Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/864

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TREATIES AND CONVENTIONS. Parcels Post Convention between the United States of America and the Novemb¤r2c,1sss. Republic of Salvador. V; The undersigned, Los inirascritos, Don M. Dickinson, Postmaster Don M. Dickinson, Director Preamble. General of the United States of General de Correos de los Esta- America, and Santiago Perez dos Unidos de América, i Santiago Triana, Vice Consul of the Re- Perez Triana, Vice Consul de la public of Salvador in New York, Repnblica del Salvador en New duly empowered thereto, for the York, competentemente autorlzapurpose of making better postal dos, con el objeto de establecer arrangements between the United mejores arreglos postales entre los States of America and the Repub- Estados Unidos de América i la lie of Salvador, have agreed upon Republica del Salvador, han acorthe following articles for the es- dado los siguientes articulos de tablishment of a Parcels-Post sys- convenio para la adopcion de un tem of exchanges between the two sistema de canje de Fardos Poscountries. tales entre ambos paises. Ancrxcuz I. ARTlCUL0 I. The provisions of this (johvoii- Las disposiciones de esta Con- mgxtelli of convention relate only to parcels of mail V011C10D se referiran unieamente gi, ‘ matter to be exchanged by the sys- f8·I‘il0S p0SfaleS,10s cuales deberau tem herein provided ior,and do not <>¤¤J€3fS€ Seglln 9] §iS¤€¤1% P0!' 10S gfgct (hg arrangements ugw gx- DIICSBIHBS €St3bl€(tld0, l Gl) Dada, isting under the Universal Postal ¤l§0mI‘*lD IOS ¤1‘1°€gl0S Mtllallvfllw Union Convention, which will con- €X1§l>6Ilt€=S dc la QOIlV€l1(3l0ll de lu. tinug as hgI•gt0f])]·g; and all fhg UDIOYI Postal UIIIVBPSRI QIIC CUI1- agreements hereinatter contained T1}11¤\1`{¤¤ ¢0m0 llllStlr aqui; ®llt€llapply gxplugivgly to Ingilg gx. lll(*5Dd()S€ (IHC tll(l0S l()S }I;I°I'€gl()S changed under these articles. Pl *l¤€ mos ¤1‘¤<¤1110S S0 l‘0ll€l‘vll _ seran aphcables exclusivamente a las malas canjeadas segun los mismos articulos. Anricnn II. Ancricuno II. 1. There shall be admitted to the 1. Se admitiran al canje de malas Articles admittcdto mails exchanged under this Con- en los términosde estaConvencion, “‘°"‘“““· vention, articles of merchandise articulos demer¢·aderiasipaquetes and mail matter except letters, postales exceptuando cartas, tar— postcards, and written matter of jetas postales,i toda clase de esall kinds that are admitted under critos que se admitan bajo cna]- any conditions to the domestic quiera condicion en los correos mails of the country of origin, ex- domésticos del pais de origen, con cept that no packet must exceed tal de que el peso de los paquetes (841)