the mouth of the Apmmmm Bay, river, Flori : Continuing improvement, twenty thousand dollars. m°‘ Improvingl harbor at Cedar Keys,- Florida: ontinuing improve- oem- xeysrm. ment, two thousand five hundred dollars, a part of which may be Ecipended at Derrick Island Gap on the inside channel from Suwanee ver. Improving linarbcir at Iguésapola, Florida: Continuing improve- Pe¤s¤c¤1¤.F1¤. -men.t twen - ve thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Tampa Bay, Florida: Continuing improve- Tampa umm. ment, twenty-five thousand ollars. _ Imgérolying entrance to harbor at Key West, Florida, forty thou- Key vvm, ms. sand dollars. Improving, dred ’ng, and deepening the channel of Charlotte Charlotte umm,. Harbor and Pease Creek, Florida, to the pier at Punta Gorda, the ““· tlerminus of the Florida Southern Railroad, thirty-five thousand ollars. Improving harbor at Saint Augustine, Florida : To complete pro- sam: Augustine,. tection from erosion, according to the estimate of Captain W. M. m‘ Black under date of May twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety, twent thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Mobile, Alabama, up to the mouth of Chick- M0bil¢,Alnasabogue Creek : Continuing improvement, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ _ Improving .harbor at Biloxi, Mississippi: Continuing improve- isnoxrmm ment, nine thousand dollars. _ _ _ Improving mouth and passes of Calcasieu River, Louisiana, ac- csmsmumm-,1.. cording to the plan reported by Major W. Heuer Corps of En- 'neers, in eig teen hundred and eighty-six, and confirmed by Captain W. L. Fisk, Corps of _Eng1neers, in his report of No- Hepliber, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, seventy-five thousand 0 ars. ·