Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/10

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Annual appropriations extended. Joint resolution to continue the provisions of a joint resolution approved June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, entitled "Joint resolution to provide temporarily for the expenditures of the Government." July 15, 1992 398
Pan-American Medical Congress. Joint resolution to authorize the President to invite certain governments to send delegates to the Pan-American Medical Congress. July 15, 1892 398
Slums of cities, investigation. Joint resolution providing for an investigation relative to the "slums of cities." July 20, 1892 399
Metropolitan Railroad, D. C. Joint resolution extending the time in which certain street railroads compelled by act of Congress, approved August sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety, to change their motive power from horse power to mechanical power. for one year. July 22, 1892 399
Affixing great seal. Joint resolution to authorize and direct the Secretary of State to affix the great seal of the United States to a certain document therein stated.July 23, 1892 399
Relics of Columbus, etc. Joint resolution requesting the loan of certain articles for the World's Columbian Exposition. July 23, 1892 399
Exhibit of women's inventions. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to prepare and send to the World's Columbian Exposition models, drawings, and so forth, prepared or invented by women. July 26, 1892 400
Overhead wires, Grand Army Encampment, D. C. Joint resolution giving authority for the erection of overhead wires for the illumination of the city of Washington during the encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, during September, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. July 26, 1892 400
Fort Monroe, hotel. Joint resolution extending the time for the construction of a hotel on the Government reservation at Fortress Monroe, Virginia. July 28, 1892 401
Annual appropriations extended. Joint resolution to continue the provisions of existing laws providing temporarily for the expenditures of the Government. August 1, 1892 401
Annual appropriations extended. Joint resolution to continue the provisions of existing laws providing temporarily for the expenditures of the Government. August 4, 1892 401
King and Queen of Spain, etc., invitation to World's Fair. Joint resolution extending an invitation to the King and Queen of Spain and the descendants of Columbus to participate in the World's Columbian Exposition. August 5, 1892 401
Foreign laborers at World's Fair. Joint resolution authorizing foreign exhibitors at the World's Columbian Exposition to bring to this country foreign laborers from their respective countries for the purpose of preparing for and making their exhibits, August 5, 1892 402
Temporary railroad tracks, D. C. Joint resolution to permit the railroads of the District to lay extra tracks to accommodate the traveling public during the Grand Army of the Republic Encampment. August 5, 1892 402
Congressional employees, August, 1892, salaries. Joint resolution providing for the payment of the salaries of officers and employees of Congress for the month of August, 1892. August 5. 1892 403

STATUTES II - 1892-1893.

Engineer Corps, Navy. An act terminating the reduction in the numbers of the Engineer Corps of the Navy. December 10, 1892 405
District of Columbia, Saturday half holiday. An act making Saturday a half holiday for banking and trust company purposes in the District of Columbia. December 22, 1892 405
Square Inlet Light. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to reconvey to Lucius U. Maltby and Louise W. Maltby, his wife, Margaret Elizabeth Lucas, and the Sea Girt Laud Improvement Company a piece of land selected as a site for the Squan Inlet light station, New Jersey, but found to be unsuitable for the purpose of said station. December 22, 1892 406
Port of entry, Punta Gorda, Fla. An act to make Punta Gorda a subport of entry. December 22, 1892 407
Navy-yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. An act to provide for the sale of navy-yard lands in the city of Brooklyn. December 22, 1892 407
American Register, "Sea Bird.". An act to provide an American register for the barge Sea Bird of Perth Amboy, New Jersey. December 22, 1892 408
Immediate transportation, Duluth, Minn. An act to extend to Duluth, Minnesota, the privileges of the first section of an act entitled "An act to amend the statutes in relation to immediate transportation of dutiable goods, and for other purposes." :approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty. December 22, 1892 408
Military reservations, Wyo. An act to provide fur the disposal of certain abandoned military reservations in the State of Wyoming. December 22, 1892 408
La Abra Silver Mining Company. An act to amend and enlarge the act approved June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled "An act to provide for the distribution of the awards made under the convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Mexico, concluded on the fourth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight." December 28, 1892 409
Benjamin Weil. An act to amend and enlarge the act approved June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled "An act to provide for the distribution of the awards made under the convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Mexico, concluded on the fourth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight." December 28, 1892 410
Bridges, Tallapoosa and Coosa rivers. An act to authorize the Alabama Grand Trunk Railroad Company to bridge across the Tallapoosa and Coosa rivers. December 28, 1892 412