Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1139

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nmmx. 1 1 19 Pa . ' Intercepting Sewer, D. C., gc Interior Department-—0o¤tinu¤d. hu a.ppx·opr1ation for now main; coutrac t, ctc. 155 correction of name of Alexander Sampson- 294 Intercontinan tal Railway, Bovcluticnny military records to be transappropriation fcr preliminary survey; con- [erred 1:0 War Department . ZI5 ditions ·-—--- — ~··--—··· - - ·-------·. 227 t!'lLI1Bfo‘I.' of work 011 Eleventh Cgugug to _ 658 Inlorcourae Acts (Indian), , Intern, Roumm

Jg£:;>pLia.igou for punishing violations-- .384, 607 appmprhtiou fm. Commissiomm doputm

I jg_{?**;P*i¤*i·;¤ {0*, °¤ f¤¤•*·>d dm ----——— 16*, 549 rm ·msK£J¤s*`sns" ZC IZZfIZZfIII%g’ gg? " '”` D“P‘"`"'"""# for expenses, tobacco and su’ appropiiagou éor Secretary. Assistants, tion. Hmm on gu mspmgm 69,, car s c .. . . $--.212 703 0 · a' n ·'.""|'·"l; '‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ¤ ·‘ for clerksfctc., office of Assistant Attor- ’ go: ·;§n;·b::"tz m u° ‘'` 2;,0,3* m ¤gy.(§encml; expenses land inspvct- nqtigggfqf gpi1?i'{;'.’tpg"£?l1;·•::tico_¢;{' ' °'° ‘‘‘‘ " ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘····· ··213»7°4 hntto roctif · ga K" g·mtums _ 200 ’°'°.22“iTsL°2£°2?§r%S°§€L“'“‘L““‘*°“°‘313 ms ¤·**!¤¤°‘P·°IE$¤·?·¥*·¤*?i°¤¤·¤·*·**~¥· 200 . 2 > : ······· : ·-··- mu- m e . - for Comm1ssioncr of Indmu Aifaus, as- ’ S50 · i:f:hu“bywh°]° 200 “i“°“t> "i°'k“· “° ············*··· 213»7°4 omiu bruudinp mar'Es.K-J§sl}s`L} for Commissioner of Pensions, deputies, · g · · g J 010*% ow 214 705 dum lcd spujxts .: .. 201 for Commissioner of Patents, assistant, , I-0:(;;8'E:gEg‘$7;1;lf:11r§{0°;sy° '‘‘`'’ ém g °1"k“z °t° ‘‘‘· ·· ·················· 21% 7(E for sogcitor pe _`-- - ·-·` ..221, 712 f<¤ gg··¤·¤—¤i¤¤¤* ··f E<**·<=··*··¤» ¤¤<¤k¤é15 706 for pspsr fsL`JsI¤£$s]3sL`ZI1ZIZIZ1111113632-.81 "‘."I ‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘ I' ’’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ " f "h' 'It ns fl s ... " for Eammxsnwnor of Rmlmads, ¤1¤;·k¤hé fg? g;;';; gg;g°é;;6 3 rm- ns1s}}i¤>s·»r th0Capit01, smk, nuns. °°°°‘°ft‘;{1_p‘;f’*;§‘;P"““°“ f°’ P°P°" f" 6 648 mm vw ---- - -------·------------- 216, 707 B ,, ·,, `````' Q, ‘`‘```` 1 fo1·Dg1:¢;t0r of Gonlcgical Survey, clorkz for al n ’ ew" ag""!' urv°y°m%;:fg48fg,?i ° ······ ···‘ ··············· · ····· for collectors .. . ... . 668 671 for wntin out expenses . .. 216, 707 u ·s · · - Ds 3 " ’

·»=·¢»g»¤L'?·¤·;··¤·e¤<¤ ------------------ ggggg ¥3¥*}s§~‘A¤‘2is'Liv§.‘S%2‘§· 62E0L35m;.;]

