Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/490

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436 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. pigliteem hundred and ninety, authorizing and directing said estab- 18 men . xgkzuduce River. f Implrovingdlgagftduce River, Maine: Continuing improvement, ‘ our thousand dollars. ¤P¤¤¤¤•¤¤¤ River. Im rovin Penobscot River, Maine: Continuing improvement, °' and fldr dre¢§ging near Stern’s mill, twenty five thousand dollars Ig•¤‘¤s¤¤¤¤¤Bi*¤*» Improving N arragaugus River, Maine: Continuing improvement, seven thousand five hundred dollars. K°¤¤<=b°° B*'°*·M°- Hflmplrovingd Igepnebec River, Maine: Continuing improvement, t thousand dollars. ¤·<=¤¤M‘»¤•- Iinproving Saco River, Maine: Continuing im rovement, including breakwater and the construction of a pro osed) jetty op osite the mm. same, sixty-five thousand dollars: Provided, ll‘hat the wholb of said sum may be used in the discretion of the Secretary of War in the Jem construction of said proposed jetty. m§¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤¤ Rim- Improving Harrisseckit River, Maine, ten thousand dollars. slum: cmu never, Improving Saint Croix River, Maine, thirty—‘dve thousand dollars- "g,,,,,,u,,,,,_ bnmn the condition that the Government of the Dominion of _ C a shall expend a like sum in the improvement of said river. M§°'*¤°*¤¤* W'"- Improving-lKennebunk River, Maine, at or near its mouth, twenty thousand dollars, the entire amount to be expended in repairs if necessary. “""“'*‘m'”·’°- Improving Pleasant River, Maine: To complete improvement, three thousand five hundred dollars. —

  • ’°"¤¤V¥*'¤‘·N·H- Ir¢;p1£ovm]gBellag1y River, New Hampshire: Continuing improvemen , -en thousand dollars.

°°°“°°°m'¤'·N·H· d Ifnproving Cocheco River, New Hampshire, twenty-Eve thou and o ars. _ 0w¤·¤n¤lr.V¢— thImpro3ri5ig10tter Creek, Vermont: Continuing improvement Eve ` thousand dollars. ‘ e ;“‘T"""""·’“'* Improving Powow River, Massachusetts: Continuing improve- "”°"‘*°· · ment, five thousand dollars: Provided, That this sum shall not be expended until the towns of Amesbury and Salisbury, or either of D¤*i¤br¤ds¤· them, shall have caused such a draw to be placed in the present _ bridge over said river as may be approved by the Secretary of War. "'“”*°"B"°'·"*'· Improvingt};1‘auntc(;‘ndRiis*er, Massachusetts: Continuing improvement, seven thousand dollars. ww River. Improving Merrimac River at Mitchel1’s Falls, Massachusetts: ' Continuing impfovement, ten thousand dollars. lfsrmcuun Phu'. lmlsmproving eymouth River, Massachusetts: ten thousand dol- P¤*¤¤=¤=¤¢ 1¤*•r. Improving Pawtucket River, Rhode Island: Continuing im roven`I' ment thirty thousand dollars P n_lQ'f"“°”°° R*'°’• Improving Providence River and Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, Continuing méprovement, fifty thousand ollars. Improving reen Jacket S oal, Providence River, Rhode Island: Continuing improvement, twenty-five thousand dollars. ¤_!;f*¤•¤¤=* Pima Improving Pawcatuck River, hode Island: Completing improve- _ ment, sixteen thousand six hundred dollars. ¤§{,'f”°°"°“‘ *“'°"· _ Improving Connecticut River below Hartford, Connecticut: Continuing improvement, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. °§,Q,_“¤•°°¤*¤ R**¤¤‘· Improving Housatonic River and for breakwater, Connecticut: Continuing inliprovement, thirty-five thousand dollars. '*'“'¤“m'°*·°°¤¤ Improving ames River, Connecticut, Continuigg improvement, twenty thousand dollars, which may be expend at any point _ between orwich and N ew—London. ”¥'°’° R*‘f°’· C°¤¤· Improving Mystic River, Connecticut, ten thousand dollars. ¤*¤*¤°¤ F¤*¤‘·N-Y- Improv1i•n(g Hudson River, New York: Continuing improvement, _ one hund _ and fifty thousand dollars. N}*;f'*°*¤ ¤*¤°¥- Improving Newtown Creek and Bay, New York: Continuing improvement, thirty-five thousand dollars, one fourth of said sum to e expended on the main branch of said creek between Maspeth