Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1039

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1016 INDEX. Washiugtotfs Birthplace, Va., Page- Weather Boreau—C0ntinued. _ _ Puguappropriation for watchman in care of appropnation for penalty for issuing false monument, gte ,,.,... --. . 164, 563 fo!‘008Sii§, 0130 -·-·- - · ; -·—· ; ---· - -·-·- 108 Water Boundary, Mexican, weather signals on mail trains . . .. 108 convention extending convention ono year. 841 forprinting and binding .. . . . . . 4=>3 further extending convention .. - . .. 857 dehcienoy appropriation for J . S. Watson . . 299 · Water Department, D. C. (see also Washington for expenses . - - - · 310, 312 Aqueduct),. _ Webb, Henry A., _ appropriation for salaries; revenue and in- payment to heirs oi, for stolen bonds . 791 spsotion branch .. . ... 412, 684 Webb, James W., for distribution branch ,,__,,..,.. 412,684 deiciency appropriation for, Ford’s Theafor contingent expenses, fuel, etc . 412, 684 I ter disaster 274 for interest and sinking fund,water-stock * Webber, Betsey J. (mother), , bonds ____ ,,, , , ..,,, _ , 413, 684 pension .. . . . . . ... 810 for interest, increasing water supply.. 413,684 ‘ Weclel, Anna (widow), for sinking fund, increasing water sup- I pension 1I1ct08E6d . .. . . . . . 775 ply _,,______, . . .-., . . 413,684 Weights and Meamtres, D. C., for intorost,48.inehnndlrourteenth-street penalty for using uusealed, etc . . . 75 mains ____ , ,,_. . ,. . 413 I Weights and Measures, D. C., Sealer of, for high-sei-vice system ._. 413, 684 _ appropriation for salaries, office of . 394, 667 deficiency appropriation for expenses. 283 Weights and Measures, In ternattonal Bureau of, Water Supply of the United States, I appropriation for contribution . . 31, 582 appropriation for gauging, ctc .. 104,436 1 Weights and Measures, International Commitor printing reports on; distribution 453 1 tee on, Wateree River, S. C., [ appropriation for attendance of American appropriation for improvement of . 220member - .. 553 Waterhouse, Ezra L., i Weil, Benjamin, released hom liability as surety on bond of { deficiency appropriation for expenses suit Neil Hepburn - . 756 I against . ... 296 Watertown Arsenal, Mass., i Weimar, appropriation for enlarging gum-carriage appropriation for consul at. .. . .. 34, 586 plant . . -. 259,643Weirer, Charlotte (widow), for rebuildin wharf . . . 259 i pension increased . - ... ... 829 for foundry shed, etc .. -- ... 643 Wellone, Elizabeth (widow), for testing machine, expenses .. 438 I pension increased .. . . .-,. 823 for impact testing machine ; condition., 439 Wells, Chester, Wotervtiet Arsenal, N. Y., appointment as assistant engineer, Navy, appropriation for water service, improve- authorized- . - . . ,-.. 468 ments, etc - 259 Welton, Charlotte A. (widow), for fire protection ... . .. 439 I Wpension increased ,..,_. , ,_,,,._,,__,,,,__ 770 for new machinery, etc . --.. 643 , est Braddock Bridge Company, for improving grounds, etc . 613 I time extended for bridging Monongaholn for repairs to sea wall .. 614 i River, Allegheny County, Pa ,,..,., 535 Watkins, M. F., West Galveston Bay, Tex., dehciency appropriation for widow .. . 301 * appropriation for improvement of channel. 209 Watson, George W., i West, Joseph R., title tolan , square 996, Wlasliington, D. C., l Wpension increased ... . 743 released to .. . . . 804 ! est Point, N. Y. (eee Military Academy). Watsoa, J. S., Westerly, B. I., deficiency argnropriation for loss of boat.. 299 condemned cannon, etc., donated Grand Watt, A., and . A. Mitchell, Army post at .. . ... 133 deiicieney appropriation for reimburse- Western Shoshone Agency, Nev., ¤\•¤|t .--. . ...---- - ·-.·.·... .-.. 267 appropriation for Indian agent nt ,,,, _ __ _ 323 Waueop, Abraham O., Westport, Conn., granted honorable discharge . 780 . appropriation for improvement of 1m,r1,m·_ 204 Waukegan, I ll., _ Weymouth Back River, Mase., appropriation for improvement of harbor. 210 j survey of, directed _ ,,___ _ ________________ 240 Way, 4MM6G M-, 8% » Weymouth Rirer, Mass., nsion . . . ... L ‘ appropriation for im rovemo ____ ____ Wg;, etc., Letters, Postal Serrice,Wl3E1e!? leooe H., P at of 215 appropriation for . ... . . 316, 647nsion increased ,,,_______ __ ____________ m Weather Bycrqou, _ · Wlhippte, William R., ' ¤PPl'0Pl‘l¤l7l9ll fol' ¤¤l¤·l'l€¤ ;··· --··--·--- -- 107 deficiency appropriation for services ______ 29] for fuel,_hghts, and repairs .. . .. 108 77'hite, Armindo (widow), for 00¤¢1¤tZ¤¤¢ 6XP9¤¤6¤ ---- - --- 108 ¤ pension; condition .,__ _ __________ ____ ____ 766 for salaries of officials outside of Wash- _ White, Corbin and Company, lll8W0i! ---~-----·--------------- -.- - 108 deficiency approprintion f ______________ for allotherexpeuses, maps, bulletins, etc 108 White Earth Aggie; Mami,, or 271 fol` l7l'¤¤¤P0l't3l7l0llt °t'?· ------------- ·- · - 108 Q appropriation for Indian agent gt ____ ____ 333 for lustrumerts ····-·-··.. . 108 F White Earth Indian 1mm-ug;,,,,, M;,,,," for tologronluugt oio --·- - -------------- 108 i time extended for right of way Duluth Mui for rents; coast telegraph lines, etc , 108 j \Vinuipgg Railroad ____ L ______ ____ 702 for flood reportsloto »»·------.. 108 * Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Mouitobo for storm, etc., signals .. . .. 108 j Railway _______________ _________ 592 for cotton, corn, and wheat observations- 108 ‘ White House (see Executive Mansion). gor plerial observations .. . . . 108 White Luke, Mich., or urricane reports .. . . . .. 108 2 appropriation for im rovement of harbor. for supplies: . _ _ ... . .. 108 l White, Melim 13, (widow!;, 2u f°rGIImiItC IHvCBtIgut}0nS,OtG.• ...- i pqusigu increased________________________