Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/296

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. ll. Ch. 238. 1894. 267 reports on this subject for distribution, and to enable him to assist the agricultural colleges and experiment stations in disseminating information on this subject, ten thousand dollars. Bo1·An1oAL INVESTIGATIONS Ann Exrnmnnntrs, Division or Division of Botany- BoTANY: Purchasing specimens, paper, and all necessary materials for the herbarium, and for labor in preparing the same, and for investigations and experiments with grasses and forage plants, including the establishment and maintenance of experimental grass stations, and investigations of medicinal and other economic plants, including cost of reports and illustrations thereof, and for traveling and other necessary expenses connected therewith, and for employing local botanists in the field for exploration and .collection of plants in little-known districts, thirty thousand dollars. Invrzsrmxrinc run Hiszronr Ann Hxmrs or Insncrs: Promo- 12i~‘i·=i<>¤·>fE¤¤<·¤¤•>¤· tion of economic entoinology, investigating the history and habits- of °g" insects injurious and beneficial to agriculture, arborculture, and horticulture, by inspection and experiments in nurseries and orchards when necessary, experiments in ascertaining the best means-of destroying the injurious ones, publishing reports thereon, and for illustrations, chemicals, and other expenses in the practical work in the division of entomology, twenty thousand three hundred dollars: Provided, That- two {,’~¤*·<>b H thousand fivehundred dollars, or so much thereof as is necessary, may m.°"°° ° W"'"' be expended for investigation into the natural history of and remedies for the cotton bollworm; for compensation of additional temporary agents of the division of entomology; for traveling expenses, chemicals, - insecticide apparatus, and other necessary expenses in this investigation. Invnsric-Arions in Oiznirnonoor Ann MAmu1.ocY, Division 1>ivi¤i¤¤¤f 0¤·¤i¤¤·>1- on Onnrrnonoex Ann MAMmA.LoGY: For biological investigations, °’” ““° ”“""""1°g" including the geographic distribution and migrations of animals, birds, and plants, and for the promotion of economic ornithology and mammalogy, an investigation of the food habits of North.American birds and mammals in relation to agriculture, horticulture, and forestry; for printing and publishing reports thereon, and for illustrations, field work, and traveling, and other expenses in the practical work of the division, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars. Poiionocicju. Inronnxrion, Division OF Pomonoorz Traveling Diri¤i•>¤ •>f P¤·¤·¤l· and other necessary expenses in investigating, collecting and dissem- °gF` inating pomological information, and the collection and distribution of seeds, shrubs, trees, and specimens, five thousand dollars. Mionoscoric Invnsricxrrons, Division or Micnoscorr: Investi- m¤;·‘*¤*<>¤ ¤f >¤¤¤··- gation of food adulterations and investigations and experiments relat- p' ` ing to textile fibers and fabrics; microscopical apparatus, chemicals, · photographic illustrations, and drawings and other supplies; traveling expenses, the purchase of food samples and.condiments in the investigations of the adulteration of food, and the purchase of textile fibers, ' and ascertaining their relative strength and forms, two thousand dollars. VEGETABLE PAT]-IOLOGICAL Invssrioatrions AND Exrnizmiisnrs, t mvgigolof V•s~ Division or Vrzcnrxnnn Pnrnonocx: Investigating the nature of “ “i °""‘ _ diseases injurious to fruits, fruit trees, grain, cotton, vegetables, and other useful plants; experiments in the treatment of the same; chemicals and apparatus required in the field and laboratory; necessary traveling expenses; the preparation of drawings and illustrations; and for other expenses connected with the practical work of the investigation, twenty thousand dollars; of which so much thereof as may be directed by the Secretary of Agriculture may be applied to the investigation of peach yellows, California grape disease, root rot and blight of cotton, pear blight and the diseases of citrus fruits, and remedies therefor. Liuzonxroev, Division or Cunmsrnr; Chemical apparatus, chem- ¤_;>i~·i¤i·»¤ ¤f C¤¤¤=i·•- icals, laboratory fixtures and supplies, purchase of samples and neces- ` sary expenses in condnctin g special investigations, including necessary traveling expenses, labor, and expert work in such investigations, six