Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1292

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1 27 O INDEX. p Q_ s Page. Asuncimz, ug Auditor for Navy Department, appropriation for consul at ... 148, 822 approprgatwn for, deputy, ¤l¢>1‘k¤» 6*0-, _ Aeylum Lot, Miss.. ¤1¤° m°’}*hS ---------—··-----· L5 sale of, on Pascagoula Bay, authorized -- 645 T9! Y6?-!' €¤d1¤& Jl1D0 80, 1896 -——-—---— 776 Ae/'W ’V“#'·**;¢“*"’ ·"· °‘·· ?0°“"”“*‘$.‘E4°§3“}”“'$$‘.Z;".;e‘aem;m1a.;; M appropnatzou or expenses 258, 760 ““Pg)’m tml1g_?; dirgction 206 A*¤’·¤f¤'·w¤ .1***]*3*, P¤·· . accounts tgbe examined by :1 . 207 appropriation for improving head of _... 357 rtw te f b 1 D es _ C0 " 20,, construction of bridge authorized across- · 499 $*,,,,,1 gcg Gpxty zlzhzdéed py ‘‘‘```‘`‘`‘’ 777 Athens, . ’ ‘‘‘‘'````‘```‘` ,, ¤¤·¤·¤·¤:ri¤¤··=· *0* com ·* —------—-—— 1***-**% **3*’§’,`p’£§°£`e€‘£??0‘3{”§Z$'§?€iZli’§Tze-- ms, m Ath°‘· St°“m{"`· . .. En additional clerks, money orgrunted American register .. 620 dem 176 777 -4¢l<¤~¢¤ E¤2¤<>¤·#i<>¤.<¥¢¢ also C<>**<>¤ S*>¤·*>¤¤, for me jillijjjlllijljljjjjjljjlljj zoilsoe °t°·· .ExP°Sm°”) ~ . . for fees, suits on official bonds 106 appropriation for Government exhibit, deficiency appropriation for temporary etc ——---··--·-·----·---·-·------·- 420 clerks e... 845 Atlantic Ocean, aengnnuon established . 205 ¤p1>r<>1>ri¤*·i¤¤ f<>r <=<1m¤ai¤¤i¤¤ <>¤ <l<><>r> to eepennceua recovery or debts wmder w¤l¤¤rc¤mmu¤1¤¤¤¤¤. Great Lakes _ cnmptmuews direction _...__,._.. 206

  • 0 -----·------------------—·-----· 9¤0 examination of accounts by . 207

Atlanhb Ocean, Nvffh, certificate of balances; copy. -; ..._._... 207 intermstional ageement for removing duties continued ________________________ 207 d¤1'0li0i¤¤. Bw-. ill. authorized .. 13 actin deputy, authorized ... 777 Attachment Write, D. C'., appeagl from settlement by, to First proceedings before justices of the peace - 669 _ _ Comptroller repealed ...,_ 208 Attorney-General, cngmal {6061ptS of postal revenue deappropriation for, Assistants, Solicitor- Q0 bl? SBN? to .. 28 Genera], etc ____________________ 202, 303 to tl'BDSlD1t hst of money orders and for editing Volume 20, Opinions of - . . - 413 pow UOWS ¤¤P¤1d fo1' 0116 Y681'- - - 32 for expenses suits against Pacific mil- Auditor for State and other Departments, roads .. - . 417 appropriation for, deputy, clerks, etc., deficiency appropriation for investigat nine months_--. _._._,__., 175 ing, etc., judgments, Indian depre- for year ending June 30, 1896 ,____ 777 dntion claims . 476 designation established .,..._... 205 to supervise examination of accounts, to superintend recovery of debts under United States courts .. 210 Comptroller'; direction ___________ 206 copies of charters of security, etc., com- accounts to beexnmined by ._.,. 207 panies, acting as sureties, to be filed boards, commissions, and establishwith _ ..>._..,. 2 79 l ments not in Departments - - -. 207 to authorize security, etc., corporations * certificate of balances; copy 207 to act as sureties on bonds, etc ..., 279 acting deputy authorized ._____,____ 777 duties to investigate solvency. etc ... 280 Auditor for Treasury Department. to pay amount ue Arizona for support appropriations for, deputv, clerks etc. Of Iudillll ¢0¤Vl0t¤ .----.-- 44l nine mouths .,._ 1 ,.._... ’ s 174 duties of, suit of Choctsws and Cbiclm- for year ending June 30, 1896- . . I I 776 Saws fer cvdvd lands of Wichita for clerkeliqmdation of manifests 776 I¤d¤mS · --—-~- ; --»---—·---~-·---~ 898 · designation established ____________ __ 205 may employ counsel in customs revenue E to superintencl recovery of debts under <F¤¤¢$ ----------—---—-·-------·---- 848 l C0mptroI1er's direction ____ _ 206 to report on moneys due Cherokee In- [ accounts to be examined by .. I T - H 206 {hans _,_..._.._._. 795 certiiicato of balances ._._..,. I - I I 206 AttOr1@ey—GQ]|g]·(]l'$ O-mcg (gee mpaft]n$nt BCt1YIg d9puby authorized - . - . - - - . . .. . . _ , of Justice). 2 Auditor for War Department, ,ium~n.»y·,g qgsne, D, 0,, · appropriations for, deputy, clerks, etc., gpprgprig hou for salaries _ _________ _ _ 245, 746 · mnc m0l1th8- - - » .. 174 Atwood, [_,,,,,,,,,,-;; 3V__ • for year ending June 30, 1896 . 776 payjjneut of (gnnrt of (yininin jndgnnint tn_ 467 J f9¤' f¤¤¥°¤¤8· Gt?-· TOM ·--—---~----- 174, 776 Aub,,88,,,, Cawts, · l d€$l€¤¤*¤!°¤ €¤l·¤bh¤h€d -----»----------· 205 duty 0,, ____________ ___________________ 531 tv ¤¤1>¤¤¤¤¤¤<l ¤¤5=<>v¢ry of debts under A,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ; Comptroller s ghrectnou ... 206 gppropi-igtigu for consul gt; _________ __ 147,821 _ mmm?] E, Xa] Dum?} by ``‘‘`'` L' 206 Auditor fw jngmw pepm·¢m£m·_ X tm cg ° "°°€* °°PY ············ 296 appropriation fur, deputy, clerks, ctc., ac . g; ePPty'Buth0nz0d` ``’‘```'' 70, nine months -- 175A“d't°" 8 QU':°°·D· Ou . for year ending Jung 3Q_ 1896 ______ _ _ _ _ 776 appropnauon for Salaries ‘‘··‘‘‘**'‘•" 245¤ 745 for clerks Indian division, nine mouths- 175 A“9”~Yt¤» Mag! Q, for year mdjn June 30, 1896 _________ 776 ‘ release of _ mted $ta.tes title to certain (1esigu3tj0¤35|;5,b€jg};g(] _____________ _ __.. 205 _IOtS m washington: D- CM to -~-·- 983 to superintend recovery of debts under AVON8h7W, L0¤€8 M.. Cnniptmum-·S dn-ncnnn _________ _ _ 206 payme¤t¤fC0¤rt of Claims judgment to- 465 exggmdod cmccounm by - , Alwfria, ce cate offences; copy L l appro rintiou for miujgmr ________ _ acting deputy, 3 ___________. - - - 777 fo1’ of legation . .---:1