Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/222

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FlFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 196. 1892. 195 female laborers, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; and ten charwomen; in all, five hundred and forty-eight thousand three hundred and ninety dollars. For the temporary force to dispose of accumulated money orders, wemp¤>my·e1e¤·ks. namely: Three clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; and four clerks. at nine hundred dollars each; in all, ten thousand two hundred dollars. That hereafter the Postmaster General shall require each postmaster, Postmaszerwmoney at a money order or postal note office, to re11der to the Post-Office De- °"1“*°‘“‘·“°"°"“‘“‘ partment monthly, semimonthly, weekly, semiweekly, or daily accounts of all money orders and postal notes issued and paid; of all fees received for issuing them ; of all transfers and payments made from money- order funds; and of all money received to be used for the payment or money orders or postal notes, or on account of money-order business. TREASURER: For Treasurer of the United States, six thousand dol- "1`~=·¤¤¤·»r‘¤ 065%- lars; assistant treasurer, three thousand six hundred dollars; cashier, three thousand six hundred dollars; assistant cashier, three thousand two hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; five chiefs of divisions, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; one vault clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; one principal bookkeeper, at two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant bookkeeper, at two thousand four hundred dollars; two tellers, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; two assistant tellers, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars each; one clerk for the Treasurer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; twenty-six clerks of class four; seventeen clerks of class three; fifteen clerks of class two; one coin clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars; twenty clerks of class one; ten clerks, at one thousand dollars each; fifty clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; nine clerks, at seven hundred dollars each; one mail messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; six messengers; six assistant messengers; twenty-three laborers; seven charwomen, three pressmen, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one compositor and pressman, at three dollars and twenty cents per day; eight separators, at six hundred and sixty dollars each: seven feeders, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; in all, two hundred a11d seventy-three thousand three hundred and sixty-o11e dollars and, sixty cents. For the force employed in redeeming the national currency (to be re- Redemption of uaimbursed by the national banks) namely: For superintendent, three “°““*°"*'*’”°5’· thousand five hundred dollars; one teller and one principal book-keeper, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; one assistant book-keeper, two thousand four hundred dollars; one assistant teller, two thousand dollars; two clerks of class four; three clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; fifteen clerks of class one; ten clerks, at one thousand dollars each; five clerks, at nine hundred dollars each ; three assistant messengers; and one charwoman; in all, sixty-one thousand eight hundred dollars. Rncisrnn OF rim Tnnlxsunrz For Register of the Treasury, four Rezisfws Omoo. thousand dollars; assistant register, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; four chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; seventeen clerks of class four; sixteen clerks of class three; eleven clerks of class two; fourteen clerks of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; twenty-nine copyists; one messenger; four assistant messengers; and eight laborers; in all, one hundred and thirty- nine thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY: For Comptroller of the Cnr- comptrtuer or me Pvfifty, five thousand dollars; deputy comptroller, two thousand eight C°"°°°yS°m°°' hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; three chiefs of division, at two thousand two hundred dollars each; one stenographer, at one thousand six hundred dollars; eight clerks of class four; additional to bond clerk, two hundred dollars; eleven clerks of class three; ten clerks of class two; eight clerks of class one; ten clerks, at one thousand dollars each; thirteen clerks, at nine hundred