Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1183

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monx. 1 163 Pa . a _ South Dakota, gc Special Facilities, Postal Service, P ge appropriation for incidental expenses In- approprintion for, on trunk lines --- . . 147 dian service in 136, 629 {gr, from Springtield, Mass., to New Orfor surveyongeneral; clerks . .. 218, 709 longs, La. __,,______________________ 733 tor contingent expenses . . . -. . . 218, 709 Spencer, Howard D., for investigation for tlsh hatchery .. 362 payment of judgment of Courts of Claims for survey of boundary between Ne- to ., . ...,_,.,,,_,,_,_,____ 305, 666 bmnka and .. . . 370 Spencer, William C., deficiency appropriation for contingent may be appointed captain, Army, retired. 793 expenses surveyongeneral . 315 Spiegelburg, Wilhelm, correction of description, land for insane 3 | military record corrected .. . .. 781 asy um .. . . 1 : ; - - _ . - · lands §aiu;1;1aul, Milmfapougl I Sp nola, (;;:;o;`¢;;’B , late a Repreaemtalwe m an amoa awa,1n1eno · ·· · nuts released to utucis - - _ --- t H - 390 l Spdpgpiency appropriation for w1dow ... 302 part of Fort Randall reservation, granted insPQction’ atc_ by gauge,. ____ _ __________ 200 1 t_t° - - · -_ ---- · - ·--~ · 5%; rectifier to math, etc., packages .. 200 se Be mn ° °° _ WD SQ 09 an S m l ° - - · packages tilled by wholesale dealer to be South Dakota Jndunal Dastnct, marked etc_ by him ____ _ _________ 200 ¢¤{;¤¤ of ¤<>¤r¤. Sioux Falls -------- - ----- 3322 I mums; r0rmLr...’ ,,_.,,,,,,,,,_._,,, 200 °"° -·-- - ~·----—- · ------·----------· - penalty for not complying 201 D°“d"°°d' ·--- · ·--·· · ·-----·----· - ----- 392 sale, etc., ot} in Indian count forbidden; South Fark o{ Baigaduce Rive? Mc., 1 2 penalty . .. 1:5; ... 2 60 appropria ion orsurve o . . 1 ,, i M $<¤•¥*?F·£= IMM?, Lak Mighiyum Spsgnrgugtiod nu- removing Upper md hi ~glz¤¤1 ¤¤#¤·b1i¤1¤¤¤ ------ - --------·---- 454 mmms Bands .. 139 $0** ¢"·`¢'•» Mich-, for removal etc., to Coeur d’Aleue Reserappropriaiion for improvement of harbor- 94 vation ____________________________ 625 &¤‘£Pl¤“¢ 1"vrw B¢¤•F'¤¤“°¤» Col"-; for payment to chiefs; removals to Colproclamation setting ¤p¤r* --------------- 1044 vine or Jwko Reservations . 626 Swh River N- J. _ aizeement wm, mmm .. . ... me appropriation for improvement of 97 gp, M R;,,,,., Idaho, Bow Sain! PMN. 11[€*¤·£ _ _ _ appropriation for survey of ... 111 change ¤f_1¤¤g~¢¤¤¤, ¤·1z¤ ¤<=r<>¤¤ M¤¤¤¤¤· Spa asm com oa mmu Spoliation simn Rrvcr •i= ··-·--·------ -_ ---- 3 Claims.) time extended for constructing budge Springfield ,4,.,,,,,,], Maw, across Mi issippi River M- ---~·- -- 455 appropriation for repairs, cm 374, 596 South Saint Paul Railroad Company, i Springfield, Mase., change of location, etc., bridge over Mis- certain lands 111, mlly be sold. 263 sissip iRiver . . 3 I Sprilyfvld, M0-, timo extqmsod for constructing bridge terms of court . . . 20 across Miggigoippi River .. . . 455 Sp1~i1•g_/ield,_ Sedalea, Marshall' and Nartheru Southampton, , Ifaolroad Compean y, gptpropriatiou for consul at .. 230, 502 may bridge Osage wer, Benton County, or clerk hire .. . .. . 505 g M0 . -·.-----·- · ------------------·- 428 Southern Bridggand Railway 60., at WSIB8W, M0 --···--· ·· .·.-. . ·.-· 3l may bridge Mississippi River at New Or— n Sp,-gnkzsng, 46,, Streets, D, c,, leans, La ..--..----------··----- 424 appropriation for .. . 157, 542 Southern Ute Agency _ Sprotberry Lucy (widow), up rofriation for Indian agent at ... 121, 613 pension ______ _ _ __________________________ 334, Soulful , QV. _Y., Square 206, Washington, D. C., Soappmprxatxou for Survey of 11Mb01‘ ----·-- 114 subdivision of, confirmed . ... 86 uvcnir Coins, _ _ care 673 Washington, D. C., approgiaticn for l§S¤0 of 2=>_0•¢¤¢, to L¤•15’ Sq;-esubdioision of, authorized .. 397 ’m$8°"» “ °"m “Fa" --·--- · -··-· 586 Square 1102, Waahmglon, D. C,. _ ,5,,,;,,, . _ X granted to trustees 1* ourth Street Methodist U ap mpriation for minister .. . 224, 496 E Church, free of conditions . . 232 gn- mcmmyy of logotion ,.,.,., 225, 498 removal of bodies . .-. 230 for clerk . . . ._ _. ._ 225, 498 · Sqaare South of Square 930, D. C., for representation, Madrid exposition .. 3=>0 title of United States to lot 3 only redofioigpcy appropriation {Ol: l‘BpI'8S€I1t&l- 18Br8€|1 ·---·- •: --·- ;_ ·-·-~·-·-·-· ·~- · 415 tion Columbus Historical Exposi- Squaw Inlet Leght Stataon, 1N. J., tim; ,___ , , ,,____ _ _,__,_____________ 31 roconteyguce of Iando not paid for ,,,,,,,_ 406 invitation to Kin&’ and, Queen to attend Sqcaw I mnt, Lake`1¥a.:•egan, · 454 opening of ori,] g Fair ______,__,_ 401 1 light-house esta > fst e .§. .}..1,. . .:. proclamatmn announcing reciprocal com- Szackhouae, E. ., a c a epreaen a. we m mercial arrangement with, concern- _ Cmngreaa, _ _ _ ing Cuba and Puerto Rico . . 982 deficiency appropriation for hmm of ,. 302 to be requested to loan relics of Columbus · Stajirrd, Joseph LI., _ _ for exhibition at \\'or1d’s Fair .. 399 I payment or iudgnxent of Court ox Claims to Speaker of the Home •;)`Represcntatir¢s, admmxstratrnx of . . 303 appropriation for c erks, etc., office of - - ._- 186, 678 Staley, _1\oah, ____A to appoint six members of the “MGH10F1a} _ Pcuswu ·--·---- ·- ········ · ··············· ' ABSOciation,” D. C . 396 4 Stamford, fann., _ _ h b 89 Special Delivery Stamps, l U 1 appropriation for improvement ot at or. appropriation for manufacture, dxstnbu- Stamped Llnvclopeq, vlc'.. __ tion ____ nu un _ ____ _ __________ __];;, 733 I appropriation for nmunrfurtnre . . 147, ¢33