Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1382

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1360 _ mmzx. Navy Departnzent—C0ntiuued. Page. i Neches River, Tex., Pageappro riation for clerks, etc., Bureau of 1 construction of bridge authorized across- 35 Iiiuvigntion __________,,___,____, 190,791 Neckties and Neckwear, o$ee naval records, war of the rebel- l duty on cotton, etc . 529 lj0n _________,__,___________,_ 190, 791 { Needles, I ' distribution of publiwtion 190 1 duty on kmttmg, croqhet, etc ...». _ .. 519 library ___________________________ 190, 791 I on free list, hand-sewing and darnmg- - - 542 Ju vocat¢>Generu1’s OfHce-- 190, 791 I Neely, A. F., . Hy phie Oiiee _,_..._.____.. i90, Npension 1006 Bureau of ui ment . 91, 0¢8, for assistantiqetg, Nautical Almanac gi of Chickasaw Indians adopting, ap- Oiiiee ..,_______,_,. 191 , 792 proved ... 336 Naval Observatory _.. 191, 792 Nelligan, Francis J., _ for clerks, etc., Bureau of Steam 793 _ Mnaymezxtof Court of Claims judgment to- 472 neering __,_.._ ., __._...,_... , son, urrows, Bureau of Construction and Re- approprriilation forheirs of,ki11ed by Ford’s B..""“,Q.‘"e 6;.1;.; ‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘"‘‘‘‘ {SM? Nm LO °*“i€ `"“"“°’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘ m u 0 noe .. , on, uw ., Bureau of Supplies and Accounts- 192, 793 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 474 Bureau of Medicine and Surgery-- 192, 793 Nelson, William, Bureau of Yards and Docks .------ 192, 793 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 475 for books and periodicals ..--...--... 192, 793 Neroli Oil, for contingent exmiises. ,· ---.---___- 192, 793 on free list ----__-_,_-------_-----_-____ 542 for printing andding --.-..----.- 419,959 Nestucca River, Ore ., ‘ for mechanics, etc., increase of the survey of, ...---.------...----- 371 _ Navy, continued .- 586 Netherlanglsn _ deicxen approprmtion for naval estab- alppropriatxon for mimster -.---------, 141, 816 l1£’m' ent - -- 434, 480, 485, 487, 854, 872, 874 Ne s and Netting, for owners of ‘ ‘ gperanza " ---------.--- 437 duty on flax gill ________________________ 529 for owners of " . Nickerson" ______--- 437 Nets, Head, for Great Falls Ice Company -.--.-..-- 856 duty on wool, em .-_-_--_---____________ 531 for Brooklyn Geelight Company ..-.--- 856 4 Nettings, for owner of “River Quoen" ...----.-- 856 duty on iinx -,----__--_,_____________ ,_ _ 530 for Seuboard Wharf and Warehouse wool --..----__-_______________ _ ______ 531 f °°’“"‘Z'P?‘¤m. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ we ‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘ E? Neudmjfsi1k,°Jt\§:_lt}; ·························· ”” or owner ‘ 'e " -..--..----- , ic ., awomgs t01b; examined, by Auditor for 20 Npayngutofgomof Claims judgment to- 472 avy partmen -.-.-.-- 7 ease iver, . C'., exhibit of battle at Wor1d’s Fair appropriation for improving ____________ 350 transferred tocis ...-. 14 Neuses, Peter E., jr., opening bids for supplies .-..-.---.,- 33 paymentot Court of Chim; judgment t0_ 472 weigher and measurer of wood and coal Neutrality Act, 30th0H18d; duties -...---- 808 appropriation for expenses under _____ 144, 313 Navy Department, Auditor for Suze Auditor Nevada, for the Navy Department . appropriation for surveyor - general, Navy Register, _ . clerks .. 198, 800 printing authorized; distribution --,,-,, 616 for conwnt expenses __---.-,-,_ 198, 800 Navy- Yardsé f _ w 128 for inciden expenses, Indian service np roprm orn or mmn uence -.--.-,.,- m --..-..-..-..---.----- 804, 89 ger repairs and preservation .-,. 131, 830 deficiency appropriation for volunteers 479, 87% deiicieney apprloprmuon for repairs, etc- 872 Nevada Agency, ev., Naylor, George ., _ _ appro nation for Indian agent at .-..- 287.877 Npirbyxgentzof Conrtlovf Crinuns Judgment to- 461 New Bezgford, Mass., ‘ ea ay gen , ’as_ . , appropriation for im vement of har gpproprintioncgor Indmn agent at . 287, 877 liggt and fog·s ation establislxigd 339 Neat C'att]e,_ _ at Butler ts --.-.-.------,,-,,_ 27 appropriation for quarantine stations- 269, 733 New England Coast, suspending prohibition of importation,- 269 revenue cutter for, authorized ..-- 4 Neat Cattle and Hides, 1 up roprintion for ____,__________ I- _ _ -578 919 importation forbidden ..,.._,___ 550New Hgmgslrire. ’-- , suspension by Secretary of the Treas- 550 l appmmgon for report on proposed mh ury* · * · r · ° · : ·`‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘*‘·•···· ‘ ery -·——-- - -----·.. - . 928 penalty for vxohting .. 551 New Haven, Conn., Nebeker, E. H., a ropriation forim rovement 0 Nygnyrnuut to . 1007 , pier £r>reakwa1mo__Ij ___________ { gg e ras a._ _ _ _ ‘ for Og signal. S0uthwestLed _· _,____ appropriation for resurveymg_ lands m Q deficiency appropriation for pub?;; build- 916 Hooker and counhes ... 396 » mg __,,______ _ _____, -- - 847 extension 0 time or st payment on i rehmmm·y'examinati n — - H 0 lands ceded by Indians in .,_._ 901 f P made _______ _ _ __?__?f_h?TE)?1;t0 be 364 resnrv(¢;]{·0ft€((3_irant and Hooker counties , New Jersey, °``` ' ec .. 275 E approprintion for chgnnelbgtw right to commute homestead entries ex- pp gslnnd and ___,____,_,__, 341 tended to ceded Sioux Reservation- 4 ] construction of bridge authorized Nebraska Judicial District, · - Hudson River, New York City _terms of court changed . 221 L and ____________ _ _______ _ _________ 89