Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/597

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1126. 1890. 543 WAR DEPARTMENT Warbepartmsnt. For subsistence of the Army, two thousand one hundred and subsistence. sixty-two dollars and thirty-nine cents. For regular supplies, Quartermaster’s Department, one thousand 0{!*¤‘*<**¤=¤·¤¤¤¤"¤ five hun red and ninety-one dollars. Supp °°°' For incidental expenses, Quartermaster’s Department, six thou- immenmupenn. sand nine hundred and nineteen dollars and fifty-eight cents. For transportation of the Arm and its supplies, except the claims rmmpomuon. of the Central Pacific Railroad Company, and the Southern Pacific Railroad Companies of Arizona, California, and New Mexico, nineteen thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars and seventy cents. For fifty per centum of arrears o?Army trans rtation due cer- mens tain land-grant railroads, eleven thousan and tlhlirty-nine dollars and seventy-four cents. For clothing, and camp and garrison equipage, five hundred and cu»m¤g,•w. thirty dollars and eighty-three cents. For horses for cavalry and artillery, one thousand nine hundred H<>¤¤¤· and sixty-one dollars and ninety-one cents. For barracks and quarters, two thousand five hundred and fifty- nal-m¤,m. eigzht dgllarslagd sixty pents. rt th h _ d 6 or i na ,rvice ranspo ation, ree un an sixt - ve sigma scum. dollars add twenty-four cents. _ y T"'"’°'°‘"°"‘ For Si al Service, barracks and quarters, two hundred and thirty- Barracks, ,t,,_ three doU:1¤ and ten cents. d Eor Signal Service, subsistence, three hundred and thirty-nine subsistence. o ars. For geo phical surveys west of the one hundredth meridian, six surveys dollars andriorty-five cents. For military post at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming, three hundred 1•*<>n1>.a num and nine dollars and e' hty cents. For military post at1§‘ort Robinson, Nebraska, one thousand three ron norman. hundred and thirty dollars and one cent. For national cemeteries, one dollar. · National cemeteries. For refundin to States expenses incurred in raising volunteers, iummwsmmns one thousand five hundred and thirty-two dollars an ninety-two ""'°"""°°“* cents. · For Rogue River Indian war of eighteen hundred and fifty-four, Rogue mm mam two hundred and sixteen dollars and ninety-nine cents. '""" For gnu-boats on Western rivers, forty-four dollars and ninety- dyn-mm, www-¤ one cents. · °"' For twent per centum additional compensation, three hundred rweueypsrem. and three dollars and twenty cents. For pay, transportation, services, and supplies of Oregon and omm me wasn- Washington volunteers in eighteen hundred and fifty-five and eight- ‘°¤°°”‘f°'“¤°°°'* °'°- een hun red and fifty six, two thousand five hundre and twenty-six dollars and eighty-nine cents. CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE FOURTH AUDITOR AND ¤*¤*¤¤ ¤¤<2··*¤¤u*>v snooun COMPTROLLER. .§`3..‘¥'.?.i¤t.‘:.“,:£‘3.§¤...'?‘ For pay of the Navy, certified claims reported in House Execn- Navy p,,y_ tive Document Numbered One hundred and forty-four, Fifty-nrst Congress, first session, for difference between sea and shore dut pay neeewmgsmpamy. on receivin -shi s, which accrued since July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty, eleven thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight dollars and eiglhtyl-four cents. _ _ _ For pay of the av , certiiied claims reported in House Executive Longevity claims. Document N umberedy One hundred and orpy-four, Fiftydirst Coness, allowed under the decisions of the nited States Supreme Court in the cases of Mullan, Baker and Cook, act March third,