Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1168

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1148 INDEX. P Pa, o. Proclama¢ions—C0ntinuod. ago, Public BuiZd5nga—C0ntinued. g settini apart forest reservation San Ga- appropriation for Norfolk, Va. ... 350 riel, Cal .. . . . . 1049 Omaha, N eb: . 350, 572 Sierra, Cal .. . . 1059 Philadelphia, Pa., mint . .. .351, 572 South Platte, Colo . 1044 Port Townsend, Wash., marine hospitu.1 572 Trabuco Canon, Cal ... 1066 Saint Albans, Vt . - 573 White River Plateau, Colo . 993 San Francisco, Cal., marine hospital. -.351, 572 Yellowstone Park, Wyo 981 Savannah, Ga . 351 suspending collection of toll on freight Sheboygan, Wi . .. 573 passing throu h St. Marys Falls Sioux Cxty, Iowa .. - - .. 351 Canal for Caneiian ports . . 1065 Snoux Fells, S. Desk ... 351, 572 suspending tonnage duty on vessels from Treasury buildings, Washington, D. C . 573 Tobago, West Indies ... 995 Troy,_N. Y . _ . .. 351, 572 p,?,;,,,, peak"' D_ cn wwnggon, C., poor-office .: .. 351,573 ,.,,· **,·;,,3#*~··¤f··*· i··¤·¤*=··*· ·¤¤·¤·*¤° —--··· *1 f.,;m;1.€,§';:, nS4;$§'L1€1‘&?££;*“ ···· 33 im•m.;:é::?gIt:’b° obtained for comms _ 86 for repairs and preservation .. . 351, 573 pwwtim forheutmg, etc., apparatus 573 ·PPmP1Zi¤tiDn for fortification ______ ___25g, 59 l1m1t, pay of superintendents, eto. . .351, 573 hmo“o"’ for old custom-house St. Paul, Mum., in Marine Corps to be on examination 321 °°Y°*°d mm th? T*`°““{5' -·_ ·---·--- 351 pmmums, Army, for gasnstant custodians and _]amt0rs.. .364, 533 examinations of Omcem appointed from for mspeotor of furmtnrc, etc .. ...364,588 mu me 0: volunteers .. 276 for f¤¤·¤¤¤s¤¤¤ Md ¤~v=¤¤¤ ·-----·------- 364. @89 in engineers and ¤:·1¤»m¤¤ .. . ... 276 M f¤•·1»}¤s¤*¤» Md Wmr -----------· 36% *9 competitive examinations of enlisted men f°*' h°“'”"8¤ °“’-· “PP’“'“*“° ---------··- $65 m be mode for filling vacancies in {M *i·:}¢¤» ¤¤f¤¤» mi ¤<¤=k¤ --—------—-- 365-574 P , ,$;·*·*°*°··*¤·····* “¤¤*··=~¤* -—··-·-·- 3** .1 é"·",“· ,${,°r.;,1;a;a;.; ‘z.;.‘;;;.;1;.mca1;,;."“"· 5** raps, e iam, _ _ ° mate “ » 9 $$32 3} 2d,.;,", mm of °``°````°`°` " 780 for Chattanooga, Tenn ... . . 654 appmpmmon for ’ ______ _ ____ __ __ 3%,607 for fuel, lights, and wamr.309, 314, 650, 668, 671 pmmu do P“"·"L¢·d· "for furniture and repairs .. 310, 650 668 671 ·g’· T' W ’ for vaults safes and locks , ’ 310 approprmuon for - . . z. . . . -. . 368, 591 for hmm » » t ·, --~-··- - de ciency sppropriahon for . 293, 671 f I “¤ist'£:££°:3m"» ’°P:·¤'*- - -314: gi? 67} Protectum of Industrial Property, _ [gr mus 8 mm: ° ° ···---- : » $75 conventron for expenses of International f P . ················ ~ --~-·--·· - · - - 1 Bm.,,,,, ______ ______ _ _____ _ _____ 958 forg>pa;0rs,¢gc .. .. 315,66S Protection of Lives, etc., D. C., f°r Gay Dau ·§· ·i···, ··········—·-- 284 regulations for,_1:o_ be made and enforced fg; L;:':;;'!: lab]; ééw?‘*'”“G “*PP‘“'“t“- gb .*·v°·····¤·¤·~*·····m ·—---··--··--·-·-- 394 mL... Auger.. an ;3§2i;·;··;;,;;;.;, 284 Proteemon of Pr¢;perty, C., for L chbur wa ·» K PP 668 punishment officertain offenses .. . 322 f Myu G g* · ···············-···· _ Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Fuundatim•,D. C fg; Pxtgzhd *1% ‘*··· · I · ······ x . , ., ma. n e os ..

