Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/79

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 40, 46. 1890. 25 to any taxpayer applying therefor at the office of the said Commissioners, and that if the taxes due, together with the penalties and costs that may have accrued thereon shall not be paid prior to the day fixed for sale, the property will be sold under the direction of the Said Commissioners at public auction at the office of the collector of taxes for the District of Columbia, commencing three weeks after the first publication of the said notice and continuipg on each following day, undays and legal holidays excepted, until said delinquent property is sol : Provided, however, That property which has once Mw. een advertised and sold for non-paymento taxes shall not be again Dupuepcpa mma. taillveitisnid for pho spine taxm élhp pfxpgnsesdofb said pidvertiiiitig and i" ""°”"’"’°d· e prin ing o said pamp e s a pai y a c argc o wenty . for edv¤¤i¤-- cents for each lot or piece of property advertised. mC2f2mm' SEo. 2. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, March 19, 1890. CHAP. 4-6.-An act to authorize the Oregon and Waslnington Bridge Company &|0h24,1§. to construct and maintain a bridge across the Columbia River, between the State of www Oregon and the State of Washington, and to establish it as a post-road. Whereas, the act of Congress approved July Sixteenth, eighteen $5•:b1¤» hundred and eighty-eight (twenty-fifth Statutes at Lar e, page two ‘ ’°‘2°°‘ hundred and nmety-six), has become null and void by igiilure of the Columbia River Bridge Company, the corporation in said act named, or its assigns, to commence the construction of the bridge in said act authorized within one year from date of said act: Therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Oregon oregon and wm. and Washington Bridge Company, a corporation organized and '“"§" existing under the laws of the State of Oregon, its successors and as- mmmaég ¤¤ In- _ signs, be, and is herebp, authorized to construct and maintain a bridge Cm""' across the Columbia iver, at aplace suitable to commerce and not interfering with navigation at a point at or near La‘Camas, in the State of Washington, and to lay on or. over said bridge a track or tracks mnmuumn for the more perfect connection of any railroad or railroads that are or shall be constructed to said river, on either or both sides thereof, at or opposite said point, under the limitations and conditions hereinafter provided; that said bridge shall not interfere with the free nav- rm Nepean. igtion of said river, and in case of any litigation arising from any uugsunn. o truction, or alleged obstruction to the ree navigation of said river by reason of the construction of said bridge, the cause may be tried before the circuit court of the United States in and for any district in whose jurisdiction any portion of said obstruction or bridge may be. Said bridge shall be constructed to provide for the passage of railroad trains, and, at the option of the said company or corpora- Railroad, ei-¤u1w¤y.. tion, its successors and assigns, for the safe and convenient passage {,',.§‘d§_“ ““" ‘°°‘ of wagons and vehicles of all kinds, animals, and foot-passengers, for such reasonable rates of toll as may be nxed from time to time '1‘¤¤¤~ by the Secretary of War. Sec. 2. That said bridge shall be provided with two or more draw mw openings openings, each having not less than two hundred feet clear channelway; and in addition to said draw openingls one or more fixed channel- rmueunmenspua spans, each having not less than three undred and fifty feet clear c anne]-way; and every part of the sugptmcture of said bridge shall give a clear head room of not less t ten feet above extreme nm mm. known high water mark; Provided, That all (spans shall be so mmm. located as to afford the great ible accomm ation to the river ¤¤=•¤¤¤¤¢•P•¤— tramc, and a draw-o ning , if tpiacticable, be located next or near shore: also, That if physical characteristics of Mgg ¤¤•>¤· the locality so require, and the interests o navigation be not injured q"" "`