Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/192

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162 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C1-1. 252. 1896. of his State, under such regulations as the Secretary of War may pre~ scribe, at the expense of such State. 0tgdJ¤¤¤¤-G¤¤¤r¤1’¤ Ormcn or rim AnJnrimr-Gmmnn.: For chief clerk, two thou- °°' sand dollars; twelve clerks of class four; fourteen clerks of class three; thirteen clerks of class two; fifty-eight clerks of class one; seven clerks, at one thouslanld dollartscelach; four rgesscnglersé e§hteenHzit‘ssistantt11nes~ sengers an ree wa men- in a one un re ant y-nine ousand two hundred and eightvdollard I¤¤r¢¤¤>r·G¤¤¤¤1'» Ormcn on cum INSPECTOB—GENEBAL! For one clerk of class four ; Om"' two clerks of class three; three clerks of class two; two clerks of class one one ilnessengier; (and cgiedassistant messenger; in all, thirteen thou— san one un re an six dollars. Gj,];§_§g;,#,},*_§jf°““· Orrron or rim JUDGE-Anvooxm-GENERAL: For chief clerk, two thousand dollars; two clerks of class three; one clerk of class two; three clerks of class one; one clerk, one thousand dollars; one copyist; one messenger and one assistant messenger; in all, thirteen thousand six hun r an sixty dollars. SMI 0****- SIGNAL OFFICE: For one clerk of class four; two clerks of class one; one messenger; one laborer; in all, five thousand seven hundred dollars. "j2,9g{;g,’é·;f¤¤*·G¤¤· OFFICE or rms: Qnxnrnnmsrun-GENERAL: For chief clerk, two thousaantdldollafs eleyen cleréks oftclass four; giline clerks of class three; twen y- ree c er s o wo· irty-nine erks of class one· eight clerks, at cane thousand dollars,each; six skilled typewriters,aat due thousand ollars each-. female messenger four hundred and ei h dollars; four messengdrs; nine assistant ’messengers; two laborgerg; civil engineerihone thlogsanfli gmndred dollars; assistant civil engineer one thousand wo an dollars; draftsman one thousand gight huhdredtdolllarls; assistant drattlsman, olue tlxousarid six hundred o ars- assis r an one thousand four hundred dollarsassistant draftsman, one thouhand two hundred dollars; experienced buildegdanclnlmechanic, two thousand five hundred dollars; in all, one hundr an Hhy-two thousand three hundred and forty dollars. er$ggj;¤*¥·G·¤· Orman or run Commssanv-GENERAL: For chief clerk, two thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; three clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; fourteen clerks of class one; nine clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two assistant messengers; and two laborers; in a orty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. 0§,;;s*··¤·G¤¤»r¤'¤ Orivron or rmi: SURGEON—GENERAL1 For chief clerk, two thousand dollars; fouxiteen clerks of class four; eleven clerks of class three; twenty-six c erks of class two- twenty-ninc clerks of l · ii clerks, at one thousand dollars each; anatomist, onec tiilduggiid si; hnndreddollars; engineer, one thousand four hundred dollars; assist- SEStil?€.‘;'Z‘i.2:..f§‘0L‘2£‘{.f,,{Z‘§f.°£i .f2}li‘2.r§‘“2‘€‘$2‘f$‘.,"°Y°2S; J"'° "‘°“‘°“i · ~· : r llSrlS an messen · th)rf¢cLwtatcli1nen;,siilpernitelnslent thugcthig (zkirmyl ligedical Muggdhi .• irary wo umre an y oars· veaorer·l.`t two thousand, and eightyeight dollars; princiipal assistan€’li(hi·;I;i$n: tlvl;·(l;({l;;>(;1s(agi]daa;i(l el;g’ht)y-eightcclollars pathologist, tonic thiousgmd eight _ _ _· r scopis one thousand cig un d ll · alssisltarét lilérarian, one thousrind eight hundred dollars;miii aii, {ddd ’ fift - th li i - ' .,$,;»;··— ¤~·»r nera “3F§‘iC€‘LF t¥E°‘i¥iY§i‘Z2T§1.‘£¥§N};‘i‘§‘,I'f§‘ §I?§‘$.?§¥ciLi£°£$?§Ssi.0., ` sand dollars; five clerks of class tour; five clerks of class three- seven clerks of class two; two clerks of class one; one assistant messenger U d ( fh four laborers; in all, rhirty-four thousand five hundred and sixtydollars,

  • ¤=·¤"* ’ "ca Orrrcn or run Crum? or Onnnnmcia: F l ‘ if ·l k t th I

dollars; two clerks of class four; two clerksloii}ii1s(s(iIhree`;(two0i:1;e:i*Ik(; of class two; twenty clerks of class one ; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two messengers; one assistant messenger- one laborerin all. forty-one thousand six hundred and sixty dollars. , ’ H¤¤i¤··~r0¢H·:¤· Orman or run Cmmv or Euoirmsns: For chiefclerk, two thou. sand dollars; four clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; two clerks of class two: three clerks of class one; one clerk, one thousand