Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/132

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FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 158. 1892. 105 Provided, That in addition to the said sum the balance on hand from g;?;;;; amhb,8 former appropriations made for the iixed dam at that point is hereby “ ` made available for the movable dam herein provided for. Improving Green River, Kentucky, above the mouth of the Big G¤>¤¤ Riv¤r»KY· Barren River: For lock number five, according to report and recom- Lock Nas. mendation of Major D. NV. Lockwood, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, submitted August eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety- one, fifty thousand dollars. Improving Sandusky River, Ohio: Continuing improvement, five O,§j]*d¤¤k5’ Ri*’"· thousand dollars. Q _ Improving Ohio River, Continuing improvement, three hundred and °'”° R“’°’· sixty thousand dollars, of which sum thirteen thousand dollars may be expended in completing the embankment on the south side of the Great Miami river near its junction with the Ohio River, to confine the wa- Mlfgjth ·>f 6**** ters of said Miami River in great Hoods to the general course of its ' channel at or near the Ohio, to the end that the formation of the bar in the Ohio now obstructing navigation may be arrested; and of said sum thirty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be used in improving the navigation of the river at Mound City, M·>¤¤d City- UL Illinois, and ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces sary, for dredging in Brooklyn Harbor, Illinois, and seven thousand ggggofg m dollars in completing the work at Shawneetown, Illinois. ’ ` Improving Ohio River by the construction of a movable dam at or B92e'; £{v_;_*°,*;;h °*` below the mouth of Beaver River, Pennsylvania: Continuing improve- ’ ` ment, one hundred thousand dollars; and the Secretary of War in his discretion may use so much thereof as may be necessary for the survey, location, and obtaining title to land for dam numbered two. Improving Saginaw River, Michigan: Continuing improvement, one M$:,§i¤=¤W RWM- hundred thousand dollars, of which five thousand dollars shall be I ' expended on the West channel at Bay City, and forty thousand dollars, or such less sum as may be necessary, on the river above Bay City. Improving mouth of Black River, Michigan: Continuing improve- Black River, inch. ment, ten thousand dollars. Improving Clinton River, Michigan: Completing improvement, eight C1i¤¤>¤River.Mi¤h- thousand five hundred and sixty-four dollars. Improving Rouge River, Michigan: Completing improvement, eleven Rouge nmr,1.1ac1i. thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. Improving Detroit River, Michigan, by removal of shoals from city of 1>•~¤r<»i¤Ri~···r.Mic1¤- Detroit to Lake Erie: Continuing improvement, thirty thousand dollars. Improving Thunder Bay River, Alpena, Michigan: Continuing im- rnmm1.·¤·1:..,-nam. provcment, ten thousand dollars. M""‘· Improving Black River, at Port Huron, Michigan: Continuing im- Blnck rum. inch. provement up to \Vashington avenue, ten thousand dollars. Improving the water communication across Keweenaw Point, Lake K;‘;j;;’n;';}FI;'jf,’,j;’ » Superior, from Keweenaw Bay to Lake Superior, in the State of Michi· rake? superior and gan, for a navigable depth of sixteen feet with a minimum width of M‘°"‘g‘“'· seventy teen at the bottom, and for repairs to existing revetments, fifty- thousand dollars. For acquisition of land for site and beginning construction of turn- R·>¤B§> R*"·>¤*; Him ing basin in Rouge River, Michigan, according to plan of General O. T“"““g b“"‘“· M. Poe, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, submitted December twentieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, five thousand dollars. Improving Chippewa River, including Yellow Banks, Wisconsin: WC¤iPP¤**¤ Ri*‘¤¤’· Continuing improvement, five thousand dollars. u` IHlp1‘ovingFox River. Wisconsin: Continuing improvement, seventy- FM Rim- W’—*· five thousand dollars, of which five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be used for work in the harbor of Fond du Lac. Wisconsin, and approaches thereto. _ Improving Menominee River, Wisconsin and Michigan: Completing w{§°§gg*i§*:h R*““’· improvement according to modified project, twenty thousand five hun-° dred dollars. ·