Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/150

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FIFTYSECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 164. 1892. 123 IFULFILLING TREATY STIPULATIONS WITH AND SUPPORT F¤******¤s ¤¤=·¤¤¤- OF INDIAN TRIBES. APACHES, KIOWAS, AND COMANCHES, augrgggzzxgswss, For twenty-fifth of thirty installments, as provided to be expended v¤1.ia,pp.5»o,s.s4. under the tenth article of treaty of October twenty-nrst, eighteen hun— dred and sixty-seven, concluded at Medicine Lodge Creek, in Kansas, with the Kiowas and Comanches, and under the third article of treaty of the same date with the Apaches, thirty thousand dollars; For purchase of clothing, as provided in the same treaties, eleven thousand dollars. For pay of carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, miller, and engineer, four thousand five hundred dollars; For pay of physician and two teachers, two thousand seven hundred dollars; in all, forty-eight thousand two hundred dollars. _ cummmms AND ARA1>Anoas. P3§’}ggg'f’“°*‘ *·¤**A*’* For twenty-fifth of thirty installments, as provided to be expended "°*· *5· P· 5**6- under the tenth article of treaty of October twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, twenty thousand dollars; ‘ For purchase of clothing, as per same article, twelve thousand dollars- Fdr pay of physician and teacher, as per thirteenth article of same treaty, two thousand dollars; For pay of carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, miller, and engineer, as per same article, four thousand five hundred dollars; in all, thirty-eight thousand five hundred dollars. CHICKASAWS. °"‘°"““” For permanent annuity, in goods, three thousand dollars. v°’·‘r *’·”“’· CHIPPEWAS or rim Mrssrssrrrr. Mgg§§s*;*;)‘lj;{° °" *”° For forty-sixth and last of forty-six installments, to be paid to Chief vom. pam. Hole-in-the-Day, or his heirs, per third article of treaty of August second, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, and fifth article of treaty of von. ic. p. wo. gdarch nineteenth. eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, one thousand ollars· For the support of a school or schools upon said reservation, during votre M20. the pleasure of the President, in accordance with third article of treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, tour thousand dollars; in all, five thousand dollars. OHIPPEWAS, PILLAGERS, AND LAKE WINNEBAGOSHISH mums. ,L§%,*gg¥;,°£j{);j§Q§j D8 os is an s. For thirty-eighth of forty installments of annuity, in money, per third V0 -*°· P· ****8- article of treaty of February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, and third article of treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred V¤*-13· emand sixty-tour, ten thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty~six cents; For thirty-eighth of forty installments of annuity, in goods, per same articles of same treaties, eight thousand dollars; For thirty-eighth of forty installments, for purpose of utility, per same articles of same treaties, four thousand dollars; in all, twenty- two thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents. crrocraws. €'····¤*=*=- _ For permanent annuity, per second article of treaty of November u*’·¤¤¤=¤¤¤¤¢ ¤¤¤¤i- Sixteenth, eighteen hundred and live, and fourteenth article of treaty Ria 1, ,,9;;,