Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1026

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INDEX. IOO3 Shoshone ndiana, P¤g¢- Singapore, P¤G¤· appropriation for fulfilling treaty with . -. 332 appropriation for consul-general at .. 32, 584 iM ¤:¤&p¤rt, src., ot? ou Fort Hall Rem- 33 for om-k mm ______ _ _______ _ ___________ 36, 588 ' i°¤ ··---- - ----·- - -·. 7 Siaki F nd; D. U, for support, gm., of; Lgmhi Agency _,,,, 337 3p1;{)p;‘·iatioufor,' ____ ,_ _,,,______ _ _____ 4(W 680 Shoshone Indiana, Nev. , for interest and water-stock bonds 413; 684 appropriation for support, etc., of .-.- 337 Sinking Fund Oficc, D. C., Shoshone Igvdrana, Wyo., appropriation for clerks . . . . 394{666 Shappzzippiution for support, etc., of 337 Sioux City, Iowa,, 0 , i ec I _ _ _ _ ‘ _ _ appropriation for public buildin . 41* appropriation for arnior-piercing; addi- 5 estimates, etc., for improvingg Missouri 0 shrmablxngnxl J . R; . ) . . . . 257, 642 to Rtiveruotppcsite, to be submitwl- ---- 471

 ir i rmso oo ... .  2

appropriation ior improvement of . . . - 216 Sioux Falls, S. Dak., Siinjleboarda, C., _ appropriation for public building . 414 icense required, etc., for public use of 594 Sioux Indiana, Dgyerenl ihbea, . Shagrac, Margaret, appropriation or fulfilling treaty with . . . 333 HUG of United States to certain lands near fm- clothing, gpc ______ _ _________________ 333 Sh hi ¤%|;o;;hA(guod act sold to .. 86 for agrioulitutpal articles ,,.,,, . . 333 ¤*•¤¤{¤, IWW mv BT paymen o money _,,________________ 333 _P°¤¤°¤ --··-- - ·--·--- I- -· ------------·--· 803 delivery of woclen clothing, directed. 333 ~9¤¢¤•, _ _ _ _ _ for teachers, etc ,____,_,_____ _ __ ____ 333 appropriation furnnnnmter resident and for additional employees .. . 333 comm -gene .. - . - ... 28,580 for sch cls, Sa nt n 1 C C k for interpreter, legation -.- 29, 581 agencies ...2 j?--?-} . ull?. 333 fo1' £¤¤0}1 Gxpspscs .. . . 37, 589 for subsistence, etc. ; limit of rations _,,_ 333 _ for coping prisoners, etc .. . .. 37, 589 for- manson, Santee Agency, gpc __________ 333 Swrra Lecqe,_ for schools .. . - ._,...,,,____ 334 _¤PP¥g¥¤¤¢1¤¤ for wljlill Mi .. .-. . 35, 587 allowance in lieu of allotments to Flan- Swrra adm Conxiructson Conpany. dreans and Santees of Nebraska 334 may léridge Rio Grande at E1 Paso, 009 for Igfents tolSionx argl Poncas, South G! ----·----- - · . . .. - ..- " oh, an Nebras a .. 334 may purchase existing bridge 510 doiicienoy appropriation for gu y rt ______ 393 Sights for _Czzpno¢;, 258 64 ¥or subscgtenlco, etc . { W 309 appropua non or .. , 3 I or ben ein. objects .,..,,,_,, _, ,,_____ 399 Signal 0 a Army i allotment to Lower Brulés on Rosebud appmgtionforpayofomcem ;1ongevity 62, 611 I Reservation; selection .. . . . 334 deficiency appropriation for .. . ... -.\. 311 l payment to Rosebuds .,.. . . 334 vacancy in Chief Signal Officer, may be _ Sioux Indiana, Mcdawakauton Band, Minn., filled from grade lower than colo- appropriation for supgrt, etc., of 338 ue .. . . .. .. 611 i Sioux Indiana of Devils ke A2 Dal:., Signal Lights, _ I appropriation for support; etc., of 338 repeal of requirement of collector, etc., Sioux Indmna of South Dakota amlNrbraaI:a, Si I 0; ;`u1;1s`h . t { .. . 69 1 i approprgrgonl fozlpgiment to, in lieu of 334 gm a Dqurr men _ p s no p .. appropriation for clerks, etc .. - . 162, 561 g Sioux Indiana, Yankton Iiibe, ¤ Signal Service, Arfiny, 68 617 ; apprppriation for Ifitgnlling treaty with. .. 334 a propriation or expenses .. .. . . [ proc amation ope gtoeutry lands coded dgiioiency appropriation for transporta- , 3m g bg; ... . . . . ,... . 865 tion ... - ... ... . j Sioux Out oak for military telegraph lines.. . .-.. 307, 311 { appropriatioii for paying certain losses . .. 344 detail of enlisted men for instruction. 617 3 Siamcm Agency, Iaaia, SEM: Agency Or . { appropriation or I1 inn agent ut 323 approprintion gx! Indian agent at . 323 { Sioccton Indian, far su ort etc. of Indians of .. 338 ‘ appropriation for fnliillin treat with. -. 335 PP i » I PP P K I Siletz Indian Reservation, for nterest, to be paid per capita .. 340 pmelnmation opening to entry Lands on, * payment of annual interest due . ,,,_, 292 ceded by Alsea, etc., Indians . -. . 866 4 Situ for Fortyicationa and Coast Dqfensea, Silctz River, Oreg., appropriation for .. . ... 257, 641 reliminary examination of to be made-- . 238 , Sitka Alaska Sifiver, ’ _ _ proclamation reserving lands iu, to Grecointemationol conference to secure hxxty Russian Church .. -- .. . . 883 of ratio between gold and, author- Siuelaw River, Greg., Sd mgm-ip, ji, ,,,. -. . .. . . . . .. .. . 624 Sappropriation for improvement of mouth- 233 · _ '_ py, was imo ogdnonds by; validated .. 488 appropriation for consul at .. 35, 587 Silver Coin, Si.1: Nations Indians of New York, appropriation fogrtrnznspoftation .. --.. g Skazprgpriatign ifi- fultilling treaty with ..., 333 r r coina e ac ionn it incr as ., eletioiedey agpiopriatiou for trsuspcrta· 19 S’i;n·vH· ogg:-ecte# -;. . ,. . 243 t.' n .,..., - al as n ian: as . for 1;eEoi;ia.§o, fractional . ... 19 g Slapplfpprztion for support, etc., of. . . . . 338 Sinn: . . * aug ar wry deioiengyfdaiipropdahou for, Ford’s Thea- 274Slpen?`;-»ndingeased:’:.. E., ., . ... .. 813 1;;,;- inane; . .. . , are a e, ureau or epreseing Simms, William E., 1 appropriation for contribution L --.- 32, 583 political disabilities removed . 821 { Snalqpoc, Simpama, George T., _ _ ; appropriation for preventing, etc., epideiioieney appropriation for surveying 291 3 demic .. - .. 432