Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/553

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F1F·rY-F1RsT oouennss. sm. 1. on. 1040. 1800. 499 Bde pre-emption or homestead claims on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety, arising or asserted by actual occupation of the land under color of the laws of the United States, the right and title of the persons holding or claiming any such lands under such sales or entries are hereby conirmed and persons claiming the right to enter as aforesaid may perfect their entry under the law. An on condition that the Gul and Ship Island Railroad Bp’I}{;'*j_*fg’rjaig°,:¤dgP Company within ninety days from the passage of this act shall, by 0n0mm0n. ’ resolution of its board of directors, duly accept the provisions of the same and file with the Secretary of the Interior a valid relinquishment of all said company’s interest, right, title, and claim in and to _R¤1¤¤q¤i¤hme¤r of all such lands as have been sold, entered, or claimed as aforesaid, °'°1°’°°°‘ then the forfeiture declared in the first section of this act shall not apply to or in anywise affect so much and such parts of said grant • o lands to the State of Mississippi as lie south of a line drawn east and west throqgh the point where the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad may cross the ew Or eans and Northeastern Railroad in said State, until one year after the passage of this act. And there may be Lim lands may be selected and certified to or in behalf of said company lands in lieu °°1°°°"°‘°°" of those hereinbefore required to be surrendered to be taken within the indemnity limits of the original grant nearest to and olpposite . such part of the line as may be constructed at the date of se ection. Sec. 8. That the Mobile and Girard Railroad Company, of Ala- Gvngégagpnbg bama, shall be entitled to the quantity of land earned by the con- mu mma mniwi struction of its road from Gira to Troy, a distance of eighty-four °°mP•·¤Y· -¤·· miles. And the Secretary of the Interior in making settlement and .¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤" ·¤¤<>¤=-· certifying to or for the benefit of the said company the lands earned ’ there y shall include therein all the lands so d, conveyed or other- ‘ ll wise dis sed of by said company not to exceed the total amount earned by said company as aforesaid. And -the title of the pur- rms0e pumhassnr, chasers to all such lands are hereby confirmed so far as the United States are concerned. _ But such settlement and certification shall not include any lands upon which there were bona fide pre-emptors or homestead claims rresmpmn and on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety, arising or ‘*°¤*°¤*¤¤* <='¤-*m¤· asserted b actual occupation of the land under color of the laws of e ri there y given e said rai roa compan is on con i- Gonnrmmou cmuthfldgmtehshamh to th `d 'l d d tion thag it shall within ninety days from the passage hf this act, by Ei3,'f°°°" °°°°’°‘“°°• resolution of its board of directors, duly accept the provisions of the same and file with the Secretary of the Interior a valid relinquishment of all said company’s interest, right, title, and claim in and to mlycvnqwshmeuz of all such lands within the limits of its grant, as have heretofore been ;,,d3_°°°‘* °° °°""“" sold by the officers of the United States for cash, where the Government still retains the gilurchase money, or with the allowance or approval of such officers ave been entered in good faith under the preemption or homestead laws, or as are claimed under the homestead or pre-emption laws as aforesaid, and the right and title of the per- connmsuoummsons holding or claiming any such lands un er such sales or entries °°*"°"“"”“*‘”- are hereb confirmed, and all such claims under the preemption or homestead, laws may be perfected as provided by law. Said com- Perfection ofCl&l!1.'l8» pany to have the right to select other lands, as near as practicable to neu umn my be constructed road, and within indemnlg llmits in lieu of the lands so ‘°'°°'°"· relinquished. And the title of the nited States is hereby relin- neimquaumqnz or quished in favor of all persons holding under any sales by the loca,] gygggghgg gg land officers, of the lan s in the granted limits of the Alabama and mum and mm-ms. Florida Railroad grant, where the United States still retains the pur- R"°'°“° "“"’* chase money but without liability on the part of the United States. Approved, September 29, 1890. · —