Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/880

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CONVENTION-REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA. JANUARY 18, 1889. 857 ratified, and its ratitieations ex- Una vez ratiiicada y canjeadas changed, it shall take eifect, and sus ratiiicacione , comenzara a operations thereunder shall begin tener efecto el 1 de Abril de 1889, on the tirst day of April 1889, and y continuara en vigor hasta que shall continue in force until ter- se termine por consentimient:0 minated by mutual agreement, mutuo; pero podra anularse, con but may be annulled at the desire la notiiieacion de uno de los Deof either Department, upon six partamentos de Correos hecha al months previous notice given to otro, con seis meses de anticipathe other. oion. Done in duplicate, and signed at Hecho por duplicado y firmado Washington the 18th day of Jan- en Washington el diez y ocho de uary, one thousand eight hundred Enero, mil oohocientos ochenta y and eighty-nine, and at Bogota the nueve, y en Bogota el treinta de 30th day of March one thousand Marzo de mil ochocientos ochenta eight hundred and eighty-nine. · y nueve. _ {SEAL;] Don M. Droicmson, sigmtmm. Postmaster- General of the United States of America. [sun.] Rmvmo Gucrmmzmz, Director General dc Correos y Telégrafoa de la Repdblioa de Oolombia. The foregoing Parcels Post Convention between the United States Appm-Bi ,,1;; rmi of America and the Republic of Colombia, has been negotiated and dm °" U"' S'*'°* concluded with my advice and consent, and is hereby approved and ratiiied. In testimony whereof 1 have caused the Great Seal of the United States to be hereunto ahlxed. - §1:A1..] Gizovmz CLEVELAND. y the President: 'l‘. F. BAYARD, Secretary of State. WAsumcroN, D. C., January 19th, 1889. Gommmo EJEcUT1v0, Bogota, 9 de Abrtl de 1889. Apruébase y ratiiicase la precedente Convenoion para el cambio de d,_·,§g’§{*mL,;f{,}iT°°*· paquetes postales entre la Republica de Colombia y los Estados Unidos de América, celebrada de acuerdo con la autorizacion y instrucciones . eomunicadas sobre el particulo al Director General de Correos y 'l`elé· afos. grfSeal of the Republic of Colombia.] CARLOS HOLGUIN. El JI i n istro de Relaciones Ewteriores, VIGENIE RESTUPO.