or IBD .. . . . · r··¤»·¤s¤ ~¤=·-··¤·» -----------—--·----- 217,708 M}3£;.;e.1;a.;e‘a:,;a;s;,;;a;.Ei°i‘{*3"*°“"·§5é f¤r 1·¤>1>¤ri¤g °*¤¤*=·I R·=si·*~¤ ¤·>¤*¤¤¤· 708 rss drawback on sims '```' 2:314 me for surveyors-general and their clerks -217, 7(B `G '`’’°' ’ for civil expenses under ... 367, 591 l"t"”°l R?“Y""· C°"°'”‘“i°"" °L . M »··~~ ;»··¤¤¤¤» --------—-- -—-- gs gg; ;,,.r.Pm*,i‘m‘2.€:’::.»1‘lF:*.:1‘°“z;:r°‘(é‘i.‘:‘..‘“· if ·s1°"» ““ for Capito .. . . ... 9a' °°° _, ¤·;p¤»y;;ggggB§¤k¤¤¤¤· ··=*·=-· ·*·¤*·=g,,8’ 591 s. ,,.,,.,'“°.2§‘.} ¥Z.§.f"$2°‘;I,12;a‘;;a;;a;;;.k ’° 1V8S ... . . . . rm public lands .. . wsj 591 t a{°°***Y“*§ **1***;:**-% -—-··--------~--- 200 for surveying public lands . . . .369, 592 ° m .°h°"P';°t.r°p° ff °xP°t';°°“ t" Pun' 58 M <=¤<·1·>gi·==·gS·****·¤y ———---·-·-------- m3?,; s.,s.q.§“f.C}‘.15‘.."I.'E“¤‘2.,..’£I;'c“11,?I;.;";."‘.;.a ' f E1 th mnsus “ . ·. . ¤ ° fg; Sutgsggxs com reports 371, ssa g¤¤P¤¤¤ *=°•g·*¤¤¤; ¥·;·¤¤¤*·m· Ky-: for Gnvumment Hospnml for Insane .. .372, 595 Tum""' ““ D*“`" “°“ °°““"'°*» for Columbia. Institution Ihr Deaf au% "“;‘é ······ ··h ·—-·· ···- - ·-· 477 ]) I [ _________________ ____ __,,__Z_ ‘ ) HGTRGIIORG |H`C¢I|| Gly 0(II . GIIUIIHM, for Hsxlssd Univm-sity. . . . 372; 595 appropriation Ihr contribution ..227, 600 · fm- m1u¤miuu i¤;{\lu»l;u ... . . . .372, ln¢crnn¢•¥¤a9Ifurmu for 1’••bI•aM••g Guutmou f F Inns `oqi al ... ‘ J qw; fg; Hcggggrings 1'0S0;’\'{'|.$i0l\, Ark ... 373 upprpprnatnoh for qonyrnbntinn tu 591 for pensions .. 1].9, 523 d0t\0lQIl|'_Y l\ppl'0pl‘mtion fgr contnbution. 641 for printing und binding . . 388, 611 I Iulcmalwvgalpurqau lndumal Pmpqty, dcgcieucy ,,pp;·0p;im,iqn fm- printing and _ appropmmuu for slums of expenses .. 215, 706 binding ______,_____,,__,_,____.,._ 8, 663 · lnternammal Catalogue of Exporlu and Imports, for rnpairs to Capitol ___,____ , ,,,,, 8, 657appropriation fm: compilation, atc. . .. 227 fm- repairs _____ __ ____ _ _______,_____,,_, 657 I Inuwnafimml Commailee, Weights and Mcaoureu, for Government Hospital for Insane . . . Q | approjiriation for expenses, American l'!]Bmi for Indian Depnrtnwnt ..-..-- -5, 9, Z- ,BF ·-·--·····--~·-·------·-··----· y {0;- Elqmugll (jangus . .. 36, 295, 658 _ Interna¢ivna{ Copy¢igh¢, for maps of Unity] 5mm; _______,_,,,,, 293 ]}I'0Ol3Il}3t$10ll extandlqg privileges Of] to for gm-mm of Edmmgiqu ___,,,.,, . . 657 citizens nf Bclgmm, Franco, Great for education in Alaska, ___,,,,.,, . . 293 · Britain aud Switzerland ... 981 rm- Pension num buildin§ .. . . 296, 657 { G¤¤¤¤¤y -3-- ---- ~ ---·----------------- 1023 for elevator, Pension bun ing. ----·- - - · 657 · I¢¤·1y ··----- • · - --·-·· - - · ···-··--·--···- 1043 for Pension, ______,____ _ _ .295, 313, 316, 6::7, 670 I n icrnatungal E.¢c·h¢mges, for Public lands _______ _ _ _293, 310, 315, 668, 671 appmprmtxon for qxpcuses .. 360, 582 for custody ¤t‘¤lm1;•lnne¤lmilimry user-  ! rleiicicncy upp;0¥r¤ztion for. . 283, M9 · S dga G -“ gl _____,_,_ _,_, L, nteruationa Geo e ic. asociation or ensure- {01- éggoggnl gu:!;;;)-!, W j . - .. 291, 657 . mejnlpf Nw E¢v‘!h, for Oklahoma town sites _____,_... . 294 appmprmtxou for contnbutwu .. 357, 579 fm. clcrksb [mum, Ifurcgnj _______ ___ ____ 2955 Inlernalimfal IudustriaZ Properly Bureau, for {0,,% exgmijjiug smgsmm . .. 313 appropriation for expenses .. 21:;, 706 for John \V. Noble, ra-nixubursameut . 657 Intcrnahmml Jlouefary Cmnfcremce, my mutiugout expsuses 668 1 ¤p1•r<>pri=¤fi<>¤ for °XP•*¤¤€$ ----·~~-----·-- 349