Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/431

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402 FLFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 301. 1894. and repair of lamps and lamp—posts; purchase of matches, and for repairs of all kinds; fuel and lights for office, ofnce stables, watchmen’s lodges, and for the greenhouses at the nursery, fourteen thousand mma. dollars: Provided, That for each six-foot burner not connected with a ¤¤¤*¤¤¤ P°¤‘l¤¤P· meter in the lamps on the public grounds no more than twenty dollars ' and fifty cents shall be paid per lamp for gas, including lighting, cleaning, and keeping in repair the lamps, under any expenditure provided for in this Act; and said lamps shall burn not less than three thousand hours per annum; and authority is hereby given to snbsitutc other illuminating material for the same or less price, and to use so much of the sum hereby appropriated as may be necessary for that purpose: Provided, That before any expenditures are made from the appropriations herein provided for, the contracting gas company shall equip each lamp . 3,,,,,,,,, with a self-regulating burner_and tip, so combined and adjusted as to secure under all ordinary variations of pressure and density a consumption of six cubic feet of gas per hour. _ E1¤•=¤·i¤ Mew- For electric lights for three hundred and sixtyfive nights hom seven posts, at thirty cents per light per night, seven hundred and sixty-six dollars and nity cents. .R¤1>·¤g of v¤¢•r REPAIR on wivrna mrns: For repairing and extending water pipes, °`°°°’ ° °' . purchase of apparatus for cleaning them, purchase of hose, and cleaning the springs and repairing and renewing the pipes of the same that supply the Capitol, the Executive Mansion, and the building for the State, War, and Navy Departments, two thousand five hundred dollars: £‘g•‘m,•j*- dana," Provided, That the Secretary of War and the Attorney-General are mnguqpm. hereby authorized to investigate and ascertain what action has been taken by them or their predecessors in office, or by any Secretary of Vol-22. 1:.168- the Interior, under the Act of July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled “An Act to increase the water supply of the city of Washington," and under any previous Acts; and also the existing claims, if any, of the State of Maryland, the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, the Great Falls_ Manufacturing Company, and any other owner of land and water rights, or either, at the Great Falls; and also, further, the cost of acquiring the title or titles to such lands and water rights, or either, as may be necessary to vest in the Government complete ownership of the water rights and necessary lands, and to make afull report of all the facts to Congress; and the sum of four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for such investigation, examination and report. D}‘•1:gm¤:_Q¤1»L¤;k Tnnneann ro comvncr run CAPITOL wire run l)nmnrMm~:*rs I·‘ri:ti¤g0Ge•.·` AND Govmzmmmr PMNTING OFFICE: For care and repair of existing lines, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. wmiugan um. Wxsnmerou Mouummvrz For the care and maintenance of the ' "‘°,_,'},§.,, ,,,,1 ,,,,,,,,__ Washington Monument, namely: For one custodian, at one hundred ¤¤¤¤¤ dollars per month; one steam engineer, at eighty dollars per month; one assistant steam engineer, at sixty dollars per month; one fireman, at fifty dollars per month; one assistant fireman, at forty-five dollars per month; one conductor of elevator car, at seventy-nve dollars per month; one attendant on floor, at sixty dollars per month; one attendant on top tloor, at sixty dollars per month; three night and day watchmen, at sixty dollars per month each; in all eight thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. _ ¤*r·¤¤¤¢•· For fuel, lights, oil, waste, packing, tools, matches. paints, brushes, brooms, lanterns, rope, nails, screws, lead, electric lights, heating apparatus, oil stoves for elevator car and upper and lower iloor, repairs to engines, boilers, dynamos, elevator, and repairs of all kinds connected with the monument and machinery, and purchase of all necessary articles for keeping the monument, machinery, elevator, and electric-light _ plant in good order, three thousand dollars. 1*** °“¤”°- For one new engine, complete, in position, to replace the old engine ghieli runs the dynamo for the electric lights, six hundred and fifty o ars.