Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/519

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 907, 908. 1890. 465 enamination of the same by the local engineer in charge of the district, or an eng1neer detailed for the purpose and such local or detailed engineer and the division engineer of the locality shall report to said C 1ef of engineers whether, in their opinion, said harbor or river is worthy of improvement, and shall state in such report fully and particularly the acts and reasons on which the base such opinions, including the present and prospective demands of commerce; ·and it shall be the duty of the C ief of Engineers to direct the making)of such survey, if, in his opinion, the arbor or river proposed to e surveyed be worthy of improvement by the General Government; and e shall report to the Secretary of War the facts, and what public necessity or convenience may be subserved thereby, together with the fu l reports of the local engineer: And Provided éurther, That no survey for new works other than those designated G¤-¤¤l.etc..vr<>i¤c¤ y law shall be made and the Government shall not be deemed to have entered upon any project for the construction or improvement of any water-wa , harbor, or canal mentioned in this act unless or until the work of construction shall have been actually approplriated for. Said regnts of tpreliminary examinations and surveys s all be Reports or prelim! madteetio this ouse o Representatives, and are hereby or ered to be °° prm w en so made. Approved, September 19, 1890. ¤HA:P. 908.-An act to amend certain sections of the Revised Statutes relating to September io, mw. lotteries, and for other purposes. — 1*;* Be d enacted b the Senate and Hauser? Remesentatives of the - United States of Xmerica in Congress asse Zed, hat section thirty- Postal cldmcs. eight hundred and ninety-four of the Revised Statutis be, and the ;,,;§,;"‘,},’}‘{,_,,cl"“"' "’ same is hereby, amended to read as follows: " Sec. 3894. No letter, postal-card, or circular concerninig any n. s. ¤¤4,p-758. lottery, so-called gift concert, or other similar entexiprise o erin9g ““'°"‘i°‘f,,,_ gm m,, rizes dependent u n lot or chance, or concerning sc emes devis $¤·'30 for the purpose ofxdbtaining money or property under false pre- " ' tenses, and no list of the drawing? at any ottery or similar scheme, and no lottery ticket or part thereof, and no check, draft, bill, money, postal note, or money-order for the purchase of any ticket, tickets, or part thereof, or o any share or any chance in any such lottery or gift enterprise, shall be carried in the mail or delivered at or throu h any post-office or branch thereof, or by any letter carrier; nor slmlfany newspaper, circular, pamphlet, or pub ication of any Ngggepgnk em. kind containin any advertisement of any lottery or gift enterprise ,°§,'3,,,,m.§,,,§’_‘,,‘,Q{,,‘,‘{, of any kind ohgring prizes dependent upon lot or c ance, or con- ¤¤·¤•¤¤- taining any list of prizes awar ed at the drawings of any such lottery or gift enterprise, whether said list is of any part or o all of the drawing, be carried in the mail or delivered by any postmaster or letter·carrier. Any person who shall knowingly deposit or cause to be deposited, or who shall knowingly send or cause to be sent, any- thin to be conveyed or delivered y)mailinviolation of this section, or stdio shall knowingly cause to e delivered by mail anything herein forbidden to be carried by mail, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a fine of not Punishment. more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than one ear, or by both such fine and imprisonment for each odense. guy rson violating any of the provisions of this section may be proceedgld against by information or indictment and tried and Process. punished, either in the district at which the unlawful publication Junsmcuon. was mailed or to which it is carried by mail for deliveigy according to the direction thereon, or at which it is caused to be elivered by mail to the person to whom it is addressed." STAT L-——vo1. xxv1—-30