Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/901

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848 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 535, 536. 1891. nations any further grant of land, or its occupancy, than is hereinnomd. before provided: Provided, That any violation of the condition menvmnudum rmeae. tioned in this section shall operate as a forfeiture of all the rights and privileges of said railway company under this act. Record or more Sec. 11. That all mortgages executed by said railway company 8*** conveying any portion of its railroad, with its franchises, that may be constructed in said Indian Territory shall be recorded in the Department of the Interior, and the record thereof shall be evidence and notice of their execution, and shall convey all rights and property of said com any as therein expressed. mmdmmiem. Sec. 12. That Congress may at any time amend, add to, alter, or repeal this act. _ Ris¤j¤!·¤¤d¤:¤$¤•¤¤·= mc. 13. That the right of way herein and hereby granted shall Qi'.-°.¥e¤E ° °°°` not be assigned or transferred in any form whatever prior to the construction and completion of the road, except as to mortgages or other liens that may be given or secured thereon to aid in the construction thereof. Approved, March 3, 1891. wma1mi_ CHAP. 536.-Au act to define the jurisdiction of the police court of the District ———; of Columbia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the p,,;,,,,, ,,,,,,,.t_p_c_ United States of America in Congress assembled, That section ten F£··D· ¤·· ¤¤<=- 10**% hundred and forty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States P' relating to the District of Columbia be, and is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: The police court of the District of Columbia shall Jurisdiction ex- have original jurisdiction concurrantly with the supreme court of the

  • ""°‘· District of Columbia, of all crimes and offences hereafter committed

against the United States, not capital or otherwise infamous, and not unishable by imprisonment in a penitentiary, committed within the District of Columbia, except libe conspiracy, and violations of the st office and pension laws of the United States; and also of all oflgnces hereafter committed against the laws, ordinances, and regulations of the District of Columbia, and shall have power to examine and commit or hold to bail, either for trial or further examination, in all cases whether cognizable therein or in the supreme court of the District of Columbia. Pmhcntions. Sec. 2. That prosecutions in the police court shall be on information by the proper prosecuting officer. In all prosecutions within the jurisdiction of said court in which accordinlg to the Constitution _;,,,, ¤.m,,_ of the United States, the accused would be entitled to a jur · trial the trial shall be by jury. And also in all prosecutions in which such persons would not be by force of the Constitution of the United States entitled to a trial by jury, but in which the Bne or penalty may be fifty dollars or more or imprisonment for thirty days or more, the trial shall be by jury unless the accused shall, in open court, expressl w,,,,,,, 1,,,, waive such trial bly jury and consent to a trial by the judge in which case the trial shal be by such judge, and the ju gment and sentence shall have the same force and effect in all respects as if the same had been entered and plronounced on the verdict of a jury. rrnnuygudge, In all cases not _ ereinbefore in this section provided for, the trial shall be b a judge. Selection oriury. Sec. 3. ilhat the jury for service in said court shall consist of twelve men, who shall possess the legal qualifications necessary for jurors in the Supreme court of the District of Columbia, and such jurors shall be drawn and selected under and in pursuance of the service crm-on laws concerning the drawing and selection of jurors for service in said supreme court. The term of service of jurors drawn for service in_sa1d police court shall be for three successive monthly terms of said court, and, in any case on trial at the expiration of such time,