Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1180

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] 160 INDEX. Page. Page. Scnate—C0ntinuod. ‘ Seremlty, Allotments in (ace Lands in Soverdoficioncy appropriation for fuel, oil, ctc- 36 ~ alty, om.) for furniture .. ..,.. 37 , Sewell, William J., for repairing, ctc., furniture .. . 37, 301 appointed manager Volunteer So1diors’ assignment of rooms, Maltby building 37 Home . -. . . 396 for expenses, Maltby building .. 663 Sewer Division, D. 0., for horses and mail wagons 37, 663 appropriation for superintendent, inspecfor miscellaneous items 37, 301, 663 tor, engineers, etc 152, 539 for contested election, Fred T. Dubois . 301 ovorscors, t0, etc., to be paid from ap- William H. Clagott .. . ... 301 propriation for specific work .. 152, 539 R. H. M. Davidson .. - . 301 for expenses . . 155, 542 for {john S. Barbour, legal represents.- 301 ,g,we,,’ p_ Cv f 541 VGS ---- - --------—-·-- -·-- ------·-t' ‘t k .. ..--154 for Alexander McDonald ----·----·----- 301 apigygggnigg Jgdpggirixg ..,. 155; 542 for cfiicial reporters .-----·--------··--· 301 for replacin , cm ,,... - - - . 155, 542 {0: {gwé; gaglgger ----------~------- · gi for main and pipe . H - . . - . .155, 542 0 · - · ---· - -------··--·-·-·- 1"tf t' f ·` -. 542 f<>r printing ¤¤<1 bindiuz ---- - -----~---· 663 foruiigwomziiii iiiilggggiiug .i1?Y.IT.lf1. . - 155

<>!' g>£¥1P;¤¤¤gi0¥; ¤l§1'k¤, BW ·--- · --··--- $3 contract for whole main intcrcopting

or ares an ac ... .--. , b d · 1 ____ _ ____ 155 for Jqlm A- Hutchison Z ----------- - - 663 for . Z 2 156, 542 for widow of John G. Merritt. .. 663 for gauging, etc ______ _ _______________ 156, 542 for clerk, COHt;9I`0DGB P00m ..·-·- . ··... · - 664 for condemning of way _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 156, _ 0¤¤ mifiith 8 0X‘§I‘¤» Pay tv °mP]0Y0?€- 664 for automatic siphons . . . -. . 542 Joint committee to investigate Executive dcgcimcy appropriation for ______________ 352 Department.: authorized ._.-:-- - 681 Smwmgu Hamet W members of the Memorial Association, 8 meh to ’ 782 D. C.," to be appointed by the Presi· 396 Shgnlllhai '‘'’‘' '’`‘'°‘' ‘ ‘ v . . .. ··¤~r:m%°§·;l$i¤?6é6¥6 ¥?·?=?=i~*¥·i$¥·?=€¥·¥i·€¥ “”£,$°£§3£‘£?r€°T.°°“?Y}I?f’f‘°"“.?Y 1 1 11i12h $ n3‘§"§§.i'I£°§i“£}’2§?‘{a§Z°TZ Iii11i 2 Iii 3 gh M v*j;>¤_·===g_$¤¤¤¤( · ;M)— -·-·-—-—-·-· 23*06 August 1892 salaries in advance - 403 ¤"m•!”» ’"‘*°” W W y Dooomlior saluriu December 21, 1892. . 752 P°¤B*°¤ -; ·--·—--— _ -··· - --···-· — ----·--··-· 8 19 proclamation cgggouing extra session, 1069 Shgozgigguwa B- (Wd0W), 790 March4,1 .. .-. . ·--·-··--- -··- --~· ~- --·~----—- Smafon, Shawnee Indiana appropriation for compensation and mile- nppropriati011,for fulfilling treaties with 131, 622 ago .. . 183, 675 proclamation opening to settlement lands for clerks to, not chairmen . . . . 185, 677 in Oklahoma ceded by . 991 term 0L as trustees of institutions, District I to present in Court of Claims all claims of Columbia ... 165 a%a.inst United States and Chorokoos 86 to be furnished Records of tho War of the I share 0 proceeds of Cherokee Outlet to Rebellion .. 378 i await determination of pending suit 641 _ Seneca Indiana, Shawnee Indiana, Eantcrn, approlpriatiou for fulfilling treaties with.130, 622 upnrogsriation for fulfilling treaties with.l31, 623 Seneca ndiom of New York, Shaw s 'mre. Conn., appropriation for fultilling treaties with.131, 622 appropriation for improvement of . . . . 97 Selonsc of og spriragqto W. B. Barker, ratified 470 Shea, Honora (mother), 833 quatc sic incr, n., pension . , . . , . .. . . appropriation for survey of . , 115 I Sh . L · S¢w=¤~¢-¤¢··4r~·· {md Dvwkwm S¢···¢¢· SI12.; aziligécrtion removed . 829 appropriation for pay, otc., of . , ..,.. 184, 676 Sheba Ediang Mr agsismut d°°*k°°P°”> m°”°¤B°Y$i84 676 appropriation for support, ctc., of -. .135, 628 8 c . . . .,,,,,., Sh W- _ Se; ';"},0?°g;‘;’£;Z“£'€c””t“tl”"> 187, 679 l gplmgidtion for ilmprovcmemc of harbor. fig rr ····---···- a V ibv signin esta is cd . ... Scrgcauta, Army, { ° rate of pay . .. . .. . . .. ..,, ,,_, 478 [ Shemddf , . V Sewia , appropriation for consul at .. . . ..2z9, nppiopriations for, minister resident and mr °l°rk mm ‘ ‘‘‘·‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 232, °0° cousubgencral ..,.,,,, 224, 497 * Sh§”i°gd* A{a'* S T R. auth . d Session Employees Senate: and House of Repro- n g°£"°° °m"’°"° wu °nz° 555 nentaiirca, ‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'’ ’‘‘‘‘‘ appropriations for year 1893 available from . Sh‘°’d°'Y * T("’{"“8 FH July]"1892.---U"-".""--"-"- 301; PED510D1H!-Ydasg -· ·.·-·-~ ··- ··-·-·- --... 836 for salaries for August, 1892 402. : SMU, Ar·M9r—p¤¢·¤‘w¤y, _ sezezm on Public Lando. , _¤ppr¤pr¤¤1=w¤ for -.-.--·----- - ----·. 20S, 460 notice to be given contestant when con- , ~$h¢‘*`bY`00k¢°; _ ’ testec abandons claim .. - ... 270 , KPPYOPTNWIOU for _*‘Q¤$¤l M ~··--—·- _ -·---- 229, 502 death of contestant not to abate rights . . . 270 ~ Sherman, Gvrlgwll _W¢!{rum T., =¤i¢¢¢u¢· ot, on forfeitcd railroad land grunts allowed ¤PPi'°P¤3U°¤ im` SW6 mid Iwdestal -~·--·- 74 additional time to purchase 59 Shiblcy aud Wood Grocer Company, ou Mission Indian reservation may cx- · refund of taxes to .. . ... , _,___,___ 329 change hmels . I,- .. -... 62 Shicrry. Jane (mother), _ Sw! ("kou: Poent, Lake Alichagan, ‘ pcnmon .. .,.. ,. .- ._.,_,_ _ ____ 764 fog signal established ..., . ... 454 X Ship, Way, and Slcamboat Lctterg, appropriation for fog bigual .. . .. . 575 I appropriation for ... 147,734