Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/960

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II.` Ch. 540. 1891. 907 On the brig Minerva, Samuel Endicott, master, namely : c]FY'°¤°hu€£°1g;**°¤ William Gray, administrator of William Gray, ten thousand four Bng··mme¤i·1a.·i hundred and nineteen dollars and twenty-eight cents. On the schooner Emily, William Emerson, master, namely : schooner- ··r:mny.·· John Stewart, receiver of the Baltimore Insurance Company, twelve thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars; Robert T. Owings Griiiith, administrator of Beale Owings, three thousand eight hundred and twenty-two dollars and twelve cents. On the schooner Lucretia, John Grant, maste1·, namely : mS?P°°¤°¤" "L¤¤¤‘+ William D. Lee, Thomas D. Lee, Henry A. Lee, Joseph A. Lee, ` and Virginia Waters, administrators de bonis non estate of William Duncan, ten thousand four hundred and seven dollars and twenty- seven cents. On the brig General Wayne, William Allen, master, namely : Whig,, "G<>¤¢>¤‘•| Charles Francis Adams, administrator estate of Peter Chardon m` Brooks, three thousand four hundred and fifty-six dollars and forty cents. Henry W. Blagge and Susan B. Samuels, administrators of Crowell Hatch, one thousand and eighteen dollars and eighty cents ; Thomas H. Perkins, administrator of John C. Jones, five hundred and nine dollars and forty cents; - William Sohier, administrator of Nathaniel Fellowes, one thousand and eighteen dollars and eighty cents; Francis Boutwell, administrator of Benjamin Cobb, five hundred and nine dollars and forty cents. , Simp ··C;,,,,m_·· On the sloop Cicero, Thomas Taggart, master, namely: Mary T. Latrobe, admfnistratrix of Thomas Tenant, eight thousand nine hundred and fifty-three dollars and eighteen cents; On the schooner Sally, Gideon Rea, master, namely: . S¤b<><>¤¤r" William Gray, administrator with the will annexed of the estate not already administered of William Gray, deceased, testate, two thousand dollars; William P. Andrews, administrator with the will annexed of the _ estate not already administered of Samuel Page, deceased, testate, six thousand five hundred and ninety-three dollars; On the schooner Commerce, John W. Russell, master, namely z m§1§££{°¤°¤‘ "O°¤¤· William O. Gladding, second, administrator of John WY. Russell, ` one-third of value of vessel, cargo, freight, and cost of insurance, less amount received from insurer, one t iousand eight hundred and sizmy-two dollars and twenty cents ; illiam O. Gladding, second, administrator of the estate of Al]_en Munroe, one third of value of vessel, cargo, freight, and cost of insurance, less amount received from insurer, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two dollars and twenty cents ; William O. Gladdin , second, administrator of the estate of Nathaniel Howland, one-third the value of the vessel, cargo, and freight, anilounting to three thousand four hundred and sixty-two dollars an twent cents; ‘ __ _ __ On the slroop Union, Louis Bosworth, master, namely: Sarah E. S'°°° U'“°“· Bosworth, administratrix of the estate of Lewis Bosworth, deceased, who was the sole owner of the vessel and cargo, five thousand four hundred and ninety-six dollars ; _ _ _ On the sloop Packet, Joseph Smith, junior, master, namely ; SMP "P¤¢k<=¤-" David Plummer, administrator of the estate of David Plummer, deceased. one thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars; Charles T. Hough, administrator of the estate of Benjamin K. Bough, deceased, one thousand one hundred and ninety-four dollars; _ On the brig Ranger, Benedict Peckham, master, namely; BW "R“€°'-" William B. Philli s, administrator of Thomas Jackson, deceased, three thousand one hundred dollars and seventy-four cents;