Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1408

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1386 INDEX. Page. Puge- Rcformatories and Prisons. D. C'., I Rent,

 appropriation for support of convicts,- 258, 760 { uppr0pr1a.tion for pcnsmn agents . 114, 704

for court;-house ____________________,_ , 760 ; for Treasury Department ... 180, 781 ior warden of gail ,... 723 gor $cpa§§ ncg6E ... {gg, or expenses 0 jail __,..._._.. 7 y or 0 6 10D 0 08 . , for transporting paupers, ctc ... 258, 760 = for Bsccord and P0us1011 Ofice .. 188, 789 for expenses, Washington Asylum , _ 258, 760 1 for Slglliil Bureau 188

 fzé Reform School _____,__,_____ 259, 761 i ger gm§mn-G€uerg£ 0Hce ________    

’ , | or y ograp xic cc , ggiicigngzy appropriation for ,.___,,. 482 for Interior Department 197, 799 Regalia, ‘ for PXstéqmce Mp;rt1€g1$ D . -. 3301, 808 oufree ist, orsocietieg ________________ 544 or u i or or 0s - ce epa - definition of ._.._________.._.._._______. 544 ment ... 201, 803 Regwhter of the T·ma,su1-y, for Department of Labor ... 203, 804 appropriation for, assistant, clerks, ctc., for District of Columbia 246, 747 three mouths . 177 for Ammal Industry Bureau ... 269, 732 for nine mouths ..,._, 177 for Geological Survey .. 398, 940 for iiscal year ending June 30, 1896 778 for United States coprt rooms .. 417, 958

£1ut:ges §?n x 0di£ed _... E. ga  208 , deicioncy appropriation for, of com  

gis er c, etc., n apes, rooms ... 61, , app1·0priationk‘?>r .._..._.. 106,693 Rent, Light, and Fuel, Post-(éfices, Registers, American (see American Regis- appropriation for, first an second-class Regzst mjgnlamz Oficcs f 3i1mi18S1A3e` "éai ```` i `````````'``" 1% gg} ° ers 0 , or ir -c s 0 ces; imit 104, apgropriation for . 393, 936 Replevtn W1~its, D. C., dc cieucy appropriation for salaries, proceedings before justices of the peace- 670 etc .__._.. , .._,_ 438, 870 Reporter, Court of egeds, D. C'., forbidmn toéonsgsr cases when person- opinionsto be edi by ________________ 162 y in res , etc 26 I Reportilng ings of Congress, Registration, i apgnrogiation for Senate ______________ 165, 767 repeal of s for illegal, Congres- ’ 0; ousc of Representatives ... 167, 770 sncnal 'ons ... 37 por s, Regahtry of Vessels. [ annual, of Treasurer, abolished . 47 bonds for, abolished 624 Representatives, usc of ccrtifcatcs; delivery . 624 app riation for com mation - mile- , _ _ _ WP P6 e penalty for vmlatmg; remmmon ,... 625 gigsé _._______________________ __ 165,767 Regnard, E,, or cr to 167, 586, 770 payment to widow ,______,,_,___________ 993 for mileage available for that session Regular Army and Navy Union, 536 Ctmgress ., ,__ 11 wearing badge of, permitted ____________ 583 ; dciiclcupy appropriation for clerks t0_ _ 2, 16, 62 Reiber, U/Tlliam D., f<>r mrlcase- --, Z .. 19 payment of Court of Claims judgment bo- 462 for °°mP°¤$8·h°¤ and m1l€ag€ -------- 62, 865 Re;ch€,,lbe,.g for one m0nth’s pay for clerk hire . 864 appropdatiou for consul at ____________ um 820 d€dHCt{0¤ of income tax from salarg ____ 557 ReM Capt Samuel Ohuten from dgstngt Xobgepresented by cv. at at appropriation for marking grave of . 405 méqd °° °my* may r°°°mm°“d Reil, YYIOIIMIS F., can 1 a‘t°_ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··· · ········· 663 . payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 462 l may Hg. K€Fg;°{a:f,c§T'v?g9?°;d3@¥ 91: Reilly. Francis H., notre resented ’ ’ B nc 838

£;?·1uent ofgourt of Claims judgment to, 462   Rep,.,,d,w;,,g Flats of Sgt},/legs '`‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘

I y, Owen ., ‘ ju g __________ L . . . payment of Court of Claims judgment t0- 455 I gggggcgnrny aggrcgrriation for . . l i I I I I li 394, Reilly Thomas Reqwisitions p `

Rzyn1;nt of Courtof Claims judgment to- 462 i for adyanées to be sent Auditor before

81 y, omas. I xsspc .___, _ _________ _ _____ 209 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 464 Z to 5DOC1f)' ¤·ppl'0pri8ti0¤ to be charged_ 209 Rally, Thomas E., I W ¤¤¤0mP8¤Y W|{YI'8·Dt to Treasurer; payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 462 t r91E':;? F) “¤d1t°T~£ ------- di .. 2 09 Reindeer, 0 MQW 0i' PGY1H9D pn au 'ted acapprogziahgn for introduction of, etc., I mnmv °r covcring mtv the TTMS- as --—-----··--·--·-»-- · -..-.. 399 ‘‘‘‘ · : ····* - - ----·—- ’ for support, etc _______________________ 941 for advances not ¢0¤Dt€l‘S1gD0d by Comp- Reiss Coal Company, O. . tI0H?!` ···---- - ---—-— ; -·----- - ----- 209 payment to ___________ ’ __________________ 345 -Re·‘“’“'”9 $’;*P””‘¢<'k€d Ammpan Seamejn, Relkf and Protection of Amc·nca` n Seamen, ‘*pp’°*;§‘j ‘°“ *°’ *°““”°m*=*l¤ *° f<>¤¤B¤- gp£r9x>ri¤vi<>¤ f<>r ... E . 150, 824 Re_.,,,,·m;;O,{_,' ‘ jj ····· · ········· 1*% 8*8 6 crency appropriation or _ 477 · ti" . __ Reggilg gmx State Courts, l ;gg);%€?£i§E!§°§fr§§t1$l£g§§ 3;¥ itc- - - . ases .. . R88m- · ···· .Rensselae1j, [nd., Clggnt). west (sec Fmest Reserwb appropnaqon for Indum px1p11s, Sami: Jo- Reservations. Indian (see Indian Reserve;- M seph s school .. 311 mms), 8. Resen. f . M`l't Miljmry - on free list .,.,. 5-14 uggmjt I ary (W mm