Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1112

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1092 mimx. Page. . Pa c. Comptroller of the Currency-Continued.: Consular Courts, g appropration for superintendent, etc., ‘ appropriation for marshals .. 233, 505 national currency . 196, 687 Consular Officere (see also Diplomatic and Condeiiciency appropriation for superintend- sular Service.) ent of national currency ... 283 appropriation for instruction and transit to transfer assets of banks in hands of re- pay .. -- . . 224, 497 ceivers to agent of shareholders 346 for salaries .. . . . ... ... .228, 500 Conant, F. H., deficiency appropriation for salaries.282, 309, 314 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 308 for services to American vessels .. 309 Concealed Wea rms, D. C., Consular Officera not Citizens, carrying uniawful; punishment .. 116 to be paid from amount for consulate. . .232. 504 Condemnation of Streets, etc., D. C., deficiency appropriation for salaries.282, 309, 647 appropriation for expenses .. . 157 Consular Prisons, cgoiicieptcy oplpvmpriotiou for .. - ... 288 C appycppistion for expenses . . 233, 506 ecu irer, a., onsu ar eports, appropriation for improvement of 101 appropriation for publication, etc ... 234, 506 Confederate Postal Records, Consular Service (see also Diplomatic and Conpurchase authorized; recommeudation .. . 148 sular Service.) Confederate Records, appropriation for salaries consuls-general.228,500 appropriation for indexing - .. 600 for salaries, consuls, vice-consuls, and Confederated Banda of Ute Indiana, commercial agents .. .. 228, 500 appropriation for fulfilling treaties with.133, 629 for clerk hire .. . . . . . . . 232, 504 Confedoratcd Tribes, etc., of Indiana, Middle C fof contingent expenses ... 234,506 Oregon, onsn ales, appropriation for support, etc., of ... 134, 627 appropriation for clerk hire . 232, 504 Conference Room, Senate, for contingent expenses .. - . ... 234, 506 deficiency appropriation for clerk to Sena- deficiency appropriation for contingent extor in charge .. . . . . . 664 penses . 309 Congaree River, S. C., for contingent expenses 1892 .. . , 647 appropriation for improvement of 100 1891 . .. 647 Congo (nee also Kongo), · 1890 . . . 647 treaty of Amity, commerce, audnavigation Caneuls, ‘ C with . ... . . ... . 926 appropriation for instruction and transit ongrese, a . .. 224, 49I appropriation for pay, etc., of Senators.- .183, 675 for siileiries .. . . 228, 501 for members of the House- .. . . 186, 678 to issue bills of health; contents . 450 tor printing and binding; estimates . .387, 611 detail of medical officers in office of . . 450 deficiency appropriation lor printing- and health regulations to be posted in office. . . 451 binding .. . . - ... 8, 663 to make weekly sanitary reports from for investigatiomjoint committees . 36 specified ports .. . .. 451 Congressional Directory, Contagious Diseases, D. C., appropriation for compiling, etc . 186, 678 appropriation for preventing spread of . . 162, 519 Congressional District, Conlentnia Creek, I C., no additional free-delivery post-omces to appropriation for improvement of 99 be established until there i one in Contested Entry, Public Lands, everyrr .·- ...~. . 146 notice to be given contestant of relinquish- Congresaional Documents, ment of c0ntestee's claim .. . 270 appropriation for preparing index to . 610 Continental Bridge Company, Congressional Elections, may bridge Rio Grande del Norte, Brownsdeiiciency appropriation forspecialdeputy _ ville. Tex., to Mntanioros, Mexico. . . 56 nmrsha s ...,,, 297 Continental Railway, i I Congressional Izmployeee, appropriation for prelimnmry survey . 227 to receive December salaries, December 24, to be in full for share of United States.. 227 1891 .. . ... .. ... 393 officers, etc., prohibited trom engaging in May salaries, May 28, 1892 ..,.. 396 building proposed line . 227 December salaries, December 21, 1892. . . 752 no officer to commit United States to ap- August, 1892, salaries in advance-. . 403provul of survey, etc 227 Congressional Librarky (m Library of Congress.) · notitiention by the President .. . .. 227 Congressional Recor , I Contingent Expenses, appropriation for reporters, Senate .. 186, 677 i appropriation for Department of Agriculllouse . . . . 188, 680ture .- . . ... 79, 740 ihr printing and binding ... . .. 387, 611 · for \\’enther Bureau ..._,_,, 81, 742 dcficiencydappropriatiori for printing and for District of Columbia .. -. .. 153,540 bin ing ..,... . , .. .. 663 . lor Army ,181, 485 Cmmeant Harbor, Ohio, i for Senate . ...,,_,..__ ]>;5_ 677 appropriation for improvement of 93 for House of Representatives ., 188, 680 improvement of harbor modiiied . 474 > for Executive office .. . .,_, 196681 Connecticut Rirer, Conn., ‘ for Department of State . . 190, 6:53 appropriation for improvement of .. . . 97 for Treasury Department .__ _ _]99_ 691 for li ghting . . . . . . . 353, 575 for War Department .. . ... 208, 699 Connor, James A., · for Navy Department . 212. 703 deiiciency appropriation for judgment ’ for Interior Department -. 216, 707 against District of Columbia ... 288 ; for Civil Service Commission .. 216, 707 Constantinople, I for Post~01iice Department 711 npgrroprintiou thr consnbgeneral at.. 228, 501 I for Department of Justice . . . . 221, 712 or steam launch, logation . . .. 498 for Depnrt¤n¤·1u of Ln bor .. . . . . 222. 713 Consular Clerks, for foreign nii~·sions ... 225, 498 appropriation for salaries . . . -. ,. 231. 504 for consulates .,., . . .. .234. 506