Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/576

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522 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 1126. 1890. To pay accounts on file for advertising and to reimburse Quartermaster's Department, United States Army, for clothing transferred to the Marine Corps, Eve hundred and twenty-seven do lars. rue!. FUEL: To pay reservation accounts on nle for fuel for year endin June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, two thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight dollars and sixty cents. To pay accounts on file for advertising and for reservations on accciunts, three thousand three hundred and thirty dollars and twe ve cents. ` mgmwim Md TRANSPORTATION AND RECRUITING: To pay accounts for transportation of troops,'five hundred dollars. _ _ To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers for freight and transportation, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, twenty-three' dollars. range. FQRAGE: To pay accounts on file for forage fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, ninety-nine dollars and thirty-eight cents. _ _ _ To pay accounts on file for advertising and for reservations on accounts, three hundred and seventeen do lars and eighty cents. '0°¤**¤8°¤*· CONTINGENT: To pay accounts on file for per diem pay to enlisted men on constant labor for year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and for prior years, three thousand one hundred and fifteen dollars and Eve cents. To pay amounts found due b the accounting officers for freight and transportation, being for the service of the fiscal year.eighteen lgiundred and eighty-eight, one hundred and sixty-four dollars and our cents. To pay accounts on file for advertising, and for gas, water, straw, freight, and other miscellaneous items, two thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight dollars and seventy-one cents. mmeder 1>¤v¤rt- INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. contingent ex- CONTINGENT EXPENSES, DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIOR: To pay ‘°°°°°°' the accounts of E. F. Brooks, one hundred and fourteen dollars and thirty-nine cents, and Joseph Rakeman, sixty-three dollars, being additional to the amount authorized by joint resolution of December twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and eighpydive, to Ht up and put in prgper repair the rooms in the Interior epartment Building assigne by the Secretary for the use of the Commissioner of Patents, and a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-six, one hundred and seventy-seven dollars and thirty-nine cents. 'Q;',,,‘Q‘f,f*,f,¥““‘· To pay Edward Renaud as a clerk of class three in the Pension Oiiice. from May nineteenth to twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and eiglhty-seven, forty-three dollars and ninety-five cents. o enable the Secretary of the Interior to compensate Commander B¤¥¤* B- B¤‘¤¤f<>¤i- _Royal B. Bradford, United States Navy, for the preparation of s eci- Gcations and plans for, and superintending the installation oft an Electric hgm. electric-light lant in the Interior Department Building, authorized Vol 24, p. 525. ply tgie (prac lcifp March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven,five un re dollars. “fg3"¤·¤*¤*¤· 0***- TOWN-SITES IN Oxnnnozeu; To carry into eifect the provisions of Am, am. the act afpproved May fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, to provide or town-site entries of lands in what is known as Oklahoma, and for other purposes, twenty-Eve thousand dollars. ,,,g1°'“{g§“Dejp¤*g:g COLUMBIA NSTITUTION ron THE DEAF AND DUMB: For salaries numb. and wages, in addition to the amount already allowed, two thousand five hundred and thirty-one dollars and ninety-nine cents. Dfgtgenrmn, Nonb PENITENTIARY BUILDING IN Nonrn DAKOTA: For the purpose of erecting, under the direction and supervision of the Secretary of the