Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1110

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1086 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION-—VIENNA. JULY 4, 1891. tant des timbres-poste du pays of the country which issued these d’emission de ces cartes. cards are likewise considered as duly prepaid. ones.: rum me- 2-Les correspondances offici- 2.—Oflicial correspondence rela-

  • °' "'°°· - elles relatives au service de postes five to the postal service, and exet echangées entre les Administra- changed between the Postal Adtions po tales sont seules exemp- ministrations, is alone exempt from

tees de cette obligation et admises this obligation and admitted free. a la franchise. swamps for mam 3-Les correspondances depo- 3.—Correspondencemailed onthe "““°d °“ °*“P°· seesmn pleine mer a la boite d’nn high seas in the letter-box of a vespaquebot ou entre les mains des sel or by being handed to the capcommandants de navires peuvent tains of vessels may be prepaid by etre aifranchies au moyen des tim- means of the postage-stamps and bres-poste et d’apres le tarif du according to the postage-rates of pays auquel appartient ou dont the country to which said vessel depend ledit paquebot. Si le depot _ belongs or on which it is dependabord, a lieu pendant le stationne- ent. If the mailing on board takes ment aux deux points extremes du place during the stay of the vessel parcours ou dans Pune des escales at one of the two terminal points intermédiaires, Pailranchissement of the voyage or at one of the inn’est valable qu’autant qu’i1 est termediate ports of call, prepay- eifeetue au moyen de timbres-poste ment of postage is not valid unless et d’aprés le tarif dn pays dans les it is effected by means of the posteaux duquel se trouve le paquebot. agestamps and according to the postage-rates of the country in gvhose waters the vessel happens to e. MM2- Anrrcmi 12. Anrrcm 12. im-muon ensues. 1-ChaqueAdministration garde 1.—Each Administration keeps

    • °"“· - en entier les sommes qu’e1le a per- the whole of the sums which it

gues en execution des articles 5, 6, collects in execution of the forego- , 10 et 11 precedents, sauf la bo- ing A.rticles 5, 6, 7, 10 and 11, exniiication due pour les mandats cept the payments due for money prévus au paragraphe 2 de 1’arti- orders provided by paragraph 2 of cle 7. Article 7. amuse. 2-En consequence, il n’y a pas 2.-Consequently, there is no lieu, de ce chef, a un decompte necessity on this head for any entre les diverses Administrations accounts between the several de l’Union, sous reserve de la boni- Administrations of the Union, fication prevue au paragraphe 1 du except as regards the payments present article. mentioned in paragraph 1 of the present Article. Limhof charges. 3__LgS lathes gt autres Guvois 3•*NGith€r tz11B SBHdBI'S DOI` `i]h8 posmmr ng p,,uv,mt’ dans1B pays addressees of letters and other d’origine, comme dans celui de des- P°Sml.’“`m’l?s can be °*‘·“°d uP0D to tination, etre frappég, 9, 13, chgrgg Pa)', Glther 111 the country of origin des expéditeurs ou des destina,- or in that of destination, any posttaires, dyaucmw mm ui dyaumm age or any postal fee other than droit postal autres que ceux prévus those €0I1i56I}1pl3ted by the Articles par les articles susmentionnés, “b°V€·m€¤1t1011€d. Aww ARTICLE 13- Aaricrn 13. spears ddr,-,,,_ 1-Les objets de corres ndance 1.-A m-‘ S de toute nature sont, a laldemande every kms12S,: fg 1:2 pondcum °f ass expedia remis s a · · ’- ° ""'¥“°S” 9* my _ _ omxcile the senders. delivered at the resi par un porteur special immediate- dence of the addressees b a s Enemy;-pres Parrivée, dans les pays carrier immediately aftei theigcaie mon qui consentent a se nval,1u the countries of the Union