 ’-gfrgosgs '’`'°’’ 414 for Pittsburg, Pa. extra work .. 650

cc up ’" for Milwaukee Wis re t 284 sppropriution for support of destitute pa- f St t .11 • N 6 hn tv ········ ·£· · 284 . **·¤*• ·-·--- - ··-·-·-·--·-·----·-—·· *’·"*· °°° f3? v£»§’5K.§r"’ M;M"¤.$"h‘““ “""2‘Q“t}}§ 284 Pwnc"" mv"' R' !" for Wushingtlou D gitug ozggidiloe 9 spiproplriation for unprovemont of .. .. 96 1. t f t . _ ¤ ·1 H, 9; PN Y · · 573 or prorvemont o Green Jacket Shoal. 96 ‘mlP°I_t°{°° dm5r° ¤ ° ° °¤ ‘ " ‘‘‘‘ "."","" ;’,°";221a.f’.{"¥':;·i...,,..v.,;...;.,4» 8,, 83..£*.?2...z,i.,f,‘2Em::::::::::1::;;::: ZZ? MJ. N"! ' building commission for new New York ,' t' ’f r 243 custom-house abolished . .. - 573 qmropnl mu 0 ·•··-t nn""-. .--· n-° mourning dynping of mhibited 715 Pwnc B“`“d"‘9”> part of lands of at Aiayugdon Vs.. ¤vX¤>vri¤¢i¤¤ M 41=¤·k· T¤¤i¢<·w ·. . 350 to mm; _____________ » ____ g ________ 83 lleghcnp Pa" mm '````'°°`° "`‘350• 572 plans to be obtained through competition, 469 Atmntm ya "` ``````` ``°``'°°' " "‘* 350 sale of site authorized, Savannah, Ga ,____ 572 A'"°'?* m '‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘ · ··-· ·· 350 puugc g;,,;;,;;,,!,, ,,,,4 G,-,,,,,,,;,, p_ gg; B°“m“°» N°m° ···· , ··-····· ; --··•- · -· ·- · 350 appropriation for additional pay, 0i’dcer in Boston, Mass., marine hospital ..., _ ____ 572 charge, _ _ 176 480 °··**··* ”¤P*·'¤· ‘°" ·-·---·--·-- -—-- so f.,, clerk gm.;,;,;;;,;.:;;;;::;;? ···· 209, 70., chic“g0’·Hl.‘ ---- _----- - ···-·· i-.' °`°" 350 fol' 0V6]_'3Q)3]', ]Lb0\'¢\'S, WQECIIIKBD, ·°x§mm“{n to Post-Omen ``-``` °' ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ · 573 for improvement of grounds, etc _____ _ 374, 597 °'·M¤·¤#*=·· °*·~· ~r····¤- -·-··—·—------ no maximum th, asphalt, mv Pm,- c1“k§“uq° Tenn "- '```---' Z,-""'°°'350•572 ments __,, , ,,,,. . ,...,,__ _ ____ 375,597 g:!??: Mmhw '““m*° h°°P't“1 ·--- ---350, Q for repairs and fuel, Executive Man- ' a` ```°````````````°` °""’" sion ... ...-, ______ 375 597 Houlton, Me --..----··----- 573 for lighting, etc.; maximum price . 375, 597 JMk§0u’ meh ’``''’' "`' '° ‘ · · · 573 for alggtric lights ____,,,.,,,____ _ _____ 375; 593 L$¤§i¤[% Mnch .-.- - --·--- - --... 350 for repairs to water pi s . 375 598 L9¤¤¤v¤ ¤._ Ky . - ..-----------·- 350 for telegraph. Ce itorefo Departments ’ Mmnoapohs, Minn., repairs .. . . 350 and Printing Sdice ... 375 598 New Bedford, Mass .. . . . . .. 350 y for Washington Monument. . . - ’ . , _ 375, 588 New Orleans, Ln., marine hospital . 350 deiicxency appropriation forromoving snow New York, repair; ,._,__ . __,. . ..., ,,.. , 350 A and ice ., . .,..,.___ ,, ,,__ _ _,__, 654