Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1016

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PROOLAMATIONS. Nos. 9, 10. 995 [N o. 9.] . BY THE PBESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROGLAMATION. It is a very glad incident of the marvelous prosperity which has N°'°’“"“ H- mlcmged1tllr;ye):rcn<;_sqtdlraw;11pg to a close tlpatlits helpful and reassur- Prw¤\>1¤- mg uc s n e y our people. t as been as wide as our country, and so special that every home has felt its comforting iniluence. It is too great to be the work of man’s power and too particular to be the device of his mind. To God, the Beneficent and the All Wise, who makes the labors of men to be fruitful, redeems their losses by his Grace, and the measure of whose giving is as much beyond the thoughts of man as it is beyond his deserts, the praise and gratitude of the people of this favored nation are justly due. Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States "{'°*<;¤];tl>¤¤* 2%:691, of America, do hereby appoint Thursday, the 26th day of November ».¤:it°¤.1*Z°iI`¤¤§i$. p¥e§en¤;> bg a day} of joyful thanksgiviving to God for the bounties *"¤· o is vi ence or the peace in which we are permitted to enjoy . them, and for the preservation of those institutions of civil and religious liberty which He gave our fathers the wisdom to devise and establish, and us the courage to premrve. Among the appropriate observances of the day are rest from toil, worship in the public congregation the renewal of family ties about our American hre sides, and thouglhtful helpfulness towards those who suffer lack of the body or of the spirit. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be atllxed. Done at the City of gton, this ltiith day of November, in the year of our one thousan eight hun and ninety- [SEAL.] one, and of (the Independence of the United States the one _ hundred an sixteenth. BEN.1 Humrson By the President: Jnms G. BLAJNE Secretary of State. [N0. 10.] BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED Sums or Azvmmoa. A PROCLAWIATION. Whereas, satisfactory proof has been given to me that no tonnage or __[’j9°”*‘*°’ ’·“°*· light house dues, or other equivalent tax or taxes, are imposed upon grgamblgv H M vfesselsBof the Uvniteti States lin she ports of the Island of Tobago, one m,‘§,,§,*E°* °' “ ‘ 0 the ritish ’est n ‘ ia s an s- N ow therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America by virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 11 of V°'·“—P·“‘· the Act of éongress, entitled “An act to abolish certain fees for official services to American vessels, and to amend the laws relating to shipping commissioners, seamen, and owners of vessels, and for other purposes/’ approved June nineteenth, one_ thousand eight hundred and _ •·¤ghty-six, do hereby declare and proclaim that from and after the date m;‘;“g*j,’l:_*°;*¤ *:5%;*;]; of this my Proclamation shall be suspepdcd (the collectipn oflthetwhole mm Tongs. of the tonnage duty which is imposec y said section o said ac upon vessels entered in the ports of the United States from any of the ports of the Island of Tobago. _ Provided, That there shall be excluded from the benefits of the sus- §£·exc,ud°d_ pension hereby declared and proclaimed, the vessels of any foreign