Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/914

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GENERAL ACT-SLAVE TRADE. JULY 2, 1890. 891 des cataractes, en vue de substi- by rapids and cataracts, with a tuer des moyens economiques et view to substituting economical accelerés de transport au portage and rapid means of transportation actuel par Phomme; for the present system of carriage by men. 4** Installation de bateaux a va- 4. Establishment of steam—boats steamboat mms. peur sur les eaux intérieures navi- on the inland navigable waters and gables et sur les lacs, avec l’appui on the lakes, supported by fortified ile postes fortiiiés etablis sur les posts established on the banks. rives; 5** Etablissement de lignes tele- 5. Establishment of telegraphic reiegmptiim. graplnques assurant la commum- lines, insuring the communication cation des postes et des stations of the posts and stations with the avec la cote et les centres d’admi— coast and with the administrative nistration ; centres. 6** Organisation d’expéditions et 6. Organization of expeditions nxpsumtus. de colonnes mobiles, qui maintien- and flying columns, to keep up the nent les communications des sta- communication of the stations with tions entre elles et avec la cote, en each other and with the coast, to appuient Faction repressive et as- support repressive action, and to surent la sécurite des routes de insure the security of high roads. parcours; ' 7** Restriction de l’importation 7. Restriction of the importation Resmining we or des armes a feu, au moins des of fire-arms, at least of those of °’°°""“‘ armes perfectionnées, et des muni- modern pattern, and of ammuniinons dans toute Pétendue des ter- tion throughout the entire extent ritoires atteints par la traite. of the territory in which the slavetrade is carried on. Anrrcma: II. ARTICLE II. Les stations, les croisieres in- The stations, the inland cruisers Duties of .,,,,,;,1;,,;,. terieures organisées par chaque organized by each power in its ***°m· *****— Puissance dans ses eaux et les waters, and the posts which serve postes qui leur servent de ports as ports of register for them shall, d’attache, indépendamment de leur independently of their principal mission principale, qui sera d’e1n- task, which is to prevent the cappécher la capture d’esclaves et d’in- ture of slaves and intercept the tercepter les routes de la traite, routes of the slavetrade, have the auront pour tache subsidiaire: following subsidiary duties: 1** De servir de point d’appui et 1. To support and, if necessary, Protection ami can au besoin de refuge aux popula- to serve as a refuge for the native °f""""°“‘ tions indigenes placées sous la sou- population, whether placed under veraineté ou le protectorat de l’Etat the sovereignty or the protectorate de qui releve la station, aux popu- of the State to which the station is lations indépendantes, et tempo- subject, or independent, and temrairement at toutes autres en cas porarilyfor allotlner natives in case de danger imminent; de mettre les of imminent danger; to place the populations de la premiere de ees population of the first of these catemtcgorics at meme de concourir a gories in a position to co-operate leur propre défense; de diminuer for their own defense; to diminish les gnerres intestines entre les intestine wars between tribes by tribus par la voie de Parbitrage; means of arbitration; to initiate de les initier aux travaux agricoles them in agricultural labor and in et aux arts professionnels, de tacon the industrial arts so as to increase it accroitre leur bien-etre, a les their welfare; to raise themtocivi— clever al la civilisation et a amener lization and bring about the extinc- Fextinction des coutumes barbares, tion of barbarous customs, such as tclles que le cannibalisme ct les cannibalism, and human sacrifices. sacrifices humains; 2** De preter aide et protection 2. To give aid and protection to Aid mcomem aux entrepriscs du commerce, d’en commercial enterprises; to